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Everything posted by twolittlegermans

  1. I am new to the modding experience and have never had much luck doing anything. I followed instructions to a tee when trying any of the top reshade mods available. I have downloaded the latest version of reshade.me and once it is installed and I follow the instructions of whatever reshade mod I am using, in this case sekrio dragons blood reshade/simple realistic reshade/ phoenix samurai reshade, and the game will boot for about 5 seconds leaving me on a white screen. I attempt to hit the home button like the install guides indicate so I may choose the mod I have installed but then the game crashes. Any help would be much appreciated as I am not familiar with many computer aspects. I just like to play the games I enjoy and try to make them look different/ play better to no avail. Specs: Gtx 1060 6gb, I7-8750, 16 ddr4, 144hz, 1920x1080 resolution, laptop. Sidenot: Before I attempt to use another reshade mod, I always delete what I just installed from the main folder of Sekiro and make sure it boots properly. Each attempt after deleting whatever I installed works properly.
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