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Everything posted by jinxmaster1

  1. The mod quickdrop https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59619 by thegeekofalltrades is so fantastic. In essence it allows you to drop the last few items you picked up using a hotkey, no more do you have to scroll through your misc tab to drop that quill, or plate, or hammer, just hit your hotkey and watch the worthless junk leave your inventory harmlessly. Unfortunately this mod only exists for the Legendary Edition as far as I can tell. I wouldn't know where to begin with trying to port such a mod, if anyone knows of any SE equivalent or can point me to resources for porting such a mod I would be eternally grateful.
  2. Every time I pick up a plant, resource package, diamond, etc, I have to sit there for a second while I wait for the circle to fill while snake does absolutely nothing towards picking it up. This is extra tedious when you encounter several collectible items at once and have to spend 5+ seconds extra just waiting for the circle to fill up over and over again. If anyone can figure out a way to make the circle quicker, or nonexistant, they would be doing me and many others a great service.
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