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About NottheAdoringFan

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    Phantasy Star IV

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  1. So, I just finished the main quest for the first time....and I found it very boring, any other similar thoughts?
  2. Being an old school gaming junkie, as well as a fan of obscure games, I think Tombs and Treasure from the NES era has a beautiful soundtrack, as well as ActRaiser from SNES.
  3. Rick Taylor from Splatterhouse (I mean from the Arcade in 88 to the new one) The Master from ActRaiser Chie Satonaka and Teddy from Persona 4 And of course, the Vic Viper from the Gradius/Salamander/Parodius series.
  4. Post moar Aurora plzkthxbai.
  5. Slappin' some words ovah here.
  6. Too many things to do, too little time to do them.
  7. Shenanigans, they have great mozzerella sticks.
    1. Eiries


      Mozzerella sticks sound bloody fabulous right about now.
  8. I have a problem and I'm hoping someone will be able to help me. I recently downloaded the mod to replace animations, it worked fine at first, but now it causes my game to crash if I try to load up one of my saves, or even start a new game. "Model Load Error: Meshes\MercoCreature.NIF cannot load file in Meshes\MercoCreature.NIF. Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF." That is what is says but the files are there beside the Marker_Error.NIF , What can I possibly do to solve this issue? Any and all help will be appreciated, Thanks in advance.
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