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Everything posted by Revenge096
PC Chrome 1920x1080 no zoom-in or any plug-ins that could modify the look of the site as far as I'm aware. To he honest I'm suspecting it's because I'm on Windows 7 which is using an older Chrome version which is not receiving updates anymore. I don't have any other browser installed to confirm this and probably I won't bother to do so. I'm not expecting you're going to support older stuff anyways, so I'll probably get used to it, till I update or buy new PC. Out of curiosity I grabbed my phone, went to Nexus using android's Chrome and turned on desktop mode and it does in fact displays only 4 per row, so there's that I guess. Regardless, thank you for your interest in this and for getting back to me about this.
Is it intended that new uploads section is so small and squished together?
Same thing just happened to me today. Download history is empty and files tab on a mods that I downloaded recently is also acting like I never downloaded those mods.
I wanted to make a spellsword, so I set that combat style and class in CK, gave him like 20 spells and 1 handed sword and in game he's just using 1 spell(dual casting it actually) and that's it. Even more weird, he's running around enemies for like 20 seconds with this spell equipped and after those 20 seconds he finally decides to cast it, this happens everytime. So I made a new combat style for him https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Combat_Style set "ranged" to 0 and meele to 8 and magic to 1.30, yet all this had literally no effect, he's still running around and dual casting that 1 spell. Does anyone know how to make a more advanced ai? Like which keywords and perks should I include? For example when there's more than 2 enemies attacking him, he will use that cloak aura spell I gave him.
Probably because exported nif is missing BSDisemberSkinInstance block, not sure how I fix it http://imgur.com/a/LvZgC
Is there a mod like this? Conjuration spells don't work on a rocky road and they mostly work on big open areas of grass. Im trying to summon 2 dragons here but the game just won't let me.
of course Im not planning to fight with it. It would be just for traveling
Something like this Actually I do have a good robe model for this : I just don't know how to remove sleeves and then hide arms. Would be that even possible with skyrim ?
Thank you very much for these informations. I will try to remove combat drama and obis.
If I have SKSE memory patch, Safety Loard, Stable UGridsToLoad, ENBoost, cleaned plugins with TES5Edit, cleaned saves with 3 different cleaners and yet Im still crashing in cities/inns sometimes while casting spells etc. my modlist + ENB RealVision and it's recommended graphic mods from point 2, but not all of them. My PC : i5-4590 3.3GHz LGA1150 GTX 770 2GB 8 GB RAM Windows 7
Is this possible ? Because when Im using "copy branch" option, after I move something it have different name and I have to change it back manually. It wasn't a problem when I was just moving single armor parts, but now Im trying to connect armor with animated wings, which naturally have animations connected to a lot of bones and there's too many of them to change it all by myself. SeveN797 Posts: 3 Joined: Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:53 pm
huge scripts lag - which mods should I uninstall ?
Revenge096 replied to Revenge096's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Thanks for the replies guys. I acutally managed to fix it a bit. Just like 2 days ago when I decided to install ENB I learned that if you're using mod organizer you need to use it's ini editor and edit it's own ini files. Earlier I was editing those in my documents, that's why I couldn't see any difference. And I made some changes for ENB but thanks to first reply I just realized that I also need to rewrite those old ini tweaks for papyrus for example. After I did it I finally managed to reduce this script lag, after changing those : fUpdateBudgetMS= fExtraTaskletBudgetMS=fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS= I read a lot about those and seen people chaning it for some crazy values like 800 for example. When I set for 800 I had exactly 1.5 fps, but the value which worked for me with stable fps is 50. Script are still lagging but it's playable atleast. If I change it to higher value it will reduce lag even more, but I will also lose more fps.With 50 I can play with my orignal 50-60 fps which I should have, if I change it to 60-70 I will get 40-30 fps etc. Hope this will help someone in future. Thanks again for help. -
Ok so I did basically everything I could to fix save with 1 of my 4 characters. I did all the ini tweaks, all the performance mods like stable grids, enb boots, memory patches etc. I cleaned save with 2 save cleaners and also used to tes5edit to clean my mods, but there's no effect. I have exactly 8586 saves with 4 characters. Game is running stable on the "fresh" 3 and even on the fourth - my first character it's stable, the only problem I have with it is some of the powers are activating like 1 min after I use them. This is my mod list : My save with this 1 character weights 25 mb and believe me or not, but everytime I look at my mods list in NMM, there's really no any mod I'm not using that I would like to uninstall. Of course some of them are just a necessary requirements for other mods to work, so yeah... What I would like to know - which mods should I uninstall to fix this script lag ? And it is even possible to fix it? Or should I give up on this character ?
I was searching in both script of this spell and in CK in "spell" and "effect" categories, but I can't find it.
This is pretty simple : I'm editing an esp file but after ANY change I do and save even the empty race (race -> ppm - > new and it's completely empty) some "stuff" disappears and this stuff is more precisely the magic effects of some spells so they're invisible in game after. I was editing a script of some spell but to get it work I had to use CK and find it's magic effect of this spell. I did open it and in the right lower corner there's a small window called "papyrus script" and there's script itself. I went to it's properties and had to "auto-fill" some empty values in order to get this script and spell working. So ... the problem is I can't use CK because of this disappearing magic effects but without CK there's no way to fix these empty values and get script working. Here are some screens so guys can see what I am talking about : So I need to fix these 4 lines somehow manually or make CK stop deleting my stuff.
Hello... I made a Sasuke's Perfect Susanoo http://imgur.com/a/TGjha and I'm looking for a more similar helmet to it https://www.google.pl/search?q=perfect+susanoo&rlz=1C1ASRM_enPL596PL596&espv=2&biw=1440&bih=755&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=peWFVfvOFaaAzAP_ybaYAQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ Currently I'm using the one from this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31229
Ok I got it. I had to edit the dds textures of the helmet and more precisely actually delete them since the rest of the body isn't using any dds textures and the colors are straight from the nifskope and for the dds file I'm using Paint.NET which have different RGB colors "codes" then nifskope since in nifskope they're starting from 0.000 and can't go higher than 1.0 and in Paint.NET they're from 0-250 so I couldn't even get the same colors. Since I deleted textures for the helmet the color is now straight from nifskope value which same in all other parts of the body :
Hello Here's what I'm trying to do : Right now I'm editing this model : I did change it's helmet, and it's from the other mod. It's natural color is black but I need to make completly transparent like rest of the body : I checked in nifskope values of other parts of this model that are completly transparent for example gloves and set the values of the helmet exactly like them. It did make it a little brighter but it's still not completly transparent like rest of the model. Which values I need to edit ?
Well... somehow I did it and you were right. After few hours of fighthing and setting directory paths for notepad ++ and papyrus compiler, finally I got compiled scripts but it wasn't enough. I used creation kit to localize this spell and the key was the magic effect of it. If you open a magic effect with CK in right lower corner there's a small window called "papyrus script" and it's shows script itself related to this magic effect. I went to it's properties and there were some empty value fields. I used auto-fill on them and it filled those fields with right values. After that, this power has been rewrited to this other path. Thank you very much for your help. I could not do it if it not you.
Okay so today I have been reading quite a lot about it and there's one thing I don't understand. Everyone is saying that's all about psc files and not pex files and if author of the mod added these source psc files that you should be able to change want you want. What I did is I did edit a psc file with notepad++ and saved it but it did not change anything about this specific spell (more precisely power). Then I opened a pex file with notepad++ and it's contents is mixed like first 11 lines are mixed symbols and normal text and the rest after 11 line is all symbols. And here's what I'm trying to do: The mod adds some races and those are more precisely paths and every path has their unique spells and powers. There's 1 path(let's name it "zzz") that have 1 unique power that the rest paths doesn't have. I tried to permit other path (let's name it xxx) to use it so what I did is I use search option in notepad++ for this path's name (zzz) and replaced it all with other path name(xxx) but it didn't change anything because there's also an in game alert if you add this power with console player.addspell and tries to use it, it says "Only the followers of the path zzz can use it". And I also edited this script to say "xxx path" so not only the power didn't activate but the alert was also still reffering to the old "zzz" path just like I didn't change anything ... Then I did the exactly same thing in the pex file and guess what ... atleast alert is now reffering to the new correct path's name "xxx". In the end I used pex decompiler http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2909/? and get from it a pexd file which contains only normal text and I think that's the key because in the pex file I could find and replace only like 5 strings reffering to the path's name when in this pexd file I replaced like 10 values but now I don't know how to convert it back to a normal pex file. If I just change name to pex and replace it in scripts folder it's even worse then before because not only power still isn't working but even the alert isn't popping out.
It was just a question if they could add some things to the mod. More precisely add some new eyes because this mod already have like 200 new eyes and I wanted to mix some of them and have 3 new pair of eyes and if they could change colour a little bit in the specific one and if not at least tell me how I could do it by my self. I'm just sad because it was kinda long post and it's just got deleted with no reply.
Wait... so author didn't delete it but just hid it ? Is there any difference between hiding and deleting post ? Well in both ways I still don't understand why would he do that.
Is there anything you can do about this ?
Today few hours ago I posted a question in http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1408915-the-uchiha-clan/page-912 however I can't see it now. There is still 1 post counted in my profile but if I move to "Posts" it says " There are no posts to display"