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Everything posted by hafizlordfeast

  1. You know what I think is funny, after all the f******s that Bethesda have done, ONLY when Bethesda remove the paid modding that they've decided to make a clear statement why making paid mods is a good idea with a very specific detail. But it's like making a good excuse after your wife or husband finds out you're cheating and confront you about it. They've probably should do this sooner instead of telling the percentage of money the modders received and comparing to Bethesda and Valve, which doesn't seem fair for companies that want to 'help' the modders. Making the community angry in the process, while also being angry about other thing too. Another thing, heard that Bethesda and Valve makes dealing with excellent modders to implement the paid mods on Steam like Isoku, SkyUI Team, Chesko, and others (Probably? I don't know). So if Bethesda know enough about the potential modders that mod-users like, of course they've decided that these are the guys that will profit most for Bethesda and Gaben. BUT, if they've known enough about these guys, that means Bethesda already explore the heart of modding communities to know what is really going on in Skyrim modding process. What I'm getting is this, these are the modders that probably know the problems of Skyrim modding. Some of the problems are conflicting mods and broken mods that can break Skyrim, and yeah, Bethesda probably suppose to know this as well, (they've already stated themselves that every mod implemented or remove must make a new game every time) if they even bother to contact them privately about this. What? They think the modding community are just casuals that only want to buy certain mods and get on with it? Even mod users with low end PC want to reach the 255 mod limits or beyond if they could, and the problem with buying mods for a game like Skyrim are indeed the conflict and broken state. Skyrim will be considered broken with mods, and fixing mods are the only solution instead of Bethesda's patches, but my God, imagine if fixing mods decided that they want to charge money as well. (You think they don't deserve this? They are the one who fix the broken game instead of Bethesda, but who is fine enough to pay something that Bethesda should've done themselves?) Skyrim is a volatile game that got hurt more as the mods being implemented and removed, making paid mods are rather silly for a game on this kind of state, and Bethesda want to make sure the mods need to be paid? With the risk of broken the game itself? I don't know if people actually generous enough like they stated they are, in which I doubt it, that they will pay the mods no matter what, to help the modders. So you don't really care about the risk of incompability and broken state of Skyrim? But I guess you're that kind, like you state that you are? Hey, good mods are good mods, but only if we actually use it, no preview or all that. After you are satisfied with the mods, are the time when you feel it's worth the money. So donate it as much as they've deserve it, but too bad some people isn't keen on donating but like to pay the mods for some reason. You don't know deserving mods after you try it, so why would I want to pay for some that could've been terrible. I'm pretty baffled on the people that think paid mods are a good idea for a game like Skyrim after all that, and the problem is you haven't feel the longer effect of this business plan, so you wouldn't even know the problems it could create. To bad Bethesda already pull it off before it learns to fly, huh? Mods aren't early access which is a game of its own, not something that is implemented that could risk the state of the base game. Why would I want to pay something that could risk Skyrim? It's like Bethesda already know the community, but decided to make one fell swoop of sudden strike to free modding community. Yo, look at that, Wet and Cold is free on the Nexus but turns out the new version will be considered premium exclusively for the Steam Workshop, and you have to pay for it. Heard that Steam is incompatible with mod managers. If that is true, then there's add another problem. Wouldn't it be great if we could have all the mods compatible with each other even if we paid for, but it's not that simple isn't it? Yes, I do agree that modders deserve to be paid for their work. Hell, all of the modders other than Skyrim modders need to be rewarded for their work, but only good modders, not terrible modders and scamming modders, of course. People doesn't seem to keen on the ideas on donating, but like to pay the mods that the modders only got thirty percent, guess they want to pay Bethesda and Valve as well, I suppose. The people who want free mods will either screw paid mods or pirated the paid mods. So where's the money on that? It was free for a long time and all of a sudden you have to pay for it like a DLC, usually conflicting or broken DLC. Can't expect people to be empathic enough to help modders paid for their hard work, in which they only get half of money anyway. There are too many reasons why Bethesda remove paid mods so early, usually on the reasons that are not good for their own circumstances. IF Bethesda want to help the community, I already state this and I will state it again, Bethesda should be the one to pay the modders, not the customers who already purchase their product. If Bohemia Interactive able to give ten thousands prize money to modders, why can't Bethesda? Despite Bohemia Interactive getting criticized for producing expensive DLC, they're the only one who awarded the modders, even if Bohemia isn't actually richest AAA publisher. If Bethesda want to help them more, how about hiring them? If modders ain't capable enough to move to Maryland, then let them work remotely. It's like Bethesda wanted to screw the modding community, and make sure that everyone start to go their own way and oppose each other. Trying to become a game company that is hated by its own fans. While also, to create a more hostile relation between modders and mod users. It's like every game company want to reach the top as the evil company in the world. What's going on here?
  2. In response to post #25003024. #25006084 is also a reply to the same post. @bullpcp: Well, it is a fact that we all do pay for Skyrim, and mods are the special service and traits on why The Elder Scrolls and Fallout from Bethesda remains popular in the first place. Make some 'essential' mods to be charged with, then Skyrim becomes a money whoring DLC game. Expecting us to pay money for unofficial implementation, and hoping it won't break our game. It's logical for it to be free to ensure that bad mods can be remove without wasting money, because we all know once mods able to have a price on it, varied dishonest advantage can be done. Hell, even Bethesda advice us that every mod that we add or remove, then you still need to make a new game. I guess I have to start a new game after wasting my money on bad mods. Silly me, I should've check or becoming a tester if the modders want to fix the mods, IF they fix the mods. Remember, we pay for the game, but if Bethesda want to make their own way of smaller multiple DLCs, same as other gaming companies, (Conflicting or broken mods, of course), things that they don't work for, by the way, then I guess I won't even bother.
  3. In response to post #24936654. #24942449 is also a reply to the same post. @WightMage: That's why it is a much better reason for Bethesda and Valve to do this rather than Nexus. Nexus isn't a gaming company that receive multiple profits on a daily basis, it is an independent company that offers free services but logically expected to received profits through support and premium payment. If not, it will impossible for Nexus to keep going. I thought that the community know much better than this? But of course, why would Bethesda and Valve want to give money? Pretty sad that Bohemia at least able to give prized money to modders, despite being criticized for charging expensive DLC. They give tens of thousand dollars (or probably currency) rewards to modders who did deserve it. Not some half baked mods that expected people to pay for it.
  4. In response to post #24956179. Can the Nexus implement Patreon? I mean it is seem to be a logical way to support the modders with a very intuitive system. YouTubers, did it, and most of the time, people who give money and reach the requirement, got some kind of reward, and also able to help the modders reach certain goals. Of course the mindset of modders are varied if they expect for people to give them money or else, they won't give you content. But if successful YouTuber provide quality contents, people will surely glad to give them money, and probably be the same to modders as well.
  5. In response to post #24896494. #24899599, #24903244 are all replies on the same post. So the mod managers can be used to endorse, huh? Sorry if I don't know this considering I never got to play Skyrim anymore. But, I do think it's better if the pop-up message that I stated need to be implemented as well. People usually don't look twice even if the endorse button is right in front of them, IMO. Just a more clear reminder for mod users to at least endorse the mod that they fond of, and need to be supported. I don't know how the mod managers setting up the endorse button, but if the mod users still doesn't press it, then they need to be told again to press it. Someone might feel annoyed if there was a pop-up message, but it's not like you downloading mods every day.
  6. In response to post #24896554. #24896779, #24897154, #24897259, #24897469 are all replies on the same post. @momuse: I just add something to my comment about this, what I meant is past modders, long ago before modding was a 'thing', before it was popular enough. Remember Doom mods? Do you know that Dark Souls or Deadly Premonition mods that fix the damn game? Remember the gazilion mods that don't demand a cent from you? Do I mention that they don't have the luxury of having Steam and Bethesda to greenlight their modding payment? I've heard you get foiled if you make paid mods without their permissions. Sure, I know that Steam has doing this whole buy-able mods to be implemented other than Skyrim, and I also heard that Valve themselves support the paid mods. What if, someone other than Arthmoor, make the Unofficial Patch, and charge it? Glad he didn't, but there is a possibility that may happen. Does that seem reasonable enough to you? Like I state, there are other ways to make a living, and considering that people are vocal and negative enough of paid mods, show that modders shouldn't even doing it in the first place. If they rather get their names insulted and continue with the paid mods, fine. Considering what I seen, they already done it, I suppose. Because there's the conclusion, people are vocal enough to stop the Skyrim paid mods, and Bethesda is on the verge being shunned forever. So, they've decided to stop it. The modders that already committed to the charging mods are forever shunned. I'm not one of the people who hate them, but like I state, better do something else than this, because the modders already paid the price.
  7. In response to post #24896554. #24896779, #24897259, #24897469 are all replies on the same post. Agreed, mods have exist for a long time before Skyrim, and they never ask for money because they want to share the fun on the things that they've made, and people are glad to have it. Plus, great mod will make you praise the modders, maybe not openly as we wanted, when comparing to trolls who just post ungrateful stuffs or having pleasures creating blood pressure to the mod makers. If modders, especially now, charge mods for money, no one will appreciate what you've done and they probably going to complain much more than before. Whether the mod is broken, conflicted, unsatisfactory and other negative statement. Pay for mods and the modders will get quadruple the criticism and trolling. What's the point to pay something that could potentially broke the game anyway? This isn't early access where you get a whole new game, despite how buggy and unplayable the game is. Mods are implementation to the game, and shouldn't even compare to offical DLC no matter how crap it is. Mods are volatile and offical DLC is the official addon that are considered the essential implementation, and no matter how good SkyUI is, you can never be to sure when you pay something that broke your game. I will state this again, if modders want to make profits by making mods, they better off working with game companies, like Bethesda, because they need to get a big slap to the face for making a buggy mess and non-friendly PC implementation, and expecting people to give them money for something they don't even fix or add in the first place. Pay for SkyUI? WTF!? Forgot to also state this, what about past modders who also work hard enough and doesn't expect no payment? It's not fair now to ask for people's money when we barely hear past modders asking to get profits. They don't get the clear communications with community or even get dealings from companies like Bethesda or Steam to put price tags on their mods. I know modders work hard, so does everyone else, but if you want profits, do it right and do it the way of not pissing people off.
  8. Considering that you, Mr. Dark0ne or Mr. Robin Scott (If I got the right guy), read the comments, may I suggest something about the endorsements? Considering that the Nexus community seems to prioritize endorsement and it will considered disrespectful or unhelpful for someone to use the mod but not recommend it enough, by not press the endorsement button. So, something probably need to do about this problem. I will say that it's been a long time since I ever download mods (Considering that my computer broke, and all I do is tracking mods until I buy a new great computer), but I do remember that it will take one hour for the Nexus to allow you to endorse. Because it will probably be a hassle after downloading multiple mods at one time, which make me forget to endorse the mods that I used. Other issue is my internet is so slow, it will annoy me to even bother, browsing each mod page again to endorse. My suggestion is this, one hour after the mod download is done, when visiting the Nexus again after that, there should be a pop-up message and listed the mods that you have downloaded and ask if you want to endorse them or not. Sort of like checking list, which makes it much better. Should also make the "Cancel" button if the mod doesn't deserve the endorsement. I don't know this kind of request have been done before, and I'm sorry for probably being rude to tell someone to make something on this web page that myself, have no contribution to it whatsoever. But people do care about endorsement and recommendation, both mod users and mod makers alike. Just to let you know.
  9. In response to post #24787589. #24788179 is also a reply to the same post. @ pintocat: I could agree with you wholeheartedly, but after reading FavoredSoul in this forum, about the mod users v mod makers, I do feel like another kind of perspective need to be added, even if we know, paying for something that suppose to be free in the first place just plain wrong. Maybe, mod makers do feel entitled after getting criticized and trolled with the free mods they made, so they at least deserve the compensation after all that abuse. But of course, making the sudden decision of making premium payment, isn't actually a good idea, even though it looks like a benefit to them. The reason of this catastrophe is simply, the sudden implementation. If they are all take time and having long term demonstration test before showing the paywall straight to our face, then maybe a better agreement could be done. Instead, they drop the bomb and before you know it, everbody pointing fingers to anyone. About the exclusivity creation kit, even though I never know it before, I think its okay, if it meant for talented modders to use it and show its capability, sort of like closed beta test. Maybe they don't want beginner mod makers to criticized something they don't even know, or something, and at least its FREE. But this paywall, not acceptable. Even if Bethesda and Valve wanted to help the modders, though it is clearly they want the slice of the pie for something they don't even contribute, they should at least give them prizes themselves. How come Bohemia Interactive who make Arma games, able to give money prizes to the mod makers with a lot amount of money, but Valve and Bethesda are being super cheap about this? Bohemia Interactive isn't actually a huge AAA developers, and Valve already considered the most successful distributor of games. Can Bethesda and Valve personally help mod makers themselves, instead of asking for costumers money? People criticize Bohemia's expensive DLC, but they at least give something back the mod makers, and they haven't use the paywall policy, yet. But I know they will be screwed if they do, just like Bethesda right now.
  10. I know that Bethesda is the developer of this game, but damn, they shouldn't have made the sudden paywall decision without actually analyzing or communicating with the communities first, modders and mod users alike, openly. Now we have this blatant argument with mod users vs mod makers, and honestly, I really do blame Bethesda for this without acknowledging anything beforehand. Now, great modders that do deserve the reward, have left the community, and leaving us who already indulge on great mods, being forbidden or probably blocked, if wanted to. I know trolls are everywhere and how they react in a baffling, annoying and ignorant way, but I guess you can't stop human nature by using internet alone. But Bethesda did push the red button, just to destroy the community apart, much worse than before. The damages are already done, but holly molly, the damages look so severe right now.
  11. In response to post #24742594. #24742759, #24742849, #24742924, #24742934, #24743009, #24743059, #24743149, #24743254, #24743299, #24743359, #24743449, #24743474, #24743514, #24743524, #24743584, #24743604, #24743624, #24743724, #24743739, #24743769, #24743774, #24743884, #24743929, #24743984, #24744049, #24744139, #24744159, #24744279, #24744479, #24744519, #24744574, #24744719, #24744789, #24744794, #24744929, #24744964, #24744989, #24745004, #24745054, #24745174, #24745279, #24745339, #24745449, #24745494, #24745729, #24745734, #24745839, #24745939, #24746154, #24746294, #24746544, #24746674 are all replies on the same post. Ever heard the word "This is why we can't have nice things"? Yup, people who does amazing things will rarely get the gratitude they deserve, so it comes to how they handle it in the end, and I'm not just talk about modding, but everything there is to life. Sure it sucks to provide something to the people that is worse than animal out there, but if you can endure the internet abuse, without the need to give up, some people will be grateful as well. You do have my thanks for providing some of the cool mods, that I used and maybe forget to endorse, and probably will donate if only the money differences ain't so contrast enough in their cost, between different countries, still don't have enough money you know, even if I do, I rather pay extensively if I want to donate something on the internet. Of course, we all know that most people are used to committed on being douche in the internet every day, instead of giving back something good. I could not fathom how people could live a life of bullies everyday without the feeling of at least saying "Thank You". I know I wouldn't want to be friend with any of them, and rather just give each of them a good punch in the face, if I could. If only the computer will let me do that. But I do say this, thank you for the hard work you've done, even though you have received the treatment you don't deserve, we, half of the community who also stay behind the curtain, are grateful for your services over the five or so years.
  12. In response to post #24738304. #24738404, #24738464, #24738479, #24738524, #24738604, #24738659, #24738679, #24738694, #24738739, #24738779, #24738799, #24738804, #24738919, #24738944, #24738974, #24739104, #24739184, #24739199, #24739204, #24739289, #24739329, #24739359, #24739394, #24739409, #24739474, #24739514, #24739544, #24739564, #24739609, #24739619, #24739639, #24739689, #24739759, #24739784, #24739884, #24739949, #24739999, #24740019, #24740029, #24740039, #24740124, #24740139, #24740174, #24740184, #24740199, #24740234, #24740349, #24740469, #24740494, #24740509, #24740569, #24740579, #24740584, #24740694, #24740734, #24740789, #24740809, #24740814, #24740834, #24740844, #24740859, #24740899, #24740939, #24740959, #24741039, #24741074, #24741079, #24741154, #24741159, #24741164, #24741289, #24741369, #24741419, #24741429, #24741444, #24741449, #24741529, #24741644, #24741674, #24741699, #24741714, #24741744, #24741754, #24741764, #24741784, #24741804, #24741884, #24741959, #24742024, #24742104, #24742119, #24742154, #24742169, #24742194, #24742314, #24742444, #24742464, #24742489, #24742509, #24742524, #24742564, #24742579, #24742634, #24742744, #24742799, #24742804, #24742964, #24743039, #24743319, #24743439, #24743614, #24743699, #24743779, #24743799, #24743809, #24743899, #24743969, #24744239 are all replies on the same post. You do realize the issue of paid mods are so many? So you are saying that copycat mods deserve to get paid? Do you think mods that are clearly not official DLC's that could broke the game, without Bethesda's support, deserve to be paid? Do you even think buggy mods deserve to be paid? Donation is the only way to provide the payment gratitude the modders deserve. That's the only creative motivation that he or she will need, for financial reason. You know that YouTube doesn't give you money out of nowhere, right? If you care enough about the modders to be paid, why don't you give them the money they deserve, because I know not all of us are rich people who can just give people ten dollars on every mod we want to get? I guess you are then? We expect free mods so we get free mods, and you already know the downside of having a mod in the first place, bugs and conflict, and you want us to pay for that? We won't complain about the paywall if there's no problem to mods in the first place. Why don't you at least THINK before spouting your naive nobility towards all of us. It's not as simple to contribute to modders as if we are rich men. It is Bethesda and Valve responsibility to actually give financial help to them in the first place, not us, and they even get the most cut instead of modders. You think that's fair? For the love of god, if you want to help them so much, GIVE them money, more money because they deserve it. Are you capable enough to do that or you're just ordering us to do what you want us to do?: Pay them, pay them all. I don't, because I don't have the luxury of giving them monthly salary, they modders know what they are doing is not a job, its a hobby, no matter how hard the hobby is. If they feel it isn't enough for financial benefits, go find a job, or better yet, go find a job at Bethesda. We don't want to pay for mods because we know the positive and negative of mods, some weights the other. Common sense that should be implemented in your brain before commenting this naivety.
  13. One of my favorite site, without any worry of ruination, has now turn into chaos, with everyone accusing anyone. Thanks Bethesda and Valve, for you have create another stepping stone for an inevitable Armageddon. You know, instead of Bethesda offering modders to make a paywall, while taking money for the modders' hard work, how about offer them jobs to develop and fix their damn game? Thought I never see these clusterf***k in this site. Guess I was wrong.
  14. Why does every big corporation have to do something that make them look bad, and make others look bad in the process (modders who already commit to the paywall)? As if they are worshiping chaos and make everything and everyone fall apart, like prolonging for Armageddon or something.
  15. I guess charging for mods is a good idea after all. <sarcasm> http://www.destructoid.com/the-first-paid-skyrim-mod-has-been-pulled-290924.phtml
  16. If there is GTA Nexus, I might consider differently. LOL!
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