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  1. Hmm - this is affecting Starfield mod pages and this is two hours later. I assume the work is still ongoing?
  2. I'm an MO2 guy. Vortex has destroyed more games than I care to mention. Once you get the hang of it, MO2 is so easy to use.
  3. I get a good result combining one of the Nova Luts with GITS Fuji, (though I see the GITS I used is currently temp hidden on Nexus - worries me. This version is still available but watch the game version). GITS comes with the weather ENV, so Nova handles only the LUT. I didn't like Nova rain anyway. There are several Nova LUTS so it's worth experimenting with the Nova/GITS mix you like. The author has done quite a few. Classic and Pure are both good. I use HDR on a 21:9 OLED 4k monitor. GITS really brings out the Nova LUT image with contrasts and weather. I use Path, Ray Tracing, Framegen. Path Tracing is an FPS killer BUT makes the game look excellent. I have to compromise to save my FPS. I run a 4080 Super but an i9 processor. In the Game Settings, turn Screen Space reflections to Medium to save a bit of FPS. You can also pop in some of the nice HD reworked textures available. To keep performance up I use this mod and choose the PT21 and the Balanced presets in the on-screen menu. I believe I added the Bright and Colourful Reshade for Nova to make it pop a bit. Here's a screen from mine, though I confess I mucked about with it a lot since I took it. Have fun!
  4. Thank you Demorphic. Actually, I see in the games pages (comments lists) it is still square. Maybe I'm just getting old and fussy. I think it's best to put this enquiry to sleep. Thanks!
  5. Hi all! I was updating my Nexus profile picture and wonder why we are forced to have a circular mask about the image? In the good ol' days (I think it was about my Oblivion days...lol) we had at least a reasonable bit of space to work with. I was using a funny book title, which would suit a square mask. But I had to drop that because the print was too small. Anyhow. Any improvements likely, here? I'm on Win 10 with Chrome as a browser. Thanks!
  6. Ah...thank you for the info! In fact Elden is now back to normal. Sorry to have disturbed you. Glad I didn't break anything!
  7. The Elden Ring mod pages have gone wonky in the last hour. I can't search for mods, and some categories are empty. The SKyrim SE site seems to work fine, so I guess it's not local to me? Sorry if you know about this. Thanks!
  8. I noticed this morning, and it's way better! Thank you!
  9. I'm a Nexus subscriber. It's only appearing on the Nexus site so I assume it is a Nexus survey. If it isn't.... er..... Two more pics for you: https://postimg.cc/gallery/WrR6Ls9
  10. Ooops. Looking at my first post I come over really grumpy. I apologise. I'm looking after my elderly mum and I'm a bit stressed. :( I shouldn't be showing it in my posts. Here we go! You'll see the red tab on the right hand side. It it were, say, at the bottom of the screen or top, it won't obstruct stuff. https://i.postimg.cc/x8Sg9xpf/Survey.jpg
  11. I find this red survey tab highly frustrating because is blocks navigation on your mod pages. It all but blots out the right navigation arrow when browsing pictures. Obscures text and is generally intrusive. If you must have a survey, please can you put the feedback tab somewhere less in the way.
  12. Thank you for checking back with me. My tag blocking only blocks translations...but I will double check. And...looks all standard to me. I've used those settings for years! The same just happened a few seconds ago, looking for the mod "A matter of time". I got derivates of it, but not the mod itself. It's a bit strange. :geek:
  13. On the Skyrim AE site, I have been searching out some mods for a new game. I noticed that on several occasions the search engine failed to list the mod I was looking for. Here's a picture for you, where I searched for "Enhanced Blood Textures." The results list does not show the mod, and I'm even searching for it on its page! May I leave this with the Nexus team for investigation? Picture: https://i.postimg.cc/Z5MxW3CK/Failing-search.jpg
  14. Thanks! I did a quick scan and missed the topic. My query doesn't now need any answer.
  15. I block the tag Translation on my Settings. Yet every week I have translated mods appearing on the Skyrim NEW mods front page. The tag 'translation' is clearly on the mod, yet my setting is not blocking it. The tag blocking appears ineffective? https://postimg.cc/p9Bsd8y5
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