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Everything posted by Deleted190938User

  1. Have you looked into this? Error: ExpandedSnowSystems-CoT.esp is not present or is not active. Skyrim will CTD when loading if using this file without it.
  2. Not sure how much you know about PCs, so forgive me if I go into details that you already know. Just covering all the basis, since you asked... Video cards, these days, are practically little computers in your computer. They have a cpu, RAM, all of it which are completely separate and distinct from your own machine's. All of the textures that are in the game get loaded into video card's RAM as it is needed during your playtime. Now, take into consideration these texture mods, that are loading 2048x2048 textures for things like water, clothes, etc- when you are rocking these types of mods, standing next to a river, with a mountain view in the background, can push as much as 2.1 gigabytes of textures onto a video card... if the card can support it. Your card has 1 GB of video RAM. It doesn't necessarily mean you can't load some of these scenes; Windows does some neat voodoo to get it all to work out when you don't have much. That said, there is only so much it can do,and eventually that voodoo will cap out it's system RAM (3.1GB for Skyrim unless you are using ENBoost), and then you will ctd. Thus your problem. (also, on a side note, your RAM is slow compared to newer cards. Newer cards are up to DDR5 ram; yours is still at DDR3). The ideal card for this is 1.5GB or larger, and relatively new. I actually purchased the GTX 580 w/ 3GB of VRAM, specifically because of this game and its mods. Anyhow, that's the jist of it. The answer is to use less textures. If you have a choice between 2048 and 1024, choose the 1024. Reduce the textures down to a usable level, or you'll hit a point where your machine just can't keep up anymore.
  3. I would start with SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp Active Note: Uninstall old version of Skyrim Flora Overhaul if using SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Active Requires: 0 Dragonborn-Dawnguard_Compatibility Patch \ Dawnguard + Dragonborn. Generally a crash right after bethesda logo means a mod isn't playing well with another mod, or something is trying to load that is dependent on something you don't have. I don't see anything else that looks out of place, but I would definitely look into those 2 issues if I were you. Disable Skyrim Flora Overhaul and download the compatibility patch.
  4. Good catches! I have switched to the All in One and removed the rest, and also cleared out the UFO based mods! Thank you very much. :) Still getting some CTDs, but that definitely should help clean things up a bit.
  5. Added Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPref.ini info. Much of those 2 files came from the GTX 660 inis mod on Nexus. Just search "GTX 660" to see which I'm talking about. General concensus on the posts section of that "mod" show that it hasn't caused issues for most users, but it could be different in my case.
  6. I can confirm that the same is happening to me. It was working this morning. Their login servers must be down or taking a beating.
  7. Ok, so I could use the assistance of the more experienced mod users/modders on this board! I have a pretty heavily modded game that is suffering from 2 sets CTDs. I've managed to identify 1... the other I have no clue. My Crashes Causes: I do have papyrus logs enabled, and have noticed that 99% of the logs (literally) are about a firefly critter trying to load or do something. If I have a game that goes 30 minutes (which is a long session without a CTD for me :sad: ), the last 6,000+ lines are nothing but that firefly trying to do crap. >_> Memory is not a problem, as far as I can tell, at least in terms of hitting the 3.1GB cap. I am using ENBoost, which is offloading a large portion of the memory usage off of TESV.exe and onto ENBHost.exe. During average, outdoor, game play they are at the following: ENBHost.exe - 1.8-2.1GB TESV.EXE - ~800MB Without further ado, here are my specs, mods, addons, etc. NOTES: To me, graphics in this game are a big deal. The mods have made my game beautiful, and I dread the idea of losing that. That said... what good are graphics if I can't play? So, if you guys see some texture mods that you know are brutal on a system and don't really help that much... let me know! System Specs: ******** Scripts/Addons: ******** Skyrim.ini: SkyrimPrefs.ini ******** Mods: ******** Papyrus0.log Last Lines of Papyrus1.log: That's all I've got! Any suggestions on ways I could make my game more stable would be greatly appreciated. :smile: Thank you very much! I will bow to your experienced insight on this. As much as I love most of these mods, if someone says one is killing my game, it will go. The ONLY exception is if losing that mod will make my current gamesaves unplayable. I'm rocking 300+ hours on a single save, level 65... I don't want to start over. :sad: But if I can remove it without killing my game, I'm all for it. Thank you!
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