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Everything posted by Isguros

  1. They've set it to 'all content' by default, even if you're on the Mods or Collections page. Only way to change it is to do so manually before each search query.
  2. The cool thing about the new suggestion box is that you can see how many staff members have read your suggestion without taking any action whatsoever.
  3. So that you can use those lack of votes to convince people they're the ones in the wrong.
  4. The new placement of the Filters tab isn't necessarily bad, But could you please make it a bit wider so it can properly show the categories?
  5. For context: this was a suggestion made in 2022 that has yet to receive a response from the staff team.
  6. I wanted to see if they indeed got rid of it, but to my surprise, it was even worse: they got rid of the entire feedback page. Now there's a "suggestion board" and everything in it is gone.
  7. Those are exactly the hard-hitting questions everyone here expected they were: really vague, and overly general. If I had to guess, I imagine everything 3 and up was viewed as a positive response.
  8. Biggest difference in this picture is obviously the lack of support for search preference view in the beta. If they plan on adding that, the beta page is only a fair bit worse than the old one: no page jump navigation controls on top, filters position cutting off categories, no more size, downloads, and endorsement sliders, and the shifting of mod positions when you show/hide the filters... and of course the subjective stuff if you like the new layout and such.
  9. Let's hope that's a sign of them making (worthwhile) changes. Not even Collections are loading.
  10. They've gone on record saying they won't make changes based on opinions and user experience. "We disagree and aren't at this time looking for further input from UX professionals. " "we're also not planning on adapting our approach based on feedback that amounts to "I do not like change"." ~lluviel 2025 Basically, if you say you don't like it, they call you a whiner and won't listen, and if you're trying elaborate, give them examples of what it is you don't like and why, they mock your efforts, call you pretentious, and ignore you as well.
  11. I admit, it's not that they do not care about PC users. They just tell them that 40% of the users browse on mobile and that's the reason why things look and work like crap now.
  12. Hi Revenge096, Just use your mobile phone, they don't care about PC users at all.
  13. What else is coming back (in the the coming weeks)?
  14. Usually sites would replace the features they removed during the beta. What's that proverb again? 'Measure twice, cut once'? Not 'Cut everything, mehh'.
  15. Soo... until then you can't search by name. Gotcha.
  16. So you could have solved the problem you yourself brought up by just expanding the previous filters by default, but instead opted to poopify this part as well... Anyway the search filter example: If I wanted to search for anything involving ENBs, I'd open the filters tab, scroll down to the search parameters, and... that's all, cause there is no keyword/title search parameter.
  17. If nothing has changed, why has it changed so much?
  18. And now they're hidden at the side, and the 'Show filters' seems a lot smaller. How does that help? The issue was not about the Description, Author, and Uploader filters being present, but the fact that you can't filter on Title anymore. For an update that only added a claimed better search functionality, it's mind-boggling you purposely left out the most basic of functions.
  19. There were probably a bunch of people opting out of the beta immediately, not knowing there was a place to discuss it, let alone a poll. Polls in itself aren't exempt from scrutiny either, since you can ask generic ratings questions or leading questions that'll get you more favorable responses... but I left the beta as soon as possible, wasn't made aware I could voice my opinion, so I don't know what kind of questions were asked in the poll.
  20. I don't think that's intended, but it's better than the alternative.
  21. How quick is quick, cause this site is in dire need of a visual upgrade.
  22. In the spirit of "constructive and pointed" feedback: If I click on the 'view more mods >' button, it doesn't show me any more mods.
  23. So 60% of your users solely use the desktop website and never visit Nexus Mods on their phone, and only 40% use the phone site sometimes? And you've decided to get rid of the desktop website (virtually) entirely, even though you can't use your phone to install anything? At least on my phone I can turn on 'Desktop layout', sadly this can't be used when visiting your website on a desktop.
  24. Then why have you redesigned the interface for 1900x100800 displays?
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