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About DragoonPreston

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  1. In response to post #54947243. #54947383, #54947628, #54951293, #54951563, #54951708 are all replies on the same post. They decided to make a new manager because the way MO did things won't work for all games. The new system there going to be using will. And they threw out the NMM engine because they could do better by starting over.
  2. In response to post #54979568. #54980923 is also a reply to the same post. From what I've managed to gather, MO's "Virtual Folder" Is an entirely separate 32 bit file system. That caused it to be incompatible with most other programs, and introduced a lot of limitations to what it could do. Don't get me wrong what it was capable of doing it did great, but at the cost of all the features a 64 bit file system brings. Because Skyrim was a 32 bit game this wasn't a problem, but Skyrim SE is a 64 bit game and therefore is incompatible at its most base level with the file system MO uses. Vortex, from what I've read and what I know as an IT guy. Is using a VERY powerful system built into modern file systems. "Links". Links let you point a piece of software to a file as if the file were in the folder it's looking at. The files don't even have to be on the same drive if you do it right. The reason it will look like files are in your data folder is because "File Explorer" is a piece of software.
  3. In response to post #54930308. #54930478, #54930773, #54930833, #54930843, #54930848, #54930913, #54931018, #54931133, #54931298, #54931363, #54931473, #54931588, #54932243, #54933863, #54934008, #54934293, #54934383, #54935133, #54936008, #54939378, #54939888, #54941398, #54945963, #54946478, #54947498, #55048508 are all replies on the same post. As an IT expert, going by how the engine is described to work in the last post. Switching between profiles will take at most seconds for very slow computers. And here's why I believe this. First some background Info you're going to need to know; Symbolic Links and Hard Links, for those who don't know what they are I'll describe them as short as I can. Symbolic Links are pointers to a file, like someone giving you directions to a place. Hard Links are files existing in more than one place in your file manager (AKA Windows Explorer), while still being only one file saved on your storage medium (AKA Hard Drive). This means you can have your files in more than one place, and it won't take up any more room on your storage medium. Any program looking at one of these links will see the original file, thus drastically improving compatibility with other programs. From what was said the new system will use those types of links to determine what files will "Be in the data folder". And because how easy it is to make links, profiles will likely just be a file of link locations that will be loaded when you load a profile. Clearing out the old links (saved in the profile you switch from) and put the new links in the folder. Thereby allowing you to have near limitless amounts of profiles while using very little room. All the hard work of determining the links and what files should be used will likely be done while installing mods. This method is also much safer than the use of a fully virtual file system, as it's a part of how modern Operating Systems work in the first place. I won't go deep into detail but if you want to know more search how files are actually saved onto a storage medium (Hard Drive). I will also say if my educated guesses are correct you will have all the powerful functions of MO with a fully stable and safe implementation. Including the mod install order stuff, as it's just deciding what links to use. And allow nearly any program to be added with minimal effort, Not just games. Finally I must say I have no part in the development of this product. I'm just an interested party trying to help others understand how the system may work.
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