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Everything posted by tyftyb

  1. I know it's literally been a year but I wanted to make sure I posted a reply anyway in case someone else came across the post somehow. It was a Firefox thing, iirc. I might have had uBlock Origin installed at the time but maybe not. According to random internet strangers, uBlock Origin blocks some fingerprinting but tries not to block fingerprinting that breaks the site. Maybe this particular break was fixed since last year, maybe not. But between changing browsers or enabling/disabling uBlock, I haven't even been able to recreate whatever issue I was having back then (the cropping of my profile pic being blocked by something blocking fingerprinting). Maybe I was posting while in a bad mood or something silly. In which case I am sorry for acting slightly belligerent. I still don't love the fingerprinting because I don't understand why it MUST be used for cropping profile pics and not any other options. But it is what it is.
  2. This guide is incredible. Of course I haven't gone through the whole list yet, it's huge and thorough and that's not a complaint. I just have one thing I'd like clarified in this line, in Chapter the Second, section 2, Cleaning the data files: Do Bethesda supplied data files include the Creation Club stuff? I know Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn are included, but what about the rest of the files supplied for all the other pre-installed Creation Club content including the Saints & Sinners, Sheogorath stuff, etc. I'm guessing yes, these should be cleaned too, but I want to make sure.
  3. Why does the image crop tool require canvas fingerprinting? Not only is that unique to Nexus specifically in my own experience, it's just strange and erodes trust between the site and the user (regardless of whether Nexus is actually collecting data/fingerprinting/etc or not; people will still perceive this as shady, such as myself)
  4. I quite like it. I would like an option to add a cover photo at the top that would fade into the profile pic and disappear as you scroll down, like how the orange gradient that's there behaves. The sidebar on the left is kind of big for me; as in, every part of it is just too big, but that might be my "I have used forums and blogs since 2008" speaking, lol.
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