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Everything posted by ermacos

  1. my story is real, nothing to lie about... It destroyed 2 corsairs 850w and the service also told me, that it sucked allot of power. At the same time if we google 2900xt, its one of the worst gpus in the history of mankind... It was strong, but it had lots of problems and I didnt knew that. thats the gpu I had.. Anyway, this is an old story.... http://hexus.net/tech/reviews/graphics/9309-asus-vs-asus-geforce-8800-ultra-vs-radeon-hd-2900-xt/?page=2 ps: for a reason the forum in times it gets extremely slow, with lots of errors loading, I dont know why...
  2. when you take hundreds of photographs, you may load up to 20-40-100-300 photos at the same time... Especially when you use "actions" in photoshop, to create a conduct, to make a massive resize in your photos (without having to load 1 by 1 photo), or editing / manipulation / b/w/vanilla, you need allot of ram. Also manipulation of a photograph sucks enormous ram and it freaks out, even with 8 gigs. I could post you a photo I created for a friend, that freaked out my 8 gigs of ram... Original TIFF was about 800mb with all these stuff I did with layers, etc... And I could hardly work with it....
  3. The gpu (2900xt) sucked more power than intended, I didnt knew that in the begining and after a small period of time, the psu's start behaving funny, the voltage of the psu dropped, because it was under stress all the time, as a result to change 2 psus (850watt both) and the last time, the cpu fan stop working!!!! So it burned my cpu also. The cpu fan worked fine without the graphics card!!!! After I lost some hardware , I made a research, to find out WHY this is happening... and it proved to be the graphics card. The graphics card worked fine, but when I loaded games, after some time, the screen was turning blank without signal!! And it turned to be power problem. I send the card in, to check the voltage, and it proved to be a hungry gpu! It needed more than 850w!!! strange but real. i was changing psus like biscuits, the last psu it destroyed was a corsair tx850w.... but thank god, corsair gave me a brand new one. After I changed the graphics card, everything was fine. It took me about 1.2 years to find out whats wrong, because I thought its all about faulty psu's... the victims of my 2900xt : intel q6600, 2 x corsair 850w, 1x gigabyte motherboard and me.
  4. gtx 770 is a gtx680 a bit modified and its cooler than the 280x and lower power consumption.
  5. why gtx680 was faulty? Gtx460 was one of the best cards, they called it as "the queen of OC", why faulty? My experience with Nvidia was more than good, never had to bother with drivers, never experienced glitches or strange graphical problems! When I turned in my gtx480 due to high temps, didn't have any screen problems. The card was fine, the cooler was the problem. In the other hand, I have very bad experience with ATI graphics. I bought 6 years ago, the mythical " 2900xt " by ATI and the following problems, happened in a daily bases : 1) some flickering time to time.. 2) the screen turned black, more like I have no signal and I had to change dvi port from the back of the gpu card. And this happened all the time! 3) lots of problems with graphical glitches, but it was driver problems and I had to install drivers all the time. It also burned me 2 psu's. 1 mobo and 1 cpu... Because I used a 850watt psu, but the card was faulty, it sucked more power than it should be. So the psu couldn't give that power to the whole system and stop working, or the cpu cooler stop working! That's how I lost 1 cpu q6600... Since, I used only NVIDIA without issues... But now they tell me that AMD fixed all these problems and there is no issues.. time will tell, depends the card I will get as a replacement. I am not against AMD and I may give them a second chance... I am not an nvidia fanatic. I just found peace with Nvidia. As for the r9 290 custom cooler : The 290 PCB is the same as the 280x? 290 is bigger than 280x!! How is it possible to have so low temps if they trully did that, lower than the 280x? Newegg said, that they contacted AMD stuff about the hot gpus and they told them, 290x and 290 are designed to work at these temps... Time will tell. Even though, they consume about 400watts, its allot. I think this guy who said that, tries to comfort the potential customers and make them wait....Because if he trully did that, why they didnt post some photos and some new tests! because if a 290 works at 62c, the performance increase dramatically! Because all new gpus, have a gpu boost inside them and if the gpu is cool, it performes more and better. I cant wait for custom cooler for 290's even if that is true. Because I turned in my card, its being decided to exchange my card with one of my choice and I cant tell them " wait a couple of months, till the new gpus come". Its a replacement ...
  6. I agree, I comfirm that from GTX480 that is cooler than these!!! The only problem is summer time! You cant even turn the pc on. gtx480 at winter about 90c and at summer 100-1005c. When we move in Russia, Greenland, frozen Canada, etc... Its a good deal.
  7. when I bought my gtx480, AMD made a funny video to ditch my baby gtx480... So I hated them since... Here is the video Now its time for revenge... :pirate:
  8. look at that http://www.anandtech.com/show/7481/the-amd-radeon-r9-290-review/15 and that http://www.techspot.com/review/736-amd-radeon-r9-290/page8.html In video gaming is about 380 stock clocks. I made a mistake with the prev comment, but its still very high. My old gpu is gtx480, very power hungry, but these cards (gtx780, 290x, 290) does not give you the chance for crossfire or sli or its extremly expensive!!! Look at this http://www.guru3d.com/articles_pages/radeon_r9_290_review_benchmarks,10.html How much it costs you, if you play 4 hours per day and 5 days per week for a year. Gamers play more than that... And here is an extreme measure of power consumption! http://www.legitreviews.com/amd-radeon-r9-290-4gb-video-card-review_127216/12 As u can see, its not about the what the box says, but in real performance. GTX480 said 280 or something, but it used up to 450... 290 and 290x reminds me FERMI and they have 65db of noise!! Louder than my sound system (kidding). As I said, these cards are good for solo card, not for CF or SLI.
  9. 16gigs is the ideal today, not 8.... 8 was 2-3years ago. Its good to use 2 memory slots, instead of 4 (they say, that performs better). 32 gigs is for 3d modeling and photography, so its not an overkill, depends what he wants to do with it. Its ideal to use it for 3ds max and create mods :smile: As for the PSU, I would choose AX850i golden edition instead (fully modable - its without cables and you attach the ones you need) I have it also. And it comes with 7 years warranty, AX is the professional series.
  10. I think its real, for example ASUS brand, has all models by NVIDIA with dx11.0... but GTX 780 is 11.1 (they may got improved chipsets (newer revisions). Bellow is the proof : http://www.asus.com/us/Graphics_Cards/GTX780DC2OC3GD5/ and gtx 770 http://www.asus.com/us/Graphics_Cards/GTX770DC2OC2GD5/ Anyway, I send my request to the distributor today! I asked an offers for 3 different cards 1) AMD radeon r9 280x by ASUS (directcuii edition) 2) GTX 770 4gb by Gigabyte (windforce edition OC) 3) Gtx 780 3gb by ASUS (directcuii edition) I waited for 290 reviews and I am not interested after I read them. Its away to hot!!! Also its away to noise and it consums a lot of watts (470). But it costs 399 and that alone beats gtx780 . Even if you wait for custom coolers, how much they will consume?! 550watts? Its more like a 280x crossfire or gtx770 sli...
  11. I just find out that the Gigabyte windforce gtx770 is dx11.1 but other models from other companies are dx11.0 is it possible? I send an email to gigabyte as a question. http://uk.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4692#sp
  12. I have an open topic bellow urs about gpu, why you didnt pick a 4gb version of 770? Other than that, I hope you enjoy your new rig!! As for your speakers, I would recommend these... http://www.edifier-international.com/products/edifier-multimedia/s550 or a cheaper sollution these http://www.edifier-international.com/products/edifier-multimedia/da5000-pro the s550 about 350-400 and the da5000 about 180-200
  13. I am forced to get a gpu now, because it considered as a replacement, thats why I am in a strong debate (in my mind) for what to get... For the others, I would recommend to wait till February, because the new 8xx series by Nvidia is coming out!!! So an 870, will outperform a today gtx780 ... Also 8xx series will may support dx11.2 as well.. I have a question, because I tried to search in google about it, but it seems Nvidia increased the computing in 7xx series of cards? Nobody says that amd has better computing anymore... Is there any benchmarks, or reviews to read about it?
  14. The r9 280x gigabyte uses a cheap windforce cooler edition ... An example is the GTX770 Windforce edition, is very silent and very very good built quality. I think Gigabyte removed some heatsinks from the 280x and its a bit more noise (you can search reviews) As I said, even if I get 770 or 280x right now, is going to be FREE... I may pay only 30-40 euros for the 770. My consideration is about the second one (if I decide to crossfire or sli them). As for the prices Its nvidias fault, because these are the original prices and some distributors won't reduce the prices for many reasons. Not all of them are AMAZON or huge retailers. They may expect to sell their stock before they do.. Or they may consider it as way to get more bucks. lol At the same time, NVIDIA is making a huge event and giveaway of video games and some shield coupons.. But they support only 6 eu countries and India!! My country is not included, so maybe, thats why retailers dont care about reducing the price. EU is 29 countries, but only 6 have benefits. Amd supports my country for the video game giveaway. But thats not the reason I am considering 280x... The following days I will tell you my final decision.
  15. Yes thats very important, I mostly buy games that support modding! I just love it, its something that makes me spend my time extra pleasurable. And I really thank nexus community for that. So yes, my gpu is going to be 4 gigs for nvidia or 3 gigs for amd.. If r9 290 is a lava card, I will avoid it, even if it performs good. So the battle will be, between r9 280x and Nvidia GTX770 . The official reviews will be out the following tuesday. The only + that r9 280x has in my country, is the price... It is 150 euro less! It costs 320 euro and the 770 costs 469. (They havent reduce the prices here). So its much much easier to buy a second 280x for cf, than dual 770.
  16. The reason I want to see the 290 reviews, is not the performance, because is going to be better than gtx770... But the temps. It has less spus and that makes it a bit cooler, but time will tell. If its around 75-79, is going to be OK for me, but more than that (no way). I dont like amd more than nvidia, the opposite. My only consideration is the "feature proof" idea. Nothing more. My problem with r9 280x is the built quality. My distributor offers only Gigabyte and Asus... Gigabyte is about 290euros and the cooler is cheap and noisy, because they used a cheaper version of windforce cooler. I avoid cheap built qualitys. So my only option for 280x, is Asus AMD Radeon R9 280X DirectCU II Top (3GB, DDR5, 384bit) with dual fan (here is a video for it ) The card I turned in, due to temp faults, is gtx480... Something happened to it and it gave me 120c and BSODS in games and 80c in windows environment! Thankfully my card was still in warranty. So, I will try to avoid hot cards this time around... i REALLY enjoyed my gtx480, amazing card. But I hate that NVIDIA cut almost the whole computing power of their gpus, just be able to sell some quadros, that NOBODY buys anymore. I am not keen of OC ing my cards, but I am very positive of buying dual cards... (sli or cf) I already use an TX850watt by corsair psu and I also have one brand new (havent even opened it yet) AX850w by corsair (fully modular) for my new system. So I am covered for feature sli or cf
  17. Amd supports newer DX 11.1 and 11.2 but Nvdia supports Open GL 4.3 (amd supports 4.2) I dont know the differences. Right now I am in a standby mode, I requested to give me 1 week to decide, RADEON 290 (none x) is coming out in Tuesday, hopefully if the reviews are good, I may get that, or else GTX 770 or if I get crazy GTX780 (in my country they dont drop the prices that easy, but I do have about 400 euro refund in goods, its basically not money, I turn in my card and they give me the choice to pick any card, if its more expensive I pay the difference). I hate windows 8, i dont like them, I may get windows 9 lol
  18. mantle was dropped by Sony ps4 and Xbox one... http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/168671-xbox-one-will-not-support-amds-mantle-and-ps4-is-also-unlikely-is-mantle-doa It seems that other companies don't bother with gpu wars and monopoly games.. So mantle is going to end up DOA, I think mantle is competing direct x? Mantle is good for console exclusives (Sony and Nintendo) Microsoft will do their best to ditch it. Either ways, I spoke with the distributor today and my final decision about my new gpu, will be taken next week. (I may have the chance to check also the r9 290 reviews (none X version) that is almost the same price with GTX 770. It will help me decide.
  19. haven't played last light myself yet, but with my prev card GTX480 I finished metro 2033 in full settings and it was playable (about 18-40 fps). I am more than confident about gtx770 horse power, especially this specific model pushes about 8-10% more than the reference gtx770 can do, because it has 3x cooling system and 6 pipes. So its a much cooler card. My only consideration is, if its feature proof, against dx11 - dx11.2 capabilities, there is no games that use that yet and I don't like windows 8, for now.. Also the new r9 280x may have some benefits over 3d programs (I am a photographer my self, I use pp) but I want to believe gtx 770 can do well in photoshop as well!, or not..? (gtx480 was more tha enough). In the other hand, the GPU I will get, is free. I won't pay anything, maybe 20-30 euro!. I turned in my gtx480 (still in warranty) and they give me the option to pick one of these cards for free (depends the model), something like a refund, but without getting the bucks in my hands.
  20. Hello, I am about to get a new gpu, I decided for a GTX 770 and I am between 2 models. I play allot video games that support modding, I find it really interesting, so I believe its the best place to ask and help me choose. I am interested about this GPU model http://www.guru3d.com/articles_pages/gigabyte_geforce_gtx_770_windforce_review,18.html But it comes in 2 editions, 2 and 4 gigs of gddr5 ram. I only have 1 monitor and I am not interested of playing in 3 monitors. But I love mods. Another option is the amd r9 280x with 3 gigs, Much much cheaper, but nvidia have the best drivers.... Please help me pick 1!
  21. http://stevivor.com/2013/05/cd-projekt-red-officially-releases-a-witcher-2-modding-tool-called-redkit/ they delayed a bit, but they finally did. Maybe " The witcher 3 " will be fully moddable.
  22. Hello, I ve made my own follower, and not entirely new follower, but Lokir from the beginning of the game, the guy who gets an arrow in his back. Anyway I ve changed everything so he is alive, I also gave him dialogue box to become my follower, trade items option, etc. Also whiterun crime faction and loves to get drunk when we are in whiterun.. My problem is, he is not using the weapons I give him! He always prefer it without weapons. What shall I do to give him the option to pick weapons and fight like a normal? Is there any papyrus script I have to load or faction? ps: I ve tried to change his class from default to barbarian or 1hand melee, but its not working.. He prefers boxing.. lol
  23. Hello, I tried to play with CK as a noob I am, because I needed to change the stats and behaveur of Riverwood guards. Not to add new ones but just alter the current excisting ones! I added the potential follower and marriage faction to them by editing the existing actors and I thought I made it, but it was a FAIL. When I visited riverwood, guards didnt have any dialogue box and they start following me, but without the ability to speak to them! (All riverwood guards suddenly become a short of a bodyguards.. lol) So thats my request, if there is a possibility to make guards with dialogues and potential followers, etc.. cheers. From my noobish attempt to do that, I am very positive that it can be done,! its easy, just dont have the skills for it.. (yet)
  24. I dont trust any website for game reviews, as they are just promoters and many times liars.. For example IGN and not only, gives to dragon age 2 a score 8.5... In my perspective this game is about 4 to 5... maybe less. So I trust mostly user opinions, less journalists opinions.. I only read pre-reviews and from my little experience I can speculate if I have to wait for this game..
  25. Unfortunately I stopped playing consoles, (I may buy wii U, dont know yet), also I got mass effect character ready for migration (originals) for pc, but I will never install this viruses in my computer. I am an old type of gamer, if they want my money they have to comply with me, not I with them.. That means I will not buy mass effect 3... Even if I have internet connection, I am totally against those who forcing gamers to pay bills (internet provider and phone number), be able to play. So they deserve to be punished.. :P In my perspective, a game that force you to pay bills (in my country is 50 euro per month), the software does not worth even a single p.. because you already pay the bills for it! Even though, millions and billion of people leave without internet connection. And what they do, is against them. They promote piracy, they cannot complain... I still have my old games from 90's and I can install them and play if I want to!! with that type of systems, that force you to pay bills and be monitored, even if you register it, its useless, even for collection. If they give it to me free and also send me monthly checks to pay my bills, I may think about it. (I always send them emails and telling them "why" I am not going to buy their game) Something about reckoning, I was soo surprised that is not going to have this viruses on (steam and origin), but unfortunately, I was mistaken. I played the demo also and the game got plenty of potential.. This games are good for PC.. not consoles... It run really smooth in my pc, more than 100 fps. It has some problems but they can easily solve it. 1) Totally frrozen faces (more like a mask, less than a face), with not expressions, but they can digitize it in the process.. 2) the sound sometimes have big gaps.. and the battle music starts at the end of the battle, sometimes (lol), that's the pc demo.. 3) I tried to loot everything but unfortunately the looting options are limited, a bit.. They can easily increase that..
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