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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by jszero

  1. No one is 'practically forcing' you to pay to access anything on this site. You and every other non-premium member in this thread are still 100% fully capable of downloading every single mod hosted on this website for absolutely no charge. If clicking one extra button and waiting 5 seconds per mod is simply a bridge too far for you then no one is practically forcing you to stay. What I was getting at is this is a slippery slope, now it is the annoyance of a wait and a pop-up, give it a few months maybe and most everything will be behind a pay wall. I can't think of one site that has gone this route that is still around or as popular as it used to be, something to consider.
  2. You might want to rethink your suggestions: https://www.zdnet.com/article/critical-vulnerabilities-uncovered-in-popular-password-managers/ http://www.hackcave.net/2015/11/keefarce-tool-to-hack-keepass-2x.html https://www.lifehacker.com.au/2016/06/keepass-vulnerability-lets-attackers-steal-passwords-but-dont-expect-it-to-be-patched/ https://www.rubydevices.com.au/blog/how-to-hack-keepass https://www.tomsguide.com/us/hacker-tool-keepass,news-21782.html
  3. It is one thing to support something because you choose to and something else altogether when you are practically being forced to if you want access. Supporting NexusMods has always been an option, it should NEVER be a requirement. If you want to give your money to them, that's your problem, not mine, don't make it mine. If I want to download a mod that has been free for as long as I can remember and the creator has no intention of charging for it, then don't try to charge for the privilege of accessing it. If you start doing that you are going to see your traffic slow to a trickle and no one will put anything new here and just go somewhere else that is free.
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