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Status Updates posted by Tobjoern

  1. Last but not least we have found 6 more nirnroots and now we have a total of 220 pieces.^^ Time to have a break at The Drunken Dragon Inn. ...hm, a beer for me and a goblet of wine for Alba... - ...Cheers^^...
  2. I think, I'm starting to hate these Green Stain Cups. At our last hike north, through the dark forest, there was very bad weather once again. We were actually still looking for a few more nirnroots, but the view was more than bad. All we could hear was the loud wind and the strong rain, but no ringing sound from the nirnroots. Everytime I believed, I had discovered a nirnroot, it was just a Green Stain Cup again.
  3. The Black Forest is our favorite landscape at the moment. It's so beautiful here with all those lakes, ponds and the sounds of nature. We have found 21 nirnroots in one day and now our pockets are full with them. ^^ I made a picture from one of the nirnroots, together with some pitcherplants, in front of Fort Doublecross. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?
  4. Nocturnal has lost her eye... - ...let's see what we can do...^^
  5. You're welcome ^^ (I definitely do not know everything ;)

    Anyway it was interesting to learn that for some people mods may look different...

  6. Today we have closed three Oblivion gates. Leyawiin will now send help to Bruma. After that we wanted to visit Nocturnal's Shrine. As we left Leyawiin behind us, it rained and stormed like crazy. A rest and a little nap at Fisherman's Watch was just the right thing. But after that it's still raining and storming. We are not able to see our hands before our eyes. Sh%-weather...
  7. Topal Bay is so beautiful at evening. We wasted a lot of time there, so we will stay over night in Bogwater and tomorrow we will see...
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tobjoern


      You're right - we have done so... ^^
    3. AurianaValoria1


      You can get some awesome sunsets there.
    4. Tobjoern


      ...and together with all the sounds of nature, it's really awesome there... - we also have made some pictures...
  8. After we visited Biene Amelion in Water's Edge and after completing Sheogorath's task in Border Watch, it's nice to be back again in Leyawiin. We bought us a little house in the center of the city. After a little break, we will go to fortress Blue Blood. It is said there could be found a Silverlight Armor that were made by Jojjo.
  9. I found some salad and yarn in Water's Edge. There were two sheep that run through the deep water. What is wrong with them...? ^^
    1. AurianaValoria1


      They've been touched by Sheogorath!

      Or maybe they just need a bath. :P

    2. Tobjoern


      Quickly away from there. Hopefully we get not infected by them. Although when I see all those rats at Border Watch... cheese... I'm confused... ^^
  10. ...you're welcome... :)
  11. - little explanation.

    "Shadow Gear" is a german version from "Shdw Armor Pack01".

    It has all meshes in the installation folder, indeed. But subfolders are not in their proper place and female flimsy greaves and cuirass are not showing up in game. I moved the subfolders to bring them in right order, but no success...

    I would probably use the english version...

  12. Hi, because of your armor-request:

    I must correct something: its not from "Shadow Gear"!

    - it's from Shdw Armor Pack01!!! (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11265)

  13. Sheogorath's Shrine... - ... I'm back again and I still have to get some salad and yarn. Where did I leave that stuff? It seems I must buy some... - ...let's go to Leyawiin...
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