Fusion Generator: 5,000-10,000+ caps easily. It powers buildings for centuries, so it should be invaluable to any ramshackle settlement. Heavy Turrets: 700-1000 caps. These things are relentless defenders, day and night. They could end up saving your life, so their value is relatively high up (though come to think of it, I don't believe I have ever seen any turrets but the Missile ones kill anything, but I'm trying to think realistically). Now, by "New" Chemistry Workbench, do you mean brand-spanking-right-off-the-showroom-floor new, or new as in just new to your possession? If former, it would be VERY high, but I'm going to logically asssume you meant the latter, which is around 1,000-2,000 caps. It lets you create your own drugs that you could sell for a fortune or keep for yourself to aid in combat, thus potentially saving your life.