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About Eded1600

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  1. Could we get Sofia (Follower from a Skyrim Mod) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54527/? into Fallout 4? Obviously change her lines so she says she's not a Nord and does the Skyrim references, unless the backstory is she is the Sofia from Skyrim and she's found herself in the Commonwealth. Probably need to get premission from the original creator to use Sofia though... then there's the whole finding a voice actor to redo lines... any way i can help i will help.
  2. simple, a Hockey Mask like the one Jason Voorhees wears in Friday the 13th movies. Like Freddy vs Jason.
  3. I doubt I'm alone on this. Daredevil in the Commonwealth would be awesome. Just imagine if the Sole Survivor found Matt Murdock's Daredevil costume while roaming around the Commonwealth? The costume from the Season 2 Netflix Series or the classic red one with the two "D"s on it that we commonly see in comics.
  4. so could someone, anyone, import a Spiderman suit mod for Skyrim into Fallout 4? I've seen someone import a Darth Vader helmet into the game from Skyrim. If nobody can import one then perhaps retexture Vault Suit to spiderman and a mask to Spiderman's mask or wait until the creation kit is released and use that. Thank you.
  5. Alright, let's face it, when the creation kit comes out we'll see Spiderman, Batman, Captain America, Thor, etc. armors being made, so.... how about somebody makes or retextures power armor to look like it's a Spiderman, Batman, Joker, Captain America, Thor, etc. themed. There's already a retexture of the Silver Shroud armor to make it look like the Joker, so, why not? Comic Book character themed power armor. Also, before you make an Ironman one, there's already a few up on the nexus, but feel free.
  6. There's been a few retextures of the Hot Rod Flames paint job for the Power armor, how about somebody kicks it up a notch, add fire to the power armor flames paint job, make it look like the Ghost Rider got his hands on some Power Armor! If you don't know who the Ghost Rider is just look it up on Google.
  7. When the creation kit comes out, could somebody please make a helmet that replaces your head with a human skull? i saw a similar thing done in Skyrim there someone turned a skull into head gear.
  8. I've seen Power Armor become Iron man, now all i need are Synths to become Ultron Units from Avengers: Age of Ultron!
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