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About szmnozi

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  1. Wow thank you guys, that makes it real clear, I wonder why they can't write this stuff on the description pages. Half the nightmare of modding is that these mod authors act like all the other mods don't exist or we're supposed to know all this when we search for something and get like 10 different "must haves" for one single type of thing.
  2. Yeah the same happened to me, I think in my case it was doing things fast and switching in and out of various programs and tabs on MO2 at the same time. So the Mo2 mods pane has so many colors if you don't pay attention you might end up in a situation where a whole bunch of your mods have actually been selected by you, and since you tabbed out of that pane the entire selection list of mods turned light gray, but they are still selected when you went to do something different and forgot. Then when you tried switching back to the mod pane you actually dragged all those selected mods into a different position so your mod list got totally screwed. If you were thinking about 5 different things and had 10 windows open at the same time, you may not have noticed that's what actually happened. Notice how the mod pane has alternating gray and white and then the selection is bright green until the moment you switch panes when that becomes gray too, so lots of white and gray there, so might miss the fact you have a bunch selected when the focus is not on that pane.
  3. So if anyone's interested I managed to speed it up by a lot. - First there must've been some problem with my ENB files because I did another install of Skyrim + ENB and suddenly the 15 seconds blank screen that ENB did is gone. So ENB had some serious problem loading, but didn't give any message. - Second, SEE Engine Fixes to remove the mod warning, and Start on Save 2.6. Now it starts up entirely automatically. Apparently some other mod removed the Bethesda logo so I didn't need the Bethesda Logo Remover this time. - Then I did a quick way to turn ENB on or off from my Taskbar in Windows, I wrote two Windows batch files to simply move d3d11.dll to a temporary folder and back, one is ENB-ON.BAT the other is ENB-OFF.BAT. These I put inside the game folder and all they have in the files is "move d3d11.dll TEMPFOLDER" for OFF and "move TEMPFOLDER\d3d11.dll ." (move to dot, move to parent folder denoted by period) for ON. - Windows doesn't allow pinning batch files to the task bar, but actually it does, you just have to create a shortcut and then inside the shortcut properties you have to change the target by prefixing it with "cmd /c" and then it expands that for you to something like C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c "C:\Skyrim\ENB-ON.bat", and you can then pin the shortcut to the taskbar. So now I have the ENB on and off pinned to the taskbar. - Lastly I switch to windowed mode instead of full screen and then there is hardly any wait time when tabbing out of Skyrim to something else while keeping Skyrim running. With fullscreen there was a 5 second wait for me. This reduced my load time to less than 20 seconds with ENB off and 40 seconds with ENB on. I'll still try to reduce that, but it's so much better now.
  4. Please correct if inaccurate, I don't claim this is all correct, so that's why I'm asking: So UNP was an original FEMALE body mesh designed for people to be able to make armors that fit that shape. This was already a "unified" body shape of some previous attempts at female (as it says "unified" in the name) to get some kind of standard for fitting armors. So this first unification is now ancient history. Then CBBE came in with bodyslide and did a different female body, but in the meantime bodyslide as a concept was what everyone wanted. So UNP converted to UUNP, which included bodyslides and armors made for UUNP need to include them too. This is now called Legacy UUNP (for SSE) and it's here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/43773 Then came the desire for physics also and that made UUNP legacy and the next upgrade is called "UNP Female Body Renewal" and it's here, this combined a bunch of things. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1699 Then came some more advanced physics and that was BHUNP https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31126 So basically the term UNP when searching for mods just means it's somewhere something along that history where they kept reusing the term "unified" in order to set a new standard each time for some kind of female body and fitting armors with increasing requirements. In the meantime CBBE was still the same body and set of bodyslide presets, but that body also got upgrades and different names like CBBE 3BBB So that was the two major strands of evolution and co-evolution but there could also be other attempts that never gained such traction. Is this somewhat accurate? Thanks
  5. So Nemesis is a better kind of FNIS, and OAR is a better kind of DAR? But I read their entire descriptions and none seem to mention the other (kind). Are these two competing ways to animate characters or can you combine them or did I misunderstand something completely?
  6. Thanks! That's super useful. I'm not trying it on myself because I can't get used to any camera mode. The third person player camera seems so hard to control always zooming in at the wrong places, then if I switch to the tfc 1 camera, it's way too fast. Then I've been playing around with the fov command but that's also not so great. Lastly I was also trying a "camera" by the tcl command, toggle collision off mode but that's even more annoying. If you could recommend some camera mod that's a lot smoother than any of those that would be great.
  7. I'm kind of new to this so I've been only trying with named ones, but I'm trying to get them to remain in certain rooms so I can try various armors on them then lighting mods, etc., but they're always walking around or running away so it's kind of annoying. Then sometimes they start killing each other. I think it depends on which one exactly you spawn but I'd have to go through hundreds of them to figure out their individual nature, so I was looking for some advice on how other people get the npcs to do what they want. There seems to be the tc command but how are you even supposed to use that when it controls both you and the target? It's like one goes in another direction than the other so if I go into third person my player ends up running away to random places and then I have to find my way back.
  8. You're right, my Skyrim folder is about 15GB so if I get 32 GB of RAM I should be able to move this to a RAM Disk, MO2 does a virtual file system so that should be totally fine. I just have to move it back every time I restart a computer and not sleep it. I'm wondering about the ENB though. Is it normal that it compiles the shaders for 16 seconds every time? It shouldn't be compiling anything at runtime except maybe if you change certain mods? But I have no idea what is up with that, or the 15 second blank screen that comes after that which is literally a blank screen with no spinner nor anything. That is also ENB doing that, the latest version. So it's kind of ENB screwing this whole thing and I tried to search and the guy who makes ENB seemed to just shrug it off in on an ENB forum. I'd also like to find a faster way to Alt-Tab in Windows out of Skyrim and back again. Anyway, I'll update this if I figure this out, thanks.
  9. Uh, I joined for the modding not actually playing the game Geez this game came out like 13 years ago. I recall playing it 10 years ago.
  10. That's close to what I have but I'm running a much weaker system than yours in terms of CPU, GPU and RAM, so that doesn't seem to make it any faster for you. The amount of mods I have on doesn't seem to change it, now I have 27 but it's the same with 0. ENB off: 4 seconds after pressing the button to start, just loading up... 8 seconds spinner 3 seconds missing mods warning (I have to click) 10 seconds to load for a total of about ** roughly 25 seconds. ENB on: 4 seconds just starting up. 16 seconds of "ENB is compiling shaders..." 14 seconds of a totally blank screen which is related to ENB. 5 seconds of the spinner 3 seconds click on the missing mods warning... 7 seconds to load the level ** roughly 50 seconds. Not 100% exact obviously but something like this.
  11. Ok, sorry but I'm in IT and having to wait 1-2 minutes IS a very long time in IT. With Windows it now boots up in less time and that's an entire operating system not a game. If you want to drink coffee maybe you should be a barista instead of thinking about minutes of loading time. So any actual advice? Maybe create a RAMDISK and copy Skyrim there, unfortunately I don't have that much RAM, but jesus I'm running it off a brand new NVME drive on a new system and I can't use ENB because the load time of ENB is killing me. But, yeah thanks.
  12. Hi guys, I'm spawning NPCs from the console and some of them stick around standing but some of them just go running away, even walking through doors to other levels not loaded. How can I stop them from doing that? Using the tc command results in something really weird where I control both the NPC but also the player at the same time so it's impossible to position them where I'd like.
  13. How do you guys deal with it? Especially with the ENB on it takes about 20-30 seconds to launch the game. The ENB seems to add another 10 seconds too. I have Logo Remover 1.0 to save a few second, then Start on Save 2.6 to save a few more clicks, but still. It gives me warnings about missing mods so I have to click. Then the ENB recompiles shaders every time and does a blank screen after that for about 5 seconds. Any tips? I would love to make this faster. Thankx
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