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Everything posted by Lehcar

  1. Where, where, where will it be set? The only provinces not used yet are Blackmarsh, Elsweyr, Valenwood, and Summerset Isles I really, really hope for either Blackmarsh, becasue it just sounds so awesome, or Sumemrset Isles, because High Elves are so great and mighty (it also seems like a most likely setting for a major event occuring, with the Thalmor now having risen to power and all).
  2. Well since they are sort of mutually exclusive... Which of these characters do you like better? IMHO I like Ralof 1000x better. He's charming, cheerful, and fun. Also, going with him nets you some sweet revenge on that witchy Imperial lady who tried to have your head lopped off. Plus the Legionnaires you encounter throughout the escape from Helgen drop much better loot than the Stormcloaks you encounter if you go with Hadvar. Hadvar is just a twerp and a sour grape.
  3. Does anyone recognize the skin/race of the character in this picture? http://static2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/49178-5-1387996247.jpg
  4. Most of Skyrim's player home mods seem to be situated in the more temperate regions, does anyone know of any that are located up north, in the very cold regions?
  5. Does anyone know why there are no female Forsworn Briarhearts in the game?... My best guess is that the ritual used to create them is similar to the one that turns witches into hagravens, so therefore only men can be made into Briarhearts? Though I don't think it's a very likely theory...
  6. Why do Skyrim's guards have no race specific dialogue for Breton characters? There is dialogue for literally every other race... including Nords... but dialogue for Bretons is noticeably missing. Is this an oversight by the developers, or is there some reason behind this?
  7. Well I believe the Draugr do look better and more realistic, and I like them more in a way (they're definitely a more unique and challenging foe), but I simply don't find them as "spooky". I feel the sounds they make are more animal like than zombie like.. but that's just me I suppose. :tongue:
  8. Well... corpses do become somewhat green and bloated, then a mushy pungent mess, unless of course some kind of mummification has been done (which appears to be the case with the Draugr, making them much more like mummies than zombies.)
  9. I noticed this too. There are no really "scary" monsters in Skyrim, like previous games. The zombies in Oblivion were much more macabre looking, with rotten flesh, blood, open wounds, missing limbs, etc. And the sounds they made were really creepy. Skyrim's Draugr have a shriveled, emaciated appearance, but no really "gory" details, so I find them a lot less undead and scary looking. And their sounds aren't as zombie-ish either. The only monster in Oblivion that really scared me though, were the ghosts. The first time I encountered one of those, I almost peed myself... I was in a crypt under one of the chapels, and suddenly I heard a whooshing sound... I turn around and suddenly there's a specter that's missing the lower half of its body, with hollow eyes and a gaping hollow mouth rushing toward me. Wraiths could sometimes creep me out like that too. Floating torsos with no legs, I find VERY frightening. But Skyrim doesn't have any generic ghost monsters... just regular NPC's with ghostly effects applied, which I don't find anywhere near as eerie.
  10. He's mostly just an easter egg, and of course a reference to "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow", which was likely inspired by German folk tales of a headless apparition that would chase people through the woods. The Headless Horseman doesn't chase anyone, but if you follow him, he always leads you to a small ruin called Hamvir's Rest, located at the foot of the mountains southeast of Morthal. There is nothing of interest here besides some undead enemies and loot, but on the northwest side of the graveyard is a tomb with an axe, a helmet, and a skull beside it, which I think implies that this is where his mortal remains are buried. The location and the Horseman aren't associated with any quests or story arcs, though, so it's never explained who he is, what happened to him, or why he rides around on his horse at night.
  11. Which part of Tamriel do you hope will the setting of the next TES game? Since most of Tamriel has been featured now, there isn't much left that has not been seen... I'm really hoping for Summerset Isles, cause they sound so wicked amazing, and I really want to see the great city of Alinor. Plus, as the beating heart of the Aldmeri Dominion and the mighty Altmer race, it seems like the most ideal setting for some big, important, history and world changing event. Valenwood might be cool, but... I don't know. I like places with lots and lots of trees and plant life, and moving tree cities sound so very awesome, but I just don't see something important happening there. I think Blackmarsh would be really cool too, but unless they do some serious retconning, I don't know if that would work, because it and the Argonians as a race haven't really played a part in any significant events of the Elder Scrolls series, so again, I don't see it as a likely setting for an important event. Also, it's supposed to be extremely volatile, and nigh impossible for non-Argonians to survive there... Not interested in Elsweyr because the Khajiit are not cool anymore since the Thalmor moved in. They're a beast race, which most other races have a lot of distaste for. I have no idea why a race of cat people loves a bunch of omnicidal elves so much, and wants to lick their boots and be their servants. And since High Elves most especially don't like beast races, I have no idea why they would accept them as allies, even as servants... It would be amazing if they did another game set in Morrowind, or Hammerfell and High Rock (from Daggerfall), but I'm sure it's not likely, since folks may find it really redundant... As for the plot... let's see, an evil wizard imprisoning and impersonating the Emperor, trying to rebuild a broken old war machine, some self-made wannabe deities deliberately trying to screw up their own world, some crazy cultists wanting their oversized chili pepper god to destroy the world, and an angsty Dragon god trying to destroy the world have all been done... What will be next? I'll probably be way off, but the only guess I can make is possibly a foreign invasion, most likely from Akavir. That's probably a very remote possibility, though. Or maybe it'll be about yet another upstart "deity" wanting to destroy all of existence... you know, the usual.
  12. I told it I was Wonder Woman. It told me it was Superman... then it asked me about cheese sandwiches...
  13. I know I saw, or heard of a mod somewhere that makes dragons have a breeding population, causing mother dragons and baby dragons to spawn in the world. Now for the life of me I can't find it anywhere... does what I describe sound familiar to anyone??
  14. I was very much hoping someone would do a Better Cities mod for Skyrim. Skyrim's cities need it, badly. I'm glad to see all the excellent work so far :smile:
  15. I think Ulfric only pretended to co-operate with the Thalmor... after all, the way he speaks of them is pretty acidic and loathing. I think he was playing double agent.
  16. So, the plot of the quest goes like this: an elusive madman is abducting and killing women, mutilating their bodies Jack the Ripper style. You stumble on evidence that clearly shows the killer is practising necromantic magic. All of the evidence seems to lead you to one man, but it turns out to be a red herring, and he's actually innocent. When you discover, and ultimately are forced to execute the real killer, you discover after the fact that he was actually collecting body parts and trying to use necromancy to resurrect his deceased wife. Hmm, now why does this all sound so familiar?... I wonder if it was intentional, or just a coincidence. I just happened to find it a little odd. Major deja-vu, for sure.
  17. Hmm. I'm not sure if it's causing the problem, but it does seem to have a dialogue conflict with "Guard Dialogue Overhaul". There are also some dialogue conflicts with "Ultimate Follower Overhaul" too. I think I'll remove it for now, and hopefully the issue will be resolved in a future update...
  18. Yes, my character is a Stormcloak, currently in the middle of the Stormcloak questline... I figured out it was from Inconsequential NPC's after deactivating the mod and testing out my saves; however I can't figure out what's causing it to do that. I'll check over for conflicts in TESedit. :sad:
  19. I haven't really installed any brand new mods, beside "Real Clouds". I recently updated Inconsequential NPC's, and I removed a mod called "Owned" because it was rife with conflicts and bugs, which outweighed it's usefulness. I noticed it happening after that.
  20. No... seriously. I WISH I was joking. For some reason, this same bit of unvoiced dialogue keeps popping up in my game. Random NPC's keep saying it to me constantly, even though it doesn't make sense to anything that I've done in the game (I have no allowed ANY allies to die in battle, ever). Animals like horses, dogs and pigeons keep saying it to me as well... Does anyone recognize this dialogue, or experienced a similar problem? I honestly cannot figure out what's going on here. http://i41.tinypic.com/5e7tlj.jpg
  21. Does anyone recognize the interior of the house in the shot? Is it a vanilla game location or is it added by a mod? http://i.imgur.com/cWgmUUB.jpg
  22. Every time someone makes textures for Skyrim's architecture that make it look more pretty and clean, people always complain about them making everything look too... pretty and clean. Why?! Honestly, I enjoy the look of pretty and clean much more than crumbling and grungy. I think it makes a lot more sense, too. Go and see some of the old castles in Europe someday. I highly recommend those in any of the Scandinavian countries, upon which TES's Nord culture is largely based. Most are many centuries old... and some are even older than that. Yet they remain in absolutely beautiful condition, because people CARE about them! Over the centuries, they've been carefully preserved, repaired when needed, and rigorously maintained. Thus they are still standing strong today, and the sight of them is still breathtakingly magnificent. Therefore there's no reason why Skyrim's historical buildings (that have not been abandoned) should be all ruined and dumpy looking. Especially since the Nord's history and the legacy of their ancestors seems to be extremely important to them. Therefore, I don't see why they'd neglect their old buildings. Logically, would they not want to do their best to preserve them?! Prettifying textures for the win. <3
  23. So where, precisely, is the Dragonborn's spirit/soul going to go whenever he/she dies? The Thieves' Guild story arc has you selling your soul to Nocturnal, but if you become a werewolf (most likely to happen through the Companions quest line), then you become a child of Hircine and will go to his side when you mortal body perishes. So most likely it's going to the possession of a Daedric Prince, since going to Aedra heaven (or wherever "normal" people go when they die) apparently doesn't take priority for whatever reason. But which DP gets dibs on the Dragonborn soul? I kind of hope Hircine gets first priority on a werewolf DB's soul. He's cool, and his hunting grounds sound so awesome and fun. I totally wanna be one of his lovely pet werewolves. It's definitely a lot more exciting than being forced to guard Nocturnal's temple.... that sounds agonizingly boring IMHO.
  24. Well, okay... it isn't so much the fact that they've been nuked that I'm upset about. It's the fact that nuking them has caused the quality of their respective story arcs to deteriorate significantly. The Fighter's Guild is actually the one Oblivion guild I don't really care about. The FG quests and storyline are mediocre at best, and not very good at all compared to the other guilds. The Companions are basically like Skyrim's FG, and I think the Companions and their story arc are absolutely excellent. No, really, I think it was VERY well done. A massive improvement over the FG, so much more interesting, and many times more fun to play. I enjoyed the Mages' Guild, the Thieves' Guild, and of course the Dark Brotherhood immensely in Oblivion. Their counterparts in Skyrim, though... they're just nowhere near as good. The quests simply don't seem as fun. The storylines aren't as engaging. Sure, they weren't in the best of shape in Oblivion, but their story arcs ended on a positive note, and the PC was there to help rebuild and rebound... I get serious deja vu playing them now. I just don't like trying to save a guild that I already saved before, trying to reach the exact same goal. I think it would have been much more fun if they'd left the fates Oblivion's guilds ambiguous and come up with new, clearly separate, and more unique guilds to serve as counterparts for those in Oblivion, like the ones in Morrowind...
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