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Everything posted by Isguros

  1. Then why have you redesigned the interface for 1900x100800 displays?
  2. I appreciate the intent of trying to do something useful, but putting in a users quicksearch function that requires more steps to get to your preferred results than doing it the old-fashioned way isn't useful at all. p.s.: where do we need to post our negative feedback if not for this topic?
  3. Of course, you don't have to respond to everyone giving you feedback, but it doesn't seem like you're doing much with the feedback either. Instead you pin a non-apologetic post telling us to get used to it, further indicating that nothing we say will change or alter anything, because now we might be able to search for mods and have a free hand to stick down your pants or whatever.
  4. For me, the problem with the search function is that it only lists exact matches (in titles). For instance: if I were to looking for 'troll overhauls' on Skyrim SE's search abomination by typing in 'trolls', it would omit the most popular one since that one doesn't specifically has the plural in its title, and if I'd search for the singular 'troll', I'd get bombarded by tons of controller remaps, sweetroll replacers, and whatnot. I feel like this has lead to the keyword vomit in titles, in the hope they might show up on some searches; cause otherwise no one will find them without the exact wording used in the title. It's even worse if you're looking for a mod from a specific author, cause unless they're "vain" enough to put their own name in their mod titles, you'll only patches from others. So if you want to search for an author, you can't use the search function, but you'll have to go to the mods/all mods page instead, scroll down and search by uploader. Whatever it is you claim to have done with the search feature hasn't impacted the results whatsoever. As far as I can tell, it only blocks your entire screen to show you some pictures with part of the titles, which isn't especially helpful without either the rest of the title and the description, and of course you'll have to be sure about your choice before clicking on one of the results, cause if you ain't, you can't just press back to go to the results anymore. I'm not saying the old quick-search interface was flawless, but it at least had some usage. This thing does not.
  5. Maybe we're all a bit too harsh: They only completely botched 3 aspects of the site-wide update: the layout, the color scheme, and the search function. We always tend to focus on the things that went disastrously wrong, but this update has brought us good things too: people that can't use their right arms can now use the search function a bit easier and be as disappointed by the results/functionality as the rest of us.
  6. What did you do to switch back to the old interface?
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