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Everything posted by ermacos

  1. I am in the process of upgrading my rig to play the game and I watched several hours of gameplay and shipyard builder. I ve noticed the layers inside the ships communicate with a ladder and give me the feel of a submarine and not a sci-fi spaceship that travels at the speed of light. Is it possible to create a mod with a room that looks like an elevator, click buttons (desired layer) and teleport there with a small sound like an elevator, many games have that kind of transition, swtor, mass effect, etc.
  2. I am in the process to upgrade my old gpu (GTX 780) with a new one and I have decided after a long research for an RTX 4070 12g . I also do photography and I use some adobe's and of course I play video games. Starfield and power consumption is a couple of the reasons I am upgrading, and I also believe its a good thing for my rig as well, no more bottleneck (I have an AMD 5600X with 32gigs of rams at 3600 by crucial). I always invest into built quality stuff, so even if I have access into MSI, Gigabyte, GAINWARD, PALIT, ZOTAC and ASUS brands. I decided to buy a gainward or palit version of the 4070. The reason is the after-sale service and customer support in a combination with built quality. I read allot about MSI shady things, cheap gigabyte and zotac and lately not many good things for ASUS as well. What is your opinion and, I have no prev experience with palit or gainward (I know it is the same company), in which vesion of RTX4070 should I invest my money. They have many models, phantom, jetstream, ghost, etc etc
  3. take notice that I am dyslexic. Character creator I give it 3 A's (AAA). I love to spend lots of time creating my character and not something totally premade and ends up the same faces for all my characters (eg SWTOR). So I love this game because of the character creator. I uploaded 2 videos already about it, I provide with links from my utube. My videos Female Breton character creation http://youtu.be/UwTyGs7nM0M Male Redguard character creation http://youtu.be/zNeT7w1WzEs Graphics In my compuer runs with 40-100 fps at ULTRA settings. Its smooth, only few areas I experience some dramatic frame drops, but these areas are very few. The in game world is beautiful, only some areas are not well made, as an example, small grass clifs, are like flat polygons. But these can be improved in times. I love the sun effects, the waters, the weather effects, fog, etc. Textures are fine... Animations I believe the game have some difficulties there. The way the character runs is funny, or when I jump into the air, its more like falling from a tower and it gives you the feel that your character is like a feather!! You feel no weight in your characters movements... Skyrim is better in that one! I also provide a 10 seconds video, of how it looks, if someone gets a mount (horse). The horse is moving funny!! You have to fix these things. Looking at a mounted player looks cheesy the way he moves http://youtu.be/jTDKg8ATQhY Combat system The first thing I notice is the luck of choosing my spells with the mouse. I have to use both, keyboard for the spells and mouse for moving and rotating all the time. I know that they want to keep the elder schrolish thing, but they could give some more free to our control experience. To choose. Questing Some quests gave me the creeps, the indicator is buggy in many of them and the rewards are not very good. Some more quests choices would due. Quest rewards give you some gold and each kill gives you 1 gold?! They have to fix that... random gold drops from kills, not 1 per kill. Other bugs Minimizing the game is a problem, it's not working properly and sometimes not working at all. Shadowplay for NVIDIA gpus, is not working. No mini map! we have to stop and check all time the map by pressing M button. No information given what we loot from our kills, if we have AUTOLOOT selected, we have to open our bags and check. The game have lots of things to kill, explore and loot, but the bag space and the bank space, are limited. We need more merchants in the quest take/give areas, because we also need to repair! Some areas didnt have at all, only major cities and villages. Things and features, that I have a bad feeling about. instead of AH we have guild stores and we can join up to 5 guilds (?). I believe that this will shrink and destroy smaller guilds. 1) A player will join a populated guild with the most active people, be able to trade 2) A guild will try to coop with equal or bigger guilds to make their members more satisfied... So I believe it will end up being a fiasco and thousands will start complaining in the ESO forums. This feature will bring up "super guilds" or no guilds at all. Mega servers may be convinient, but naming our characters will be a huge issue from the first week! Marriege between players to get more experience. I believe its a bad feature and it gives wrong example and values of an action such as marriege between 2 indeviduals, especially the kids. Only to have more xp... I would suggest them to allow us marry an NPC instead and use it as a merchant (read bellow). Than a real person/friend. Some suggestions Suggestion 1 The idea is to hire services from major towns. An NPC merchant to sell our stuff across all alliances... You can place your items for sale to them, with YOUR desired price and your desired amount of time, you send it out and the NPC spawns in populated areas as (our) personal merchant/shop. This could also be limited by the amount of items we are about to sale. For example, we cannot send out our merchants with 5-10 items, we must gather a respectable amount of resources and items, be able to hire it. This merchant could be our spouse! Instead marrying a real person. That could be good, for selling your stuff into other alliances!... When and if they implement houses/towers/castles for guilds and players, we could have our own NPC's doing that job... I personally highly support the idea of a hireling, especially when we get our housing, mostly for services (such as selling our stuff). ps: Thats why we also need a better system for tracking npc's in world MAP, so we can track down NPC's with services. That would also make the world more alive, because there is no traveling merchants anyways. Suggestion 2 I would suggest them to make the feature housing more spicy, than a just plain house, because just a house, sounds and is boring. And bellow is how I imagine it and want it to be. Housing for guilds and individuals. Castles for guilds and towers for individuals. 1) to be obtained/created : needs lots of mini quests, farming materials and gold. Shapes and sizes of castles and towers, may vary. Each time we save a village or a town, we can have access to that. 2) Be able to hire "hirelings" as a personal army or guards inside our keep's, totally modifiable, be able to add defensive systems (traps) inside our keep's and through missions be able to add mythical or rare beasts in specific floor/rooms/cages (the reason explained bellow), the treasure maps could be a good use for it! Also the hirelings, can be modified and dress them with the desired tiers and emblems. 3) The keep's can be used for resting, accommodate a friend, vendors, etc. 4) Be able to use the keep's as a DUNGEON. If another guild or group of people, wants to challenge me, in a unique experience (4 man for towers or 24 man for castles), through an invite or queue system, they will have to face my armies, beasts and tower or castle defenses. If I accept the chalenge ofcourse. (that means, both have to enter in the queue, the host and the intruder). 5) to be potentially for both sides to win. If I am good enough and I have strong defenses inside my tower or castle, I win rewards and titles and respect from my hirelings. If they win my defenses (with a timer maybe for small towers), they get all rewards. The towers and castles to have a dynamic system of getting damage and me (the owner) if I lose, I have to repair, replace all the damages with lots of gold and finding other hirelings. 6) that idea gives you enormous amount of dungeons, without even needed to create them!! The players do. Also the difficulty will vary from a keep-to another keep. 7) the castles, as a more complicated and bigger dungeon, can hold more surprises compared to the towers. The final boss could be a (24v24 pvp arena!!) guild vs guild. And whoever stands alive - last, wins. I hope you liked the features I want to see in game...
  4. i am dyslexic so i couldn't read all of it, so you need a ready solution? or custom built. Already solution is about 50%+ more expensive and some parts from the ready solutions are to stock out the specific product.. lol I would suggest you to find a person that you have close to your family and who knows how to do it. So you can get custom parts. I dont know if you prefer NVIDIA or AMD, but AMD at this point have better offers in their GPUs. But they are HOT. even the custom solutions are getting HOT. But Nvidia is going to release their next gpus near October and November!!! The witcher 3 will be a promotion for the new Nvidia GPUs at that time. Because it uses new Physx. I personally got a gtx780 and I am very happy, i may sli it. I run everything current at highest settings and at very high fps. for someone who looks NOW to get a new gpu, I would suggest him to wait till Octomber... But you need a whole built... so at this point : Nvidia runs cooler, less power consumption and 5-10% less fps than AMD (GTX 780 ti excluded because the TI version is superb), Nvidia has better SLI, gsync, physx and many other new fx extensions, plus CUDA. AMD have more computing gpu power, 5-10% better performance in many games, and the low end AMD gpus are used for BIT COINS. But the high end AMD gpus are HOT and the so called MANTLE is postponed, nobody knows if it will perform, when and if it comes.. (they are also cheaper). But they consume more electricity. I give you an example... my ASUS gtx780 consumes 225watt at stress, runs at 64c, while the AMD r9 290 - 290x, consume about 50watt more and runs much more hot. Its many things that you have to consider, before you buy something. The idea of me is to sli my gtx780 thats why I choose something that performs really good and consumes less power. Here is some real performance in SWTOR game (the channel and the video is mine), make the video 1080p and fullscreen, so you can look the frames per second. As for skyrim, without mods, my gtx 780 all maxxed out and with old cpu... It runs 140fps!
  5. then gen the 6 core :smile: R4 is a nice case for airflow, but the one I posted makes the difference. You are a youtuber?
  6. can you please tell us the purpose of your built? Are u a modeler, 3d, moding, gaming, video, etc ? Just to understand your need about the 6 core cpu built. If you are just a gamer, are you enthusiast level? ...? Btw, I LOVE THIS pc case... its the only case I ve seen that takes easy, up to 7-8 radiators!!! 2x480 , 2x380 , 4x 240 (and it costs cheap!! 220 $ about that) if you get Z87 motherboard, get the b2 versions (something like that)
  7. happy new year!.. The problem with it so far, I hear allot of performance boost, but I haven't seen any demo comparison... " before and after "... So Oxide game looks nice, but it may run in an NVIDIA better, who knows. When I hear about Mantle demo, I need to see a comparison. Why they delayed mantle? I haven't heard anything about release "yet", it was supposed to be released last month?
  8. I downloaded the GFORCE experience with NVIDIA drivers, that allows you to capture video shadow play... This application does that automatically! it detects all games in your hdd and adds the ideal profile settings depends your graphics card.
  9. check for viruses maybe? Did you modified the skyrimprefs files and ini? Maybe u did something there? Try another game. Also. what about your CPU? Skyrim is cpu limited, because of xbox... If your cpu is strong, your gpu performs at maximum, if its slow, it limits your fps...
  10. this guy loves to show his stuff, even the cauch... hehe I just got my 780 and I am really happy with it, it also got amazing asic...88.8 The Ti is a bit expensive... In the other hand, I dont know what size or shape you wish for it... here is a nice one http://www.silverstonetek.com/product.php?pid=291&area=usa It takes ALL gpu size's, even 7990 and its mini ATX. And this one, is sooo cute... Bitfenix, also can get up to 32cm of gpu! http://www.bitfenix.com/global/en/products/chassis/prodigy/ there is also this one by fractal disign http://www.fractal-design.com/home/product/cases/node-series/node-304-black it can get up to 12' gpu... 31cm.
  11. did u install the latest nvidia drivers? many reported that their performance dropped! they suggest this driver 314.22 and here the link to download them... before u install them, enter safe mode and clean sweap ur prev drivers, also clean ur registry http://www.nvidia.com/object/win8-win7-winvista-64bit-314.22-whql-driver.html because the newer, dropes fps about 60-70!! here is a topic in overclockers. http://forum.overclock3d.net/showthread.php?t=58459
  12. I picked samsumg because of the warranty... I always pick quality over performance. I dont know if the samsumg performance is better, i got attracted by the warranty size. 5 years is more than enough.
  13. I bought a samsung 840 pro 128 gb, only for boot. I use a fast normal hdd for the "program files", but I will use my ssd for antivirus, peripheral drivers, etc. It comes with 5 years warranty. Here is the 256gigs edition http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147193 its the same thing, only more space and more "write" speed. If I wanted to load my games with an ssd, I would use 1 x 128 gigs for boot and 1 x for games and programs.
  14. Ive searched that long ago, if you check amazon reviews, there is a big number of customers that destroyed their gpus ... lol :smile: And you definitely lose your warranty, because this solution is permanent. I may don't have to pick another card, because they said, "they will have it" in one and a half weeks". But till then, the custom solution 290s and 290x's will come. I also learned, that AMD made a restriction/NDA to 3rd companies (asus, msi, gigabyte, etc), not to make custom cooling solutions till middle of December or something. I believe, that was the stupidest think they ever done. So I lifted an NDA to them as well.
  15. my old case is very small, "storm scout" it could fit up to 23.9cm gpus, my gtx480 was touching the walls!! 24.1cm... The new card is 29! The case is the same materials as a haf x... here is the proof and look what it can fit... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opf6nN0ndr0 and in overclockers they have a guide to mod it for a 360 rad... I wanted storm-trooper case, but its out of stock and they will have it again in february!! Because its almost the end of the year and all distributors sell their stocks and clossing their annum logistic books... clearance. After all, haf XM case have amazing reviews and the size is just right. Anyway my final decision came just after I took the offers for the cards... I choose ASUS direct cu2 OC gtx780 , I may change it gain, because its out of stock and asus have limited distribution for this card, as its a custom gpu....If they cannot find it the next following weeks, I may get a custom cooler 290. The new 290s will come in 3 weeks. If that happens, I will get an Asus direct cu2 OC radeon 290 ,
  16. I bought this one few days ago, I am not going for extreme water cooling or watercolling at all, but this case fits without moding a 280 and with some moding, a 360 rad... Max for me is 2 gpus, so I consider this case as the best of its price tag... And I also called the service today and took the big step to name them my final choice... for the gpu :smile: The gpu is 11.2', as a result my old case is away to small for it. Thats why i took something it can fit them all.
  17. I cant get 290 or 290x, its about heat, not computer heat but my house heat.. I will give you an example, at summer times my old gtx 480, produced up to 105c because of room temperatures! I had to run day and night air-condition be able to stay in the room!!! And gtx480 is cooler than 290 or 290x!!! So I cant, its allot of electricity at summer time, just for my gaming! At summer time, we may get up to 40-46c outside and inside about 50c if I run my pc all day (without gaming) If amd tells me that this gpu is 95c, at summer time is going to be like 110c and my room temps will increase up to 60c while gaming! Its extreme. I have experience and I know, its not that I dont like them, it is just to much.
  18. Guys I have an update for my topic, because my distributor today, send me info about the cards, if there is any price difference, etc. Now I have to send them back my final choice and thats it... So here how it goes... GTX 770 by Gigabyte windforce 3x OC - I have to pay 36 euros Asus Radeon 280x Direct CU TOP OC - Its free of charge... 0 I also made a question about gtx 780 by ASUS direct CUii OC - 132 euros So, If I get 770 or 280x, I will buy 1 more card for sli/cf setup. If I get 780, I wont buy a second card, I will stay with a single card solution. So your final verdict is....
  19. dont get g500 I got it, I turned the first in, the second one had the same problem but in a lower rate... It proves to be something about the dpi... It reacts bad in games I dont know why. I loost control of my characters movement in games... it rotates by itself periodically. It works perfect in lower dpi, (eg laptops), but at least in my system, I pass. If you enter logitech webiste, they have user comments in each product and voting system... http://gaming.logitech.com/en-us/gaming-mice g500 got 3 stars out of 5... g400 have 5 out of 5, etc... check it... trust user comments
  20. here it is http://www.techpowerup.com/190493/amd-details-embedded-product-roadmap.html click the second image and check "high performance"... so now they making a 4 core 8 thread cpu, early 2014 (around june) hierofalcon soc.
  21. here it is... today news http://www.pcper.com/reviews/Processors/AMD-Spills-more-Kaveri-Beans-AMD-APU13 A new APU by amd... it sounds promising, again...
  22. I believe that debate helps him, its not bad... Now that AMD made a big attack in the gpu market and NVIDIA caught in the sleep, they may do the same thing in the cpu market, who knows... till then, I personally prefer intel. new consoles carry an amd cpu and gpu = apu, so who knows.. They may give us a new APU soon, equal and/or better than 4770k for 180-200$ The only positive about AMD in the cpu market (and in a personal perspective), is the platform EOL. Their platforms live much much longer and while the intel ones die so fast and discontinued after a year, amd platforms are still there for 2-3-4 years long...
  23. fx8350 can be compared with i5 4670 (fx is better in video applications).... http://www.anandtech.com/bench/product/697?vs=837 but cannot be compared with an i7, not even that close... The only thing fx is better, is when you uncompress a zip file.. http://www.anandtech.com/bench/product/697?vs=836 and let's take a look at the other programs, such as 3d modeling... http://www.anandtech.com/bench/CPU/30 http://www.anandtech.com/bench/CPU/344 http://www.anandtech.com/bench/CPU/42 etc, etc.. so many benchmarks... but we could also check other websites if you wish also photoshop http://www.anandtech.com/bench/CPU/25 I use photoshop allot and amd just cant... I will personally go for 4770k cpu. The platform is still new and Intel will release the new ones, next year same date as today... Let's be honest, if the OP wants a cheap solution, yes - AMD is the way to go, but its good for him to make a research for low consumption APU's, because he may pay more money with electricity bills and one that will not bottleneck. If he can afford some more bucks, INTEL is the way to go. 4770k cpu consumes 130w full load and thats really good! My current cpu consumes at full load about 260-270w, so I gain up to 150w with 50%-200% better performance. Thats what I call upgrade. Iam going for sli/crossfire this time and low consumption is a must for me. http://www.anandtech.com/bench/product/107?vs=836
  24. You're comparing a low-end APU to a high-end Core 2 Duo, then yapping how it performs bad? Now I'm sure you're a fanboy. Why not compare it to FX 8350? No, let's be fair, let's compare CPUs in the same price range, like the FX 8320 versus i3-3240. FX 8320 is a downclocked AMD flagship and A10-6800K is full-budget solution, they both cost the same. A-series are CPU+GPU, and that CPU you linked performs like a high-end Core 2 Quad (a bit slower than FX 4350 and i3 3220), can be overclocked to infinity and beyond due to being fully unlocked (I've seen those go over 5GHz without a problem), and features Radeon 7750/7770-like graphics integrated into the processor dye which can be crossfired with a dedicated video card (like Radeon 7750 and 7770) for additional performance boost. For a low-price budget solution, it's pretty darn good, an i3 can mop the floor with Skyrim and so can any of the AMD FX series and high-end APUs. Bottlenecks? AMD FX bottlenecks a high-end Crossfire/SLI configuration, I'm yet to see it bottleneck a single-card other than 7990/690. The A-series do bottleneck since they're budget CPU/GPU which suffers a bit from the iGPU, but they can also be overclocked like crazy to alleviate the issue and run cool. Power draw (since I know you like to yap about it)? Gaming machines use some 600W and more when we remove CPU power draw, another 40W is irrelevant. And by the way guys, high-end i5s may be budget to you, but that CPU costs nearly as much as my entire PC around here. :blink: Here is a very recent topic in another forum, about my comparison http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/answers/id-1869919/disappointed-gtx-770-installed.html#xtor=EPR-8807 Amd cpus are bad and the only good cpu they got, consumes ALLOT of power, so better dont bother calling me funboy, I think you are the funboy... lol If AMD had good cpus, I would get one myself... but they are far away from it... The newest FX cpu, says its 8 core, but actually can be compared with a 4 core by INTEL... And intel is much better, about 15% in video games. His cpu is somewhat slightly better in single thread executions, but he will still have bottlenecks... Its up to him, he can try it if he can borrow a newer gpu, from a friend 6/7 series of NVIDIA cards and test it... My cpu is not very good as well, for gtx770, I may have bottlenecks and my cpu is i7 870. Look the comparison with my cpu http://www.cpu-world.com/Compare/467/Intel_Core_2_Duo_E8500_vs_Intel_Core_i7_i7-870.html They told me that in overclockers forums.. So I am also trying to upgrade soon as well. Look at the i5 4670k vs my i7 http://www.cpu-world.com/Compare/460/Intel_Core_i5_i5-4670K_vs_Intel_Core_i7_i7-870.html
  25. u need a 3-4gigs gpu for modds, its not only skyrim but also feature games that will support mods. Such us dragon age, fallout 4, etc. But if you get a modern gpu, it will may bottleneck with the cpu. Your cpu cannot handle 6 or 7 series of nvidia gpus. Here is a link of your cpu versus an amd one... The amd one is a bad cpu and it bottlenecks, your cpu is bellow that.. http://www.cpu-world.com/Compare/534/AMD_A10-Series_A10-6800K_vs_Intel_Core_2_Duo_E8500.html I would suggest you to begin with motherboard, cpu and ram... then gpu. In 5-6 months the 8xx series of nvidia gpus coming out. here is my suggestion... for a low budget excelent gaming performance. 1) A z87 motherboard (z87 is the best chipset for gaming in the current gen) and an i5 4670k cpu (if you want more horse power, then go for an I7) and get 8 gigs of ddr3 ram. 2) a gtx 770 or wait for 870
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