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Nexus Mods Profile

About BloodyRiz

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Hi all you wonderful mod makers. I am hoping to get my grubby hands on a mod that adds two alphabets to my game as decals. The first would be the standard English alphabet, but in the NMS font. The second would be the NMS alphabet we see in game, also attached to this post. Hopefully both would be able to be colored through the build menu, but if not that's cool, just a black set and a white set would suffice. Not sure how difficult decals would be, I haven't even begun to look into making them myself, and not sure if I will be up for it anyway.
  2. I did find a fix for this on Reddit. If anyone else is having this issue, go into No Man's Sky>Binaries>Settings Find the file GCMODSETTINGS.MXML and delete it. The game will generate a new one on restart, and your mods should be back again.
  3. I only have 5 mods installed, and within the last week they just stopped working at all. Game doesn't even give me the mod warning anymore. Anyone have any advice, or even know why they just stopped? All I have is: Fast Refiners, Unlimited Jetpack, New Boundaries, Learn More Words, and Add Custom Ship Parts. All my mods are placed into the directory indicated post WP2.
  4. Remove the sentry flare from your inventory.
  5. I would love to have a rotating light fixture that will do a full 360 degrees. What we called whoopie lights when I was in the service. Preferably one object with a configurable color, but heck even just white would be great. Would be a perfect marker for putting near a hatch to show where it is in the dark, in case you happen to be being chased and need out of the water fast.
  6. I just finished watching Canadian Bacon again.
  7. You are going to take any three items up to the checker at Wal-Mart, and purchase them. They all must be innocent on their own, but the combination of them should freak the checker out. I.E. I walk up to the register and put my stuff on the counter. A package of the opposite genders underwear, an oil change pan, and an industrial sized bottle of Ex-Lax.
  8. Your wish is granted, however the EU has decided that American politcs is the way to go, and each country will now be officially applying for statehood. I wish that I would never run out of cats to pet.
  9. In the Below Zero game there are some multipurpose rooms that are divided into three sections. Is there any chance of those being modded into the original game?
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