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Everything posted by aceistheman

  1. i don't think i deserve to get eaten over what i did D:
  2. thats terrifying. what is that? xD
  3. because you're too cool to respond, of course.
  4. hey jazz, |

    ignore my posts V

  5. Alias Theory started it! :O
  6. You're welcome for telling you the truth. :P
  7. Killing Muties
    1. BlueDanube


      interesting hobby you got there.
    2. aceistheman


      it's not a hobby, more like trying to survive ^__^
    3. AliasTheory


      aceistheman is a prety cool guy. he kills muties n isn't afraid of anything /meme
  8. You're not a n00blet! hahah.
  9. very friendly. kind of eerie. xD

    you both have great shots, don't get yourself down.

    (better than mine)

  10. lol i have. i made Blue wait to be my friend though. *evil laugh*
  11. i will pretend that smilie is cute because i don't know what it is doing, and i'm kinda terrified of it. o__0
  12. passing through, friend. xD
  13. now who is the one that is peeking? ^.^
  14. why yes it is. i figured taking a picture with a real gun was too badass! ;D
  15. I keep thinking i post these comments but i don't. >.<

    I really don't talk about myself much.. lol.

  16. Who better to talk about than yourself?? thats not a bad thing. okay maybe it could be. :D
  17. your about me is very informative,

    i didn't get half way done and i felt the need to respond. I wasn't aware that people actually commented on these! silly me. (i was secretly hoping there were) So its nice to see some comments coming in! Also, it is an airsoft p90 and quite a funny story about your brother! *ramble ramble*.

  18. you're welcome. hahah.

    nice to meet new people!

  19. i saw you talking to Zombie so i dropped in for a bit. (:
  20. Got caught. Never checking out someone else's profile again!
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. aceistheman


      not yet, you're too willing!
    3. BlueDanube


      wonder who caught you.must be some pretty cool guy.
    4. aceistheman


      i can't remember, but i'm sure they are. ;D
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