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Everything posted by frostbyte2015

  1. a web site that works as intended. I just bought a new gaming computer. loading it up. installing my games....oh wait. nexus and nmm dont work any more. nice.
  2. A pop up when you first open the Game and it tells you that, MCM, SKUI and the rest of the SKUI dependent mods are working. I do not know what the official term for it is. Said, To Remove the "Unofficial Skyrim Patch". But the rest of the Dragonborn, Dawnguard, Hearthfire Patches say they need it. The Page says "Skyrim Patch" is no longer supported. To use the "Legendary Patch". But, the others do not recognize it. And you cant put it above them in the Load Order. NMM willnot let you.
  3. OK. I am playing skyrim again till the creation kit is released for Fallout4. Any way, I was updating some files and fired up the Game. (Skyrim) The first mesage I get is to remove the "Unofficial Skyrim Patch" That it will damage the game. OK. kill the game. Go through and find a new "Legendary Patch" that is suppose to replace it. Now my game CTD on load screen. Now the "Legendary Patch" is missing. So whats correct?
  4. I check every time after I change something in NMM. But it WILL turn OFF all my mods at random. Well most of the time it does. Is there any know issues or fixes? This really starting to be a pain in the a$$. Thanks!
  5. As of 1/4/16, and updated. NMM for: Fall Out 4. Keeps turning "OFF" all my mods at random!!! It is really becoming quit a pain in the A%$. Is there anything that can be done?
  6. I hope this is right place to ask this question. Sorry if I an on the wrong Forums page. I was down loading a mod (Legendary Difficulty Adjusted). and was following the "Recommended " mods that go with it. (I run into this a few times before), the Page comes up.. "you do not have required Permissions to perform this action". How do I get these permissions??? Or is the file simply gone or been removed??? thanks
  7. I took a chance. Bought the "Support Member" pack for $2.00 bucks! Wish I would have done it long Ago!!!! You folks need to tell people that this is THE fix for AD issues and the problems that go with them. Have a nice day! I sure will!
  8. The problem is the "Ad" it self. There are 2 in every window. they never load completely so it causes the Browser (Explorer or Mozilla) to freeze and wait. sometime several minutes. Then if the AD changes in the middle of a download, sometimes it corrupts the files of freezes altogether. then you have shut NMM down restart and do it all over again.
  9. Oh, and you are correct about the Win10 BS. I have Win7HomePrem. and will keep it until It is no longer supported. and maybe longer. or switch to something else. NOT Win10.
  10. Thanks for the response. I was thinking of buy into the "Site Supporter". But unless I can get some to tell me it will help, I'm NOT spending a red cent! I see a lot of people saying how slow this site is. And the lagging out, freezes, slow downs, corrupted files..... Are driving me Mad!!! I am hard wired to 100Mg. high speed. A very fast powerful computer.....and the Site is Garbage. I LOVE Skyrim!!! That is the ONLY reason I even deal with the nonsense.
  11. No. now it is a matter of principle. these ads are BS! You do not need to bombard our computer with ad spam. even on the free" server. throttle download speeds ...ok. some ads.. if you must. but is now out of control. making the site almost useless.
  12. I go to a Mod page, any page just change the page. the screen freezes while the retarded ad tries to load. no one buys this crap. but after 2,000 or so page views looking at stuff I'm ready to throw my computer out the window. If you think I'm going to buy Prem. account because of this... Well now it's just the principle of the matter. I would not mind the ads if they would just LOAD! and be seamless.
  13. If this site was just a little bit Slower.... Well nothing could get down loaded. For Me. this is the Slowest, Almost unusable Site o the web. And its too bad. Because there is Lots of Good stuff on this Site. But again the site it Self is almost Worthless. I donate a few bucks here and there to the Modders. So I Am NOT going to buy Prem. site time. If I was a Modder, looking for donations on this Site I would get Pissed off at the results. Ban Me if you must, but this Site Sucks.
  14. Well I know you want to pump these retarded adds down our throats, If You throttle back the down load speed a little more you will be getting stuff off my computer.
  15. Soooo..... The site has decided to let me down load skyrim game files. what's going on???
  16. I just hope that it will inspire, New and Old groups of mod Authors to get to work and create some truly Spectacular mods! I am Very Much looking forward to getting it and seeing where it goes.
  17. I just recently came back to Fallout NV. And it looks like non of the mods have been updated in a long time. Since all this updating of NMM I have had nothing but issues! Skyrim as well. Anyway, I am unable to get the "Project Nevada Patches" to install with NMM. And get CTD without them. Anyone have any idea's??? Beyond just running the Vanilla game.
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