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Everything posted by SpiderCopthe1

  1. Fantastical multiverse by DungeonsAndSouls is what you're looking for. Just remember to download the core mod, then the Goliath mod in the optional files. Link here if you're interested https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/215
  2. I was going to do Venom in this game as a character concept (Durge, ofc), and while browsing the net for inspiration (in order to reroll my insight checks) I stumbled upon unearthed arcana's Pact of the Formless one https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/The_Formless_One_(5e_Subclass). When I looked on nexus, I could not find the pact of the formless one anywhere. I tried to make the mod myself, but I can't wrap my head around the software, so I figured I would make the request here. I don't care about the invocations, they'd be cool but I can see how they're difficult to implement. I just want the subclass to be available, since having a symbiote in any capacity sounds f*#@ing rad for this game.
  3. I was thinking of running a Venom character with mods ofc and noticed that pact of the formless one from unearthed arcana could not be found on nexus. I tried to do it myself but fell on my face at step one with mod multitool not detecting my .net. I am therefore requesting the support of more experienced modders in making this a reality. details on the subclass can be found at this link https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/The_Formless_One_(5e_Subclass) If it can be made with unlock level curve in mind it would be appreciated (though not necessary for me, since I intend to multiclass). The invocations would also be nice but I wouldn't be troubled if they were not added to the mod. Thank you in advance.
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