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Everything posted by drogun

  1. Also really want a red bound bow, same bound bow but red instead of blue flames. Have it game power for each human killed (like that dlc bow bow of the stag prince but for humans instead of animals), and absorb health and blot out the sun.
  2. Either this or a stealth wolf mod. Mages have the uber mage form vamp lord, warrior's have the uber fighting wolf, Stealth guys have nothing.
  3. So i have been watching teen wolf lately. And its got me thinking that id love some more benefits while playing as a ware wolf but in human form, Id like some wild feral like unarmed combat with bonus damage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dNjSFyrFEA Watch a clip of this fight to get a idea of what i mean. Also having a full warewolf race that looks like that would be great.
  4. They will let you mod the UI. Much in the same way as you can in warcraft. I however have a theory. I’m not sure if you have ever played team fortress or dota, But the dev allow moders to make in game vanity items and sell them to other players in a micro transaction store. I think that is going to be the business model for the elder scrolls online, revenue sharing with moders. Could then import pc elder scrolls online armor and so on into xbox and ps4 dlc markets. Also i expect some one will rip the guts out of the online game and turn into a single player game on private server's and let it be moded that way. But what ever happens its gonna be a lot more limited than skyrim. I still think its gonna great anyway. p.s who cares about dragons, morrowind and oblivion didnt have dragons and both were better games than skyrim, if the animations and graphics were updated to skyrim level they still would be better today.
  5. The enchantment effect on this shield is fantastic I’m trying to transfer the enchantment onto the targe of the blooded. I have found a few mods that let me disenchant the shield, however once i have the enchantment in my enchantment list I cannot place the enchantment onto any other shield. So this is a mod request. Can someone mod the enchant onto targe of the blooded. Or fix the Auriel's Shield enchantment to let me place it on other shields. I have tried multiple enchanting mods like http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8065 none of them are helping.
  6. Nope that does not do it. Wont allow me to take the enchant from glass bow of the stag prince.
  7. There is a bow called glass bow of the stag prince in the dragon borne dlc. Id like the enchant on the bow put onto a simple hunter's bow. Or even the ability to enchant any bow id like with the hunter enchant. If there is a mod already available that lets you remove transfer the unique enchants from the dlc's i have yet to find it :-(
  8. check this legacy of kain oblivions mod out, it was never finished but it was looking great. I think he ripped the animations and model from legacy of kain defience witch is a old xbox game.. some one can do better with a unique texture in 2012 im sure.
  9. Id like a stealth based Vampire lord mod. Remove the wings from the current vampire lord. Add more claw attacks. Add claw kill animiation ( fist threw chest pull out heart). Sneak animation some kind of summon bow ability usable in vamp lord form. Sneak feed (that kills) bonus to sneak and sneak attack damage. Perhaps add a new vampire assassin guild their was is lore added in the oblivion vile lair dlc that spoke of a vampire splinter faction that broke away from the dark brother hood (the scarlet something). As a 100% stealth dagger / bow guy, i find it anoying that warriors have a ware wolf option and now mages have a vamp lord option.. We need a stealth Form.
  10. Ok so its clear that the new vampire lord is a mage. I was really hoping for some epic vampire stealth action, I request that after dawn guard somebody mod the vampire lord remove his wings give it a stealth perk tree. Rename it vampire stalker and give it some new ability's - like summon bound blood bow (red version of bound bow). New stealth kill animations claws and neck bites. and so on. Warriors can be ware wolves, Mages can be Vamp lord, Wont somebody please think of the assassins >.<
  11. Their are a few good versions of the blade on oblivion nexus some one could port it over if they get permission.
  12. Climb up walls and enter buildings threw windows. via some kind rope or just plain climb animation it could be done in the elder scrolls 2 id like to see it in skyrim.
  13. It doesn't matter if their is profit. The amount of pirating pushing the console profits far beyond that of the PC. So i ask you should they work to make gear a game towards the console and the people that buy the game honestly, Or put their time into making the game better for thieves who steal their master peace that took them tens of thousands of man hours to make.
  14. The reason they do more for consoles is pc gaming is being destroyed by people pirating the games, If Pc games weren't being raped by sites like *not allowed* and people went out and spent the money on the games then developers would do allot more to please pc gamers. why spend the time helping pc gamers when a large chunk of the pc player base are going to steal their hard work? I don't blame them for leaning towards console users. I blame the pirates and at the end of the day pc elder scrolls players have the best deal because they get mods. We don't deserve more love than console users we should count our selves lucky that despite being riddled with the cancer of game thieves they bother making us games at all. look at it *link removed* takes around 4 hours to download the game. Between 4-10k downloading at any one time more if you do the math since the 11th of November more pc gamers have stolen the game than paid for it. and thats just one link on torrent on one site. So be thankful that bethesda still gives to craps about us at all. Don't link to pirate sites... it's not helping anyone but the pirates by doing that - TVD.
  15. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2445 and its done. see it doesn't take a kit or a master modder like jayssus. Just a good moder and a hour or so of work. thank you Sundracon your my hero
  16. with out the kit i have seen. new items like the weapons from. JaySuS - fantastic work old items cut up and pasted together to make new sets like http://static.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/images/2384-2-1322857183.jpg so surely making the female mask mesh fit a male head would not need the kit.
  17. I know it will be a long time until a mod like this could be made but one day im hoping for.. A quest after completing the DB quest line. That would involve the night mother sending you a quest to collect artefacts to use in a ritual to resurrect Lucien Lachance who could become a real companion afterwards. Their is allot of Lucien Lachance voice acting in skyrim and oblivion to make him a good companion. o pahaps we could get real technical where once he is resurrected he double crosses you and stabs you in the back in a cut scene and takes your place as listener (at the night mothers request puts you in a coffin next to her as her new husband) .... and from that point on you play as Lucien Lachance he could be resurrected as a Draugr or a hi rez human retexture of his ghost form
  18. Im stumped as to why no one has fixed it yet. the mask doesn't show up on male dark brother hood members. i was expecting it to be one of the first things fixed.
  19. A mod that added the following Master thief. lets you clime buildings with some kind of grappling hook enter threw windows. poison people's food. (they would drop dead 4-5 hours after you poisoned food in their home. a black jack that knocks people out with killing them via a sneak attack. ability to drag some one to a container and hide their corpse in it. one handed cross bows. like a more advanced thieves tools mod from oblivion
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