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Everything posted by geraintwd

  1. Hey, I know this has been sat here for a while but I just found it today - after having a similar idea myself this morning. Have a look at my post on the SSE mod page - lots of ideas! https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29361?tab=posts
  2. Thanks guys, that was exactly the problem! I started a new game and the portcullis was in the new position!
  3. I've made myself a little compatibility patch for two mods that I use: Solitude Expansion https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8 Skyrim Better Roads https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2640 On the road leading up to the Solitude main gate, Better roads places a few trees. With Solitude Expansion's changes, some of these trees are removed but others are left floating in the air. There is also a portcullis activator and a static one that occupy the same gateway, both added by Solitude Expansion. The activator is placed such that, when opened, it is partially visible through the wall above the gate (z-fighting). The static one seems to serve no purpose. My patch makes the following changes: set 3 trees to "initially disabled"moved 1 tree downwards to reunite it with the groundset the static portcullis to "initially disabled"moved the activator portcullis so that it doesn't clip through the wall when in the open position.All of the changes work when tested in game, with the exception of the activator portcullis. I can move it around in game using the setpos console command but the new x/y/z coordinates I've given it in my patch seem to be ignored by the game. I don't think my patch is being overridden by another mod, since the .esp is at the bottom of my load order and, even with my entire plugin list loaded in SSEEdit, it shows that only Solitude Expansion.esp and my patch affect that activator, with the changes from my patch overriding the original mod. Below is a link to a screenshot of the position information for the activator portcullis. Values on the left are from Solitude Expansion.esp, values on the right are from my patch. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AkIWRdtj_OPsx2JpIPWkSPl4ZZUf The activator portcullis has a base ID of 00023A32. Does anyone here know why Skyrim might ignore the position changes for an activator? Thanks,Geraint
  4. Thanks Stephen, I've sent you a message with a link to the Blender file. That's strange about it not having a UV map but I don't know how I would go about fixing that in Nifskope - the tutorials I watched didn't mention the possibility of that issue occurring and therefore didn't explain how to fix it. I'm using the latest version of Blender - 2.79, so hopefully that helps. I suspect that whatever I have done wrong has probably started there!
  5. Hi Stephen, I would be happy for it to work in either to be honest! I was trying it for Legendary Edition to begin with, then planning to port to SSE once I had it working. My efforts so far have been with the 32 bit CK.
  6. Hi guys, I wonder if someone might be able to help me with getting my first model into Skyrim? It's a simple enough sword that I've created in Blender but I'm having real issues getting it to show up correctly in the Creation Kit. After a lot of trial and error, I've got to the point where I can go into an existing weapon in the Creation Kit (Orcish Greatsword) and edit it to point at my new model but, even though I've set the correct texture paths in the .nif file (overwriting what was there previously to make sure it was in the right place), the preview in the CK shows up with what looks like a default texture. I saved the texture, normal map and specular map as DDS files with the Intel DDS plugin for Photoshop, using BC3 / DXT5 compression. I tried doing it without mipmaps but the CK complained about not having them so I went back and saved them again with mipmaps. I made the mesh in blender 2.79 and imported into Nifskope 1.2.0 Alpha (the latest version has the import option disabled). I UV unwrapped the mesh in blender and then used Photoshop CC 2017 to make the texture on it. I know the UV looks horrible and has a lot of wasted space, but I'd already made the texture before I realised I could move the parts around in blender. I will probably go back and unwrap it again and make the texture again from scratch, but I want to know that I can actually get it to show up correctly in-game first. Before I started this, I had no experience with any of the tools I've used, so I've spent several days on this, reading and watching many tutorials but I just can't seem to get it quite right. I don't know if it's the DDS format that's wrong, something I've messed up on the mesh (I had to go back and flip some of the normals as it was inside out in Nifskope at first) or if I'm just missing something really simple. Please could someone that knows a bit more about this than I do, have a look at the .nif and .dds files that I've included in the file linked below (it's only about 3MB, but still too big to upload directly here) to see if you can work out where I'm going wrong? I've spent so long trying to work it out by trial and error and I've got to the point where I really don't want to make any more (this was supposed to be a test for a larger project, encompassing some 60 weapons!) Link below: https://1drv.ms/u/s!...3h3KtXPsjYaYySw Thanks a lot in advance. Geraint
  7. I know there is already a Warhammer 40K armour mod for Skyrim but it doesn't fit in the lore of Skyrim at all. What I'm looking for is something more like a holy Paladin or Knight armour with the bulk and sheer presence of the Terminator armour from 40K. I've got some reference images but I don't have the modelling or texturing skill to make anything like this myself. The inspiration for this was the Grey Knights - an order formed of warriors hand-picked from various Astartes Legions specifically to combat daemons. A Grey Knight in ornate Terminator power armour is the hammer of the God Emperor and the shield of humanity against the darkness of Chaos. Grey Knights are pure of heart and singular of purpose. Incorruptible by the taint of the Warp, they are stronger-willed than even the mighty Space Marines. If anyone that's got a talent for modelling huge, detailed armour is willing to undertake this for me, I would be insanely grateful. Thanks in advance!
  8. Never mind, I found the problem. This was the problem: +Realistic Water 2 patch 0-9-61995-0-9 I had been using Tamriel Reloaded and changed to Noble Skyrim HD. The above patch is part of the former mod. Removing it fixed the shiny rocks issue. Hope this helps anyone else having the same issue. Thanks.
  9. Hi guys, I'm having a bit of an issue with my wet rocks in Skyrim being REALLY shiny and glossy (see screenshot, taken in Riverwood) I have tried the following: Hiding wet rocks mesh folders from both SMIM and RWT Turning the ENB off Removing texture mods (e.g. Noble Skyrim, Superior Rock Textures) I am using ENB Series 0.315 PC spec: i7 3770K 16GB RAM GTX1080 Using NVIDIA Surround and Flawless Widescreen to run Skyrim in 5760 x 1080 Using latest NVIDIA drivers (384.94 - 24th July 2017) Mod Organiser mod list is as follows: Load order is as follows: enbseries.ini (using the ENB provided with Vivid Weathers) skyrim.ini skyrimprefs.ini Any other suggestions welcome. Please let me know if any other info needed. ThanksGeraint
  10. Ah ok, thanks. I either didn't know or forgot you could do that.
  11. Hi, does anyone know know of (or can create) a mod that enables you to leave Apocrypha without having to accept a power or buff from the black books? I'm role playing a holy paladin character who worships the Divines and shuns any form of Daedric magic or artifacts, so I won't be doing any Daedric quests (except maybe Meridia, so that I can purge the undead with Dawnbreaker) and I don't want to have to accept any kind of benefits from Herma Mora. I'm hoping it's just a simple matter of adding another choice when activating the book to return to Solstheim without accepting any "gifts" from Herma Mora. Thanks in advance! Geraint
  12. Just FYI, after upgrading OBSE from 020 to 021, I started getting ctds when loading a game or starting a new one. Changing heap algorithm from 6 to 5 fixed this.
  13. I am having the same problem. If I delete the ini and let the game re-create it, it's fine for a while, until I install another mod, rebuild my bashed patch and then BAM! I can't load a saved game without a CTD and all my lovely line breaks are gone. I'm getting tired of letting the game recreate the ini over and over again and having to keep changing all the settings from their defaults. EDIT: I have now got to a point where even if I go back and uninstall some of my most recently installed mods (even ones that worked fine before) and delete the ini and let the game recreate it, it will still CTD on attempting to start a new game or load a save. Before anyone asks, I am using Bash, BOSS, and I have correctly installed my mods using BAIN and following the instructions for each one. EDIT 2: I found the cause of my crashes was that updating OBSE to 021 meant that it didn't play nicely with my OSR heap algorithm setting, so I changed the latter and it doesn't crash. It still messes with my line breaks though. Any ideas appreciated. Thanks
  14. Well I don't know whether it was changing the streampurge setting to 4 or updating to the version of OSR you recommended with the settings you posted, but I have done both as you suggested and the areas where I had persistent crashes are now stable! Thanks a million MadWizard!
  15. Hmm, thought I was using the latest OSR, have to check when I'm next on my pc. Will also experiment some more with Streampurge setting. Thanks for the tips about heapsize and ugridsdistant. I have already abandoned any ideas of increasing ugrids above default, but with new landscape lod textures and raevwd, I don't really need to.
  16. Thanks MadWizard. I've still not got quite as far as installing RAEVWD, I've had to abandon the idea of setting ugridstoload any higher than default - it causes frequent CTDs, even at 7, as well as other issues (e.g. hopping, strange NPC behaviour and a massive land tear at Fanacasecul). EDIT: Ok, I have installed RAEVWD and it looks great, but I am getting strange CTDs in specific places. For example, at the IC end of the bridge that connects to Weye (near the stables) and climbing the hill just past Fort Nikel (on the road towards Chorrol). So far I have tested both places twice and both crashed each time in exactly the same spot. However, I can fast travel to Cheydinhal and run to Bruma without any issues, in fact I went 25 mins without a CTD and then quit the game normally. Obviously I need to do some more testing and find out if there are any other hotspots for CTDs, but in the meantime it looks mostly stable. Framerates are in the 20s for most of the time, but gameplay is reasonably smooth, even in combat. I'm using Streampurge at the fastest setting and OSR with heapmode 1 and heapsize 1024 (interestingly, If I set it to 2048, the game crashes on startup). Btw, I think I saw someone mention they were using heapmode 6, but there is no 6. The SR log file gives an error to this effect if I try it. I will post my load order and any other info I can get from Bash when I get time and I'll clean my mods in TES4EDIT as well, but in the meantime if anyone can think of what might be causing these very specific CTDs, please reply below. I have not had these occur until I installed RAEVWD.
  17. I don't have a Haswell, but I have a 3770K at 4.5GHz and trust me, I still get low FPS at the waterfront, not much stuttering elsewhere mind, but with FCOM, Better Cities and UL I am still trying to nail down the cause of frequent CTDs, especially around the Imperial Isle.
  18. Thanks, I'll try different settings in OSR and see if that helps. Might not bother with PyFFI then, if the FPS gain is negligible. I'm running FCOM as well, but there is no way I'm playing without it, just as there is no way I'm using the BC Waterfront FPS patch, it removes far too much eye candy. I'm not too bothered about trying to gain more FPS by turning off things like AA, my GTX680 gives me good framerates in Skyrim while running a full set of high res texture packs and ENB in 2560x1440 with full AA, AF, AO, FXAA and any other acronyms you can think of, so it's not as if Oblivion is going to tax it unduly. What I hadn't thought of though, was using Bash to limit max AI in a cell, will have to experiment with that... It's such a shame that Oblivion can't be forced to take advantage of quad core CPUs and lots of RAM. One final note, related to the Waterfront, I've installed UL complete and I can't for the life of me find the compatibility patch for BC and UL Imperial Isle. I had it once before as BC and UL really mess with the landscape in that area otherwise, but now I can't find it on the pages for either mod. If anyone can provide a direct link it would be appreciated!! Thanks Geraint
  19. Thanks Eric, generally I turn off my AV when running games anyway. I think Streamline might help with throwing out any script-related garbage that I don't need, I don't anticipate needing any help with the graphics side of things.
  20. Thanks for the replies guys, I'll run PyFFI on the mesh BSAs and install Streamline then see how I get on with RAEVWD and AWLS later on (still got to install UL before I do that though, and test for stability for a while). Good to know that I don't have to compromise on visual quality if it's all down to the AI rather than the graphics. That means I can crank up the AA, AF, AO and keep it in my monitor's native resolution and let my GTX 680 do its stuff. Appreciate the input. Cheers
  21. I have been looking at my FPS on Oblivion around the IC Waterfront after installing Better Cities and I'm getting average framerates in the late 20's to mid 30's, depending on where I stand. At a few points it even dips into the late teens. Using the IC Waterfront FPS patch that comes with BC doesn't make enough of an improvement to be worth the sacrifice of all the stuff it removes, nor does reducing ugrids back down from 7 to 5. I've also tried reducing my resolution from 2560x1440 (monitor's native res) down to 1920x1200 and again it makes little appreciable difference to FPS around that area. Framerate in other areas is around 90-110. I have yet to attempt PyFFI'ing the meshes (actually I tried it but apparently the Oblivion Optimisation Kit doesn't like the latest version of Python, so using the optimised meshes crashed the game every time I tried to enter an exterior cell). I've also not installed Streamline yet, though I am using OSR. I am planning to use RAEVWD (or at least attempt it) but at the moment I am expecting it to reduce FPS around the waterfront to single digits and I don't much fancy watching Oblivion as a slideshow, which leads me to my question - what kind of PC does one need to be able to run RAEVWD with BC and achieve playable framerates? What kind of tweaks do you need to make? What do you have to sacrifice and is it worth it? I don't have any texture packs installed yet and I've disabled AA and AF in the NVIDIA control panel (just using AO and FXAA - turning those off didn't make a massive improvement to FPS). I was also planning to use OBGE later on, but not sure if this will just add to the burden on my system. I have an i7 3770K running at 4.5GHz, 16GB of RAM (yes I'm using the 4GB patch and I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate x64) and a GTX 680, so it's not as if I'm running the same old rig that I had when I first got Oblivion 7 years ago. I'd appreciate any advice or pointers on how I can improve FPS to the point that things like RAEVWD and AWLS will be viable additions to my game (i.e. stable and with a playable framerate). Thanks, Geraint
  22. The vanilla model and skin of the Aetherial Crown looks like they just copied the mesh and stuck it over the top of it. The texture isn't that hot either. Please could someone consider a slight redesign with a new high res texture, maybe something in line with Yuril's Better Circlets (note, I have not tried his mod yet, so I don't know if it includes the crown, but it wasn't mentioned on the description or shown in the screenshots). Would prefer to keep the overall feel of the original, just make it look a bit less like cheap costume jewellery.
  23. I've checked my Renderinfo.txt and renamed the appropriate package (in my case it was using 13, so I made a backup copy of 13 and copied 19 in its place. I've made the change to Oblivion.ini and I still don't get the 3.0 shaders appearing in the menu for the support plugin (I know it's recommended to use the shaderlist method, but at least using the plugin I can play with the settings in real time and see which shaders do and don't load). Anyone have any other ideas? BTW, I have a pair of GTX460s in SLI and the latest drivers. Thanks, G
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