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About UndeadMartyr

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  1. Quest work is harder to make tangible than worldspace editing. I've done two full quests and parts of a third. I still need to finish the arena quest, scripting creature spawns and a dungeon for two quest items. There's four more segments to the main quest that I need to do which are somewhat vague, which is a problem of game design and plotting.
  2. Vault Alpha is getting close to completion- I've navmeshed two of the four cells, and added all the quest items- though I need to make a static in place of the quest Item as the box activator I'm using still let's you grab the item through the laser beams. I'm also having a consistent issue with turrets starting hostile to the player. I think I need to take a bit of a break though I'm hoping to get a quest preview up before the new year.
  3. A bit late but I sort of had the same issue RE: a note. Apart from what Mongo et al told you (and me!) Above the solution I used was to have a trigger with an attached script to check if the player had the note or not. You do need to be careful about quest delay timers with this and TBH the solution they gave you is probably better. Notes are mainly used as passwords for terminals and terminal entries, and secondarily for scripting triggers. Mainly though they're flavor.
  4. Winterhaven is coming along nicely. I'm at the point where I want to start adding the main story quest, probably within a month or two. There are a lot of areas not presently added that might be used in quests- but I'd probably add them in as part of the work on the quests rather than as just more locations. The discord server has screenshots and the like.
  5. I'm definitely going to use mini/derivative worldspaces. This might let me circumvent the size issues, and definitely deals with the wide open spaces. I made a flag and am finishing up a companion quest, with various interior and exterior cell work. Tentatively I would like to have a beta release next October- most of what remains involves quest and npc work, plus navmeshing, clutter & lighting, etc. The biggest outdoor cells in need of work are mostly along the periphery of the playable area, in the southwest and north. 300 hours in, plenty more to go!
  6. So I want to do a machine gun emplacement and I was wondering if it might be viable to make a custom turret instead of, IDK, freezing an NPC's movement or something.
  7. I used an if block in the quest script testing whether the protection pods were closed, with the SetUnconscious command disabling them if so. Both the bots and one of the pods, or at least an enable parent, need to have defined refIDs obviously. Could probably also use the terminal or whatever activates them to change a quest variable directly come to think of it.
  8. Got it to work- used the relevant quest script to control them.
  9. They need to be set unconscious first...maybe as a script attached to them? Best way would be an OnLoad maybe checking the state of the pods. I tried that script but I must have done a bad reference or scope or something because it didn't work.
  10. I think it's handled via the setunconscious command line. I'm just not sure where the script is or what it's attached to. The other possibility is faction or ai packages but this has the downside of them still being awake and active (making noise etc.)
  11. Strongly suspect I'm going to use mini worldspaces for areas at the map edge, like Laguna or Los Algodones. I like the scale in and around Yuma itself, but there's a whole lot of nothing between the other landmarks.
  12. How much of Nifskope do I need to understand to make an invisible, collisionless turret?
  13. Does vanilla not have a custom projectile for the bomber?
  14. I want to make an archimedes style weapon that calls jn a b29 bombing run. Hoover dam is a mess, and the form lists aren't especially hpful. What's the b29 bombing run at endgame done through- I assume its something like the Nellis artillery, with custom projectiles called in via script?
  15. I want to have sentry bots in pods like how protectrons sometimes are. I've got the pods lonked to a terminal, but the bots are active. The vanilla scripts don't seem to have a command to render the bots unconscious, which is what I would expect to happen. My guess is that there's another script to do that but I can't find it. How exactly do they work?
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