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  1. I'm on Patch 5, and allegedly kissing Astarion with masculine players (bodies 3 and 4) should have been fixed. However, I'm getting the kissing animation for body type 1/2 instead of 3/4. Also, during the intimate act, I got an animation where Astarion lifted my character and pressed him against the tree - when it should have been the other way around. The hugging scene worked fine, though. My character is a body type 4, male. Is anyone else having this problem?
  2. Underwear doesn't come off in intimate scenes, even though it's toggled to full nudity in the game settings. Does anybody else have this bug?
  3. People who are not involved in that drama shouldn't be a part of that drama. I'm just a simple user in this whole thing, just like you are. I don't have to suffer for something that's not my business to begin with. While it may be "cute" to you, it's irritating for me, and it's generally invasive. If Boris is genuinely threatened by someone on Reddit or wherever, and his good work's functionality was actually compromised because of it, he could have made a public statement about it wherever possible so it's visible for everyone, and people could act accordingly. I personally have no idea what really went down, and more importantly - whether it concerns me as an ENB user. Everything considered, I'm pretty sure the answer is "no".
  4. (My keyboard "misfired" and there's 'peals' in the headline instead of 'pearls'. I cannot correct this, unfortunately) I love ENB, it enhances my game tremendously, and I've gone to great lengths to optimize my game so that framerate is consistent with ENB enabled. I appreciate everything that Boris has done and is still doing to make this utility as good as it can be, and a vital asset for stunning visual features in the game. That said... I feel COMPLETELY OPPOSITE about how this utility's author is treating users. For example, forcing the users to see author's personal opinions and statements every time they start their game. And he's not giving us an option to NOT see them, even though these lines belong in a forum discussion, or perhaps as notes on the utility page - not inside of the utility itself. Imagine if ALL mod authors did this in their mods/utilities. Imagine opening mod's MCM menu and the first thing you see is a message from the author as the only thing in the window, about how their mod is supreme to all others, before it switches you to the actual menu. Sure, Boris has the right to do whatever he wants with his creation, especially since it's free to use. But this is borderline molestation of users who regard ENB as something they can't play without. As a consequence, many users are doing the exact opposite from what Boris is trying to achieve with those messages - ditching ENB and switching to Community Shaders and the follow-up mods. That's exactly how I felt on several occasions when I started up my game and was greeted with a tedious message that I really, really don't have to see - especially since I'm ALREADY using ENB, and appreciating it. I am not discussing this on ENB Forum because there are apparently privacy issues with the site. When I tried to log in after registration, my antivirus blocked my login and gave me this lovely message, twice: But since this is a utility for Skyrim SE, I don't see why I shouldn't talk about it here, at least. I am really, really bothered by those messages on my screen whenever I start the game, and just like many other people, I don't appreciate when something is forced on me. I am just expressing my feelings on the matter, given that we as users are basically helpless in addressing this issue and have to put up with it. Maybe, just maybe, enough people will express their dissatisfaction, and the author would remove these forced personal inputs from the binaries. Best wishes to everyone.
  5. Thank you scorrp10 for this nice explanation and the console suggestion :thumbsup: It's always good for me to learn more about how scripts work :laugh:
  6. I don't use the adoption system in the game at all. It's personal preference (and there are plenty of other players who share it). After killing Grelod, the Courier forces the adoption letter on the player whether we want it or not. Normally I immediately throw it away so as not to start the adoption quest; reading the letter starts the quest and then it's stuck in my quest log. However, throwing away the letter isn't a real solution. The quest for adoption will trigger as soon as the quest Innocence Lost is done, sending the courier to deliver the letter to the player. And that quest will keep running in the background until the letter has been read, unnecessarily. Now, I don't know how to mod scripts. I have found several related quest files in the game's scripts: BYOHRelationshipAdoptableLetter.psc BYOHRelationshipAdoptableOrphanageSc.psc BYOHRelationshipAdoptableScript.psc I can open these with Notepad++ and see the content, but these scripts (or perhaps only one of them) should be edited in CK for it to take effect, there's probably also a correspondent .pex file. Most importantly, I don't know what needs to be edited for this letter delivery to never trigger - or in other words, for that script to never run after Innocence Lost completes. I have tried dabbling into scripts, but I really, really don't know how to do it properly or successfully. I'm just code-blind or something. Can someone edit the right script so the Adoption Letter is never forced on the player, and that script never fires? Is there a chance you can make it into a mod?
  7. Oh, this helps a lot! Thank you! :thumbsup: Do I need to adjust anything in the rack's mesh? I mean, in NifSkope.
  8. Nope, I don't have that one. I do have Immersive Interactions, although I don't think that applies to this issue. Did you experience spinning camera on death only while using Immersive First Person View?
  9. No spinning death animation is already included in Underdog Animations. I also had that one too, they're basically the same. But this is an animation fix, not camera fix. My character falls and dies just fine, it's the camera that's spinning wildly. I think my problem is in the conflict between Improved Alternate Conversation Camera and True Directional Movement, although I can't be sure. I do know that there's a known conflict in the headtracking system, players tinker for a workaround by adjusting some MCM settings of these two mods that are mutually exclusive, but no one has stated an "official" fix yet.
  10. What the title says. The camera spins violently whenever I die. The message shows "You can't go on" or something like that, which is fine, but the rollercoaster camera is not. I don't know what is causing it - or at least I can't find the cause. I'll try to list all even remotely related mods that I use: Improved Alternate Conversation CameraUnderdog AnimationsTrue Directional MovementCamera NoiseNo SmoothCam, or other camera-related mods except those listed. Help?
  11. Aaaand I have also discovered why .NET Script Framework wasn't working - if anyone who had downgraded their game has a similar problem. Reinstall DLL Plugin Preloader and Engine Fixes Part 2 in Skyrim directory. The files added by those mods get overwritten when you update/downgrade the game. NSF is now working. Problem solved.
  12. Well... I haven't noticed that something broke after I applied this fix. But yeah, as Tarlazo also said (he pretty much agrees with you), this is just a workaround, not an actual solution. Perhaps Realtionship Dialogue Overhaul is messing up something in some script? I really don't know anymore... I don't want to cause instability to my game, the engine is creaky and dated as it is.
  13. I've been trying for over a year to implement Pickysaurus' excellent resource Dynamic Armor Racks into my game, but I can't get them to work. All I want is to replace mannequins in Riverside Lodge (Extra Armory layout) with these armor racks. I can remove the mannequins, but putting the racks in their place hasn't been successful. I know there's a linked ref here that makes the switch between the Library and Extra Armory layouts, that isn't the problem. The problem is making the Racks work as they're supposed to. For now, they're just serving as decoration. Is scripting required to do this? There's a dummy (empty) script attached to the rack Activator, and I don't know what to do with it or how to adjust it. I also wanted to expand upon this mod by adding keywords for unarmored versions of armor parts: body, hands, feet, head. No jewelry like necklaces and rings, that would be silly. ...Or, I don't know, those could be added too. But there's only so much room on that pedestal... Someone help me with this, please. I'm very open for cooperation.
  14. I have discovered that .NET Script Framework doesn't work for downgraded Skyrim SE. Everything that works for 1.5.97 normally works in my game, except NSF apparently. Fortunately, there's an alternative: Crash Logger. Thanks to this utility, I have found the culprit, it was a house mesh added by a mod.
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