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Everything posted by Thephedora

  1. Good day nexus. I am starting this topic to request to you, the very talented modding community for Fallout 4, A Proper bullet time mod. What I mean by this, is something more along the lines of a copy of the FONV bullet time mod DK_BulletTime http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35823/? In this mod you were given quite a lot of nice options to play with. It let you set the action point cost, (options ranged from a high AP drain all the way to none at all. Allowing you to explore certain areas that were time sensitive) the time value, (from very slow, to just below normal. Also an option that copied the time slowing effect of the Chem TURBO in NV) Visual effects, (these ranged from matrix green to an odd underwater blue color) and which key to bind to. (NVSE required but gave Max immersion) Currently the 3 bullet time mods on the nexus for Fallout 4 are very close but not quite. From what I understand the ability to create a sort of clone of the DK_bullet time should be do-able, and I would actually do so myself, If I knew how to create mods with any competency and confidence. Also from what I understand since we now have F4SE, FO4edit, and NMM support, a bullet time mod similar to DK_BulletTime is within grasping distance. Assistance would be greatly appreciated and I hope to get a response soon. Thanks and Keep modding nexus!
  2. In response to post #24682644. I have yet to release any, but I've with you there. Mine will remain free aswell.
  3. UPDATE: It runs Vanilla from NMM and from steam. FOSE isn't working but I'm sure it's cause of duplicate entries in the folders which I plan to fix shortly. I have gotten through the whole of Vault 101 and no crashes while playing with just the DLC on through NMM. I had went to my recycleing bin and restored all files before the new game CTD started and that seemed to solve it. so I'm not quite 100% sure what exactly did what. Thank you to Purr4me for your help and insight on how to get rid of the GFWL. Good on ya.
  4. So then why does it runs FONV Skyrim Oblivion Supreme commander dishonored and other varying games with gusto? Not to mention that i did get FO3 to run earlier with the same graphics chipset. It's the same as a 512 videocard. I'm not going to be running crysis on high but I can run games. And if it's this specific chipset there's a workaround that can trick the game into thinking you're useing a different videocard.
  5. TLDR; 4 re-installs, edited the INI files, running no mods, no FOSE, No NMM no FOMM, launching vanilla resulting in constant crashing after selecting new game. Processor I7 Graphics Intel HD 4000 (512mb) Ram 8gb 154 GB free HD space Windows 7 64 bit. Meets the requirements. Game location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty INI location : C:\Users\Hatman\Documents\My Games\Fallout3 There is no REGULAR NO CAPITOL Fallout3.ini at this location. I dont know if this is relavent or not. BOSS and LOOT show no errors. I'm using no mods. I was using NMM. about 3 days ago I had FO3 running just fine with NMM with Project Beauty. Now nothing. If more info is needed for a proper disagnosis i will be happy to give it. I feel like I tried everything and I'm getting no where.
  6. Keep up the good work, Thank you for having some humor about the bug, as laughter makes the world a better place, ("First of all the good news. We found the cause of that slowness. Like the plotline to a bad B Horror Movie (which I’ve dubbed NMM 2: Revenge of the Mod Managers), it was Nexus Mod Manager that was inadvertently DDoSing the web servers") And LONG LIVE THE NEXUS!
  7. Thank you for being professional about your reply to the post. I was un-aware that contacting a member of the staff was even an option. However I've had issues in the past with more then just this current situation as well. I still feel that some sort of change needs to be made.
  8. I've been around the nexus for a long time. Since before there even was a nexus chat. Since then we've gone through a few versions of the chat. I understand that it's not a support chat, Nor is anyone obliged to give me an answer. However as of late, I've felt as if there is no flexiblity of any sort on the chat. I feel as if all the chat moderators to put it simply would rather kick and not care then analyze the situation. I can see why this is done at SOME situations. Such as spammers, overly aggressive users, and similar situations. However when asking any question what so ever,I feel I'am met with a very hostile negative responce. In a manner that is very unprofessional of the nexus staff monitoring the chat as of late. Chatlog TLDR? I feel as if the mods are kicking first asking questions later. I understand that I had stated a spoiler, and was not intent on posting a spoiler agian. I understand that the rules and mods are there for a reason. I understand this is not a support chat, and I was not expecting an immediate responce or any responce at all. On the spoilers. Rephrasing. Why the chat and not the forums? The chat for me used to be a fun place to hang out and talk with fellow nexus members. However as of late I feel as if I'm more a 3rd class member to the nexus. This is one of the reasons I have not actively pursued a premium account. (why pay to be kicked from a chatroom or even the whole site when you're trying to or want to obey the rules?) (See yesterday when I asked in chat if anyone else had the issue of being unable to mine ore, with a good answer of 'just attack the ore vein' which I didn't know about till yesterday.) Feel free to PM me if you have something to discuss in a CIVIL Manner.
  9. About when in the ball park do you think the mod manager might be finished?
  10. You say to use the modpatcher, but what exactly does it do? All I see is a little 2inx2in window pop up then dissappear. Does it make the xcom .exe read my changes to the .ini files or...?
  11. The resource hacker part is what I'm having some trouble finding actually. And the UPK modding I saw parts of but didn't quite understand all of it. I read a lot and seen a lot and I know of a bunch of the "peices", but I have no idea how they all fit together just yet. any help is greatly appreciated. Here's hoping the Alpha simplifies a bunch of the confusion.
  12. Research Archives Welcome to the Research Archives. The point of this thread is to attempt to Organize what we (the nexus Xcom enemy unknown modding community) may or may not know about modding XCOM - Enemy unknown. I don't know everything but from what I know this is how it goes. Feel free to post POSITIVE feedback on what might be wrong or what might be right. How to mod XCOM - Enemy Unknown (from what I know.) 1. The .ini files. Right about now you've probably decided that you're going to mod XCOM - enemy unknown. So now the question is what are you going to mod? That is where the .ini files come in. This is what's stickied at the top of the forums. Which I just read before I linked it that they are moving to the nexus wiki. I believe that link is here : The DefaultGameCore.ini settings If I understand it right it was written with the European version of the game however most if not all the settings are the same for the US and other English speaking versions. 2. A Resource Hacker or the Modpatcher. Well after much reading, and scouring, I've read that the games .exe does not use the Default Game Core .ini to look up settings. So you're probably thinking, Why do I need to know the .ini settings? Again from what I'm understanding it's so you know what values to edit when 'hacking the .exe'. Dreadylein's modpatcher is stickyed, but just in case: Dreadylein's modpather sticky I have read on the forums (For the life of me I can't remember where) That these are the steps to run a resource hacker. Atoric oct 10 2012 From what I understand on the Modpatcher, when you run the .bat it edits your .exe and makes a back up copy, placing it in steamapps/common/xcom-enemy-unknown/binaries/win32 (credit to dreadylein) then when you copy the profile.bin file over your old .bin it reads the edited .exe (credit to Alpha7) 3. Different mods. Maybe your mod isn't modding the .exe, Maybe you're out for textures, or maybe meshes, maybe you want to add a new alien to fight, or new weapons to put into the game. I have no idea how to help with those at the moment, but you're not the only one that probably thinks your idea is cool. Throw up a topic on the forums and see what you get back. You might be surprised. 4. Test it! This part is usually up to you. Try out the mod and see if it works or not. If it didn't troubleshoot what you can. and if you're still stumped like I was after day 3, ask someone what they think on the forums. Try to be precise with the steps you took. It makes it easier for your fellow modders to help you out. if you're unsure of your steps, try them again. Rinse, Repeat. More often then not, you will get the mod up and running. Credit Xionanx - Finding out what the .ini values do. Dreadylein - Modpatcher Alpha7 - updated Profile.bin Arietatray - Second Wave mod and installation steps for the Modpatcher, and Profile.bin Atoric - Resource hacker steps Anyone else I may have missed - Any credit where it's due.
  13. I haven't heard anything on it, but it sounds incredibly useful. It would be an invaluable testing tool.
  14. I've recently purchased Xcom and happily played a good portion of it. Happy slaying aliens and launching satelites. TLDR? Go to the bottom. But due to my nature, as is most of the nature of modders, I have to know, what makes this game tick. So I started messing around with .ini files, downloading mods, installing them and watching there effects. However there's still quite a bit that puzzles me. First will start with who made the game, 2K and Firaxis. (or 2K being the publisher, and Firaxis the dev, which ever order it is.) These are the same people that usually make very moddable games. An example being another turn based strategy Civilization. In Civilization, We were given a world editor in Civ 4 which could be used to change the land scape, give/take away Resources, units, buildings, culture and the like. In Civ 5 we were given the Lua and Fire tuner very close to release. Which was great. It seemed the 2k and firaxis Weren't out to milk DLCs. They still have them which are actually rather nice bonuses to a original game, but from a few weeks into release we were given modding tools to create dozens of maps and mods, visable through the steam workshop at the moment. Everything from a LOTR style map to a Game of thrones map, even new religions, cultures, and everything else added into the game through the users. Point being Civ 5 was moddable before and after the tools were given to use, a bit harder, but moddable. Which brings us back to Xcom. I've stumbled along for the past 3 days tweaking .ini file settings (to have no effect), installing mods (to some effect but not quite what I was thinking of), and scouring the internet for a community that could give me the answers as to what I'm doing wrong. Now I'm sure you'll agree this is probably THE community for modding and troubleshooting modding and nearly anything else that has anything to do with modding a game. I'm also sure you'll agree that the forums here are quite... Large, and scouring the topics to answer how to make .ini s take effect while it's very early in this particular games modding life is rather... time consumeing, and may or may not result in finding the answer. So what I'm asking is two fold. First if at all possible to index what this modding community has found out on modding this game, possibly either in a sticky post which I would be glad to create, or a central 'sharing' center. AND How in the world do you get those blasted .ini settings to hold so I can play the game the way I would like to. TLDR? : step by step how do you make the ini settings take effect and keep said effect, AND is there anywhere that has a knowledge base of what we already know about the game? If not, can we make one? EDIT: I know about The XCOM:EU DefaultGameCore.ini settings page and the stickies at the top of the mod talk forum.
  15. Happy Birthday! Thank you for giving all the modding communities data a home.
  16. I'll admit, it is primitive but it does get the job done. As for using TES4Edit, the link you gave shows to me with a "There is currently no text in this page. You can search for this page title in other pages, or search the related logs." and how do you mean "cleaning" it? do you happen to have a different tutorial I might be able to disassemble to clean and edit the IDs?
  17. So the question: Is there a way to make animation packs work together in oblivion? an example would be... Midas magic and the pose package of your choice. When OMM runs a conflict detector, They're both red saying that they both write over the same files in the Oblivion.esm I know there's a way to edit it where they can co-exist, but I can't for the life of me remember or find it on the forums.
  18. After a restart, and applying Backsteppo's narrowed shoulders Female upper body, The Newvegas Stockings mod works. I'm going to do some more testing but I think I finnally found the reason it was going completely bonkers on me.
  19. You could figure out how to do the custom races thing and have a secret bunker/town/mall somewhere in the Mojave that would be inhabited by the robotic/cyborg/people preserved in nuke dust non hostiles that go through idle animations day to day that when you speak to them they have the ability to trade equipment with you. setting it up though is another story. Mannequin textures/meshes are hard to work with. And then scripting the day to day animations would be another step, and having somewhere to house all the mannequins would be the next. But it's doable.
  20. That's just it, I can't think of any other body that the stockings are using. I tried matching to the mesh. Well either way I've rather given up on those meshes and I'm wondering how to make a mod myself. I believe I have all the tools but the tutorials are a really steep learning curve. I've found various clothing mods that all have working stockings meshes and permissions from the authors to use them as long as credit is given where credit is due (which it shall). I just really have no idea where to start.
  21. On the same note, you can also use the console commands to get the ammo as well.
  22. I think some romance for veronica could be good. According to her she has a past lover (whom we may or may not know) that was a girl, she's smart, funny, talented, and I mean come on, she's good at punching things. There's already a ton of sex mods that could probably co-exist with a romance mod, but no romance mod. So if your relationship must lead to the horizontal shuffle, there's lots of mods for it. but why not add some romance to it?
  23. Yes I want some Stockings for my Courier. Why? Why not? She has power armor, bounty hunter outfits, Ninja suits, Reinforced Chinese Stealth armor, about 7 different types of bare legged dresses but the only stockings I can get are either panty hose on a grimy prewar business suit, or the torn up things on the merc charmer outfit. Call me OCD but the idea of a girl with stockings in NewVegas would outshine even the whitegloce society by leaps and bounds. Men have the hats. Women have the stockings. It's sort of a "Yeah it's an old style but it's a good style." I mean I never hear someone go "Ew that girl is wearing some fancy silk stockings gross!" or "The heck! That dude is wearing a classy looking fedora! That's just dumb!" Not a status symbol, Not an ego symbol... Just classy. Veronica should have said "I want a dress... With stockings!" What: wearable Stockings game: Fallout New Vegas Function: Wearable Stockings. Because they're stockings. And Stockings are awesome. If you're going to get shot at, stabed at, sliced at, bit at, exploded upon, or anything else you can think of, might as well do it in some style yeah?
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