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About Calvan

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    United States
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    Fallout 3
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  1. Correction. There is nothing outside of the main gates YET. But when Tamriel rebuilt gets to that part of the mainland expect to see whats outside of mournehold.
  2. I'm getting hit with the same popups myself. It seems to get around popup blockers. And every time it pops up Avast detects a virus. I'm getting tired of hearing the klaxons through my music.
  3. 22 and i'm regularly treated like i'm 2.
  4. As I said the game suddenly started working the day before yesterday. And i'm running New vegas without mods untill I finish the game. Thanks for the support everyone. It's a lot better than the sad excuse for customer service steam provides.
  5. So today I booted up steam. I diecided to try and run NV for sh**s and giggles. And It started running. Problem solved. I guess.
  6. I'd hope it's at least as big as the capital wasteland.
  7. My two cents. No it doesn't. I've played Violent videogames since I was 7 years old when I got my hands on A copy of Mortal Kombat II. Playing violent videogames disperses my agression into the game.
  8. Sorry to hear you have Cancer. Try to increase your vitamin C intake. It should give your immune system the boost it needs. Best of luck to you. As for Skyrim. I'd like to see an aiming system simmilar to VATS. All to often when i'm play oblivion I end up hitting an innocent with my weapon and end up with them attacking me as well.
  9. I noticed you use Mart's mutant mod. Check your inventory. Makes sure you don't have an live iguanas in it. If you do, Drop them. Eat them. Sell Them. Just get them out of your inventory. I had the same problem not even a month ago.
  10. Yeah. Must be nice. Aparently service pack 3 for 64 bit doesn't even exist. Figures. I don't mean to repeat myself but my computer is more than good enough. And steam is being an unstable lump of crap.
  11. I've tried everything all I can come down to is upgrading to service pack 3.
  12. It's not showing any error messages what so ever. Steam simply closes it's self out. And I don't have FFDshow.
  13. Even after the update it still won't run. This is getting VERY VERY Infuriating. System info: OS: WIndows XP X64 with Service pack 2. * Videocard: Nvidia GEforce 9800 GT CPU: Intel Core2 Duo CPU E7400 @2.80 gHz (Shown twice in the device manager.) *- Service pack 3 gimps everything up causing me to have to reformat, I can't even run paint with it installed...
  14. Well I didn't have a problem with it. Untill I got New Vegas. I bought a legitimate retail copy. Put in the CD key on steam. Installed the game. And now steam crashes whenever I try to run it. So I May as well have put the 50 dollars plus tax in the toilet and flushed it. Same effect. And no one across this site, steam's forums, And bethesda's forums have anything helpful for me. If it weren't for the fact that steam bans people who ask for refunds. I'd ask for a refund.
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