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About Saintluther44293

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Are there any mods to help untangle this mess? This after using the use suggested button. I am trying to use the Personal Collection. I have used LOOT and Editx to no avail.
  2. I was letting Vortex handle the updates. I am not that smart nor patient to individually update the mods lol. I am fairly certain i could a stand-alone mod but then I would still be very wary.
  3. I was updating the Skyrim: Lore collection. It was multiple mods being updated. I will have to go through and check to see which are not updating. Will inform.
  4. I am trying to update my mods and keep being told that updating may break some mods, but it doesn't say which ones, nor do I know how to figure out which ones that may break? Is there some way to find out? Sorry if this is miscategorized; I wasn't sure where to put it.
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