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About DragonTotem

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    United States
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  1. Any way to make NPC's able to drown?
  2. Can someone remove the horns/spikes and narrow the eye slots on the helmet? Example for the eye slots: https://ibb.co/nMywjhy
  3. Is there a mod that combines arms and legs so instead of vanilla armor being left arm/right arm or left leg/right leg it's just arms and legs?
  4. Empty Fallout 4 map. Hopefully FNV project will release an empty desert mod but I am not sure.
  5. Serbu BFG .50cal has a really interesting design that could be popular: https://modernfirearms.net/en/sniper-rifles/large-caliber-rifles/u-s-a-large-caliber-rifles/serbu-bfg-50-eng/
  6. In response to post #54682378. Way to poison the well.
  7. In response to post #54681838. #54682148 is also a reply to the same post. "given enough time, everyone will get used to the new layout and all the bitching and moaning will end." Just because people might stop talking about it, doesn't mean that they like it since their criticisms before must just have been some sort of phase. "Don't listen to the haters" So be ignorant?
  8. In response to post #54682203. It's hardly intuitive. Right now it's a step back from the old design.
  9. In response to post #54678303. Also, the pay limit on results is not very nice.
  10. The mods when browsing are too large and there's not enough color contrast overall. Needs work because it's pretty clunky/ugly as of now, but it's not a bad step.
  11. A red and white powerfist akin to Salt Upon Wounds' powerfist in FNV.
  12. Thought it would be pretty cool if Synths were to explode upon death. (Immersion wise the Institute may want to damage/destroy hardware info and possibly maim or kill the attacker.)
  13. An outfit based on the superhero Iron Fist.
  14. And who are they? Either of us don't really know how many times a man or a woman thinks about sex, especially in general. How many times do men check out women? Again, who can know this? Women also check out men, but ultimately it doesn't even matter, so your point is moot. Women can wear whatever clothes they want to. Men also have clothing that show off their bodies, you aren't making any real points here, just asking a bunch of questions that I guess are suppose to mean something. I think you have a lot of learning to do when it comes to the word "victimization." I'm not really concerned about the far past, so why don't we focus on the modern day and stay relevant?
  15. Both men and women have had struggles since the dawn of time, sexist beliefs probably didn't come about until much later on. Men are also expected to adopt certain roles and they have double standards. As for the whole "wild stallion" thing, who are you to say that's why they like women who fight? Can you read minds? I really think that you are deeply exaggerating in this post. Both sexes have faced problems including sexism. Who faced more sexism doesn't really matter. "Privilege," doesn't really have to do with the bathroom issue.
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