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  1. As the Title sais, Steam is offering Ultimate edition of FNV for 5 bucks, If you don't have the DLC's or the game itself I would highly recommend taking this Awesome offer while it lasts. Fall Out New Vegas 4.99 http://store.steampowered.com/app/2028016/ Fall Out 3 4.99 http://store.steampowered.com/app/22300/
  2. unfortunately they are not the same authors.
  3. well i would ask the author however the file is hidden and does not show who the author is. This is my attempt at getting a hold of the author.
  4. The file for Complete Crafting Overhaul is set to hidden but the DV and FR versions are not. I was just curious if there something wrong with the file or if the author just forgot to set to public. Anyway, thanks for looking into this in advance. Also i would like to know as a workaround if i load the FR or DV version will it change the in game text to the mentioned language?
  5. Well after getting nailed for TOS violations for copyright violations I made my own exe files for skyrim that do not have the steam wrappers in them. They DO work with steam also. I am waiting for approval from the nexus moderators before I upload these exe's as I don't want to be banned for a TOS violation.
  6. Actually Yes it does have to do with money, however I think its a little deeper than what you think, See EA GAMES has removed STEAM as a distributor and is going with their "Origin" so getting a high profile company like Bethesda to use Steam Exclusively is well... ...yeah...
  7. This no longer works if steam is set to auto update, you need to have the original TESV.EXE, turn off steams auto update, stay in offline mode or just not launch steam at all ever... XD
  8. You know I was wondering this also, but i think when you transform you loose the benefits from all of your perks and it goes to a preset of skills etc. The reason i say this is I have 5 toons 3 with werewolf and melee and the dmg difference doesn't seem to be any different except with leveling. (even then I do WAY more dmg in regular form than as a werewolf after about level 25)
  9. First of all, I want to apologize to the NEXUS staff as I unintentionally broke their copyright rules by uploading the TESV.EXE. I have talked with the moderator and I CANNOT link the file here. However I can give details about how to fix your game. Find a copy of the original TESV.EXE version "This may be hard to do as the updated version is exactly the same." The Original TESV.EXE is 19,123,536 bytes (18.2 MB) so if the one you have is bigger than this it is the "Steam Patched" Version. In light of my recent TOS Violation I WILL NOT provide this file to you or link you to a location to get it; I enjoy my premium on the nexus to much to toss it away for your sake, so try Google or something. Just copy this version to your original games location "\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim" The game will then function as it did in the past. To disable the steam auto-update and preserve your game in this working order simply go to your library right click on the game title, select properties, go to the update tab and change the setting that says "keep this game up to date"
  10. I have not seen the elder or skelly but my buddy had fought a coupe skelly dragons during the main quest, not sure if they were encounters or scrypted. but he was like level 40 somthing.
  11. So... I am curious how you got 6 dragons into the same area? I mean by all means not saying you cheated.. but c'mon... I have had my TWO but that's just cus the second one was really close to the first one and I drug it over to get aggro on both. I just don't see that happening for 6 unless you used console commands to spawn them. With that said, it is a neat video.
  12. I agree this is acceptable however there is a big difference between blocking and a parry / counter attack. I think you should still be able to parry, but unfortunately its not an implemented feature :(
  13. I just put my things in the barrel outside the blacksmiths shop in whiterun, have gone from level 1 - 35 and never lost a thing.
  14. Hi, I just want to share my INI file with everyone and point out one specific option I really Liked that i did not see in the Gui There is an option called Blur Shader, when i change this to = 1 instead of 0 I noticed a dramatic difference in the game. it renders more like a video than a sharp image. I personaly think this made the game look and feel better. It sits all by itself at the bottom of the skyrimprefs.ini file Here is a screenshot with the blur shader enabled. Here is my Full INI if you are interested
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