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About FNVmoder2024

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  1. Have you any mods installed if so try disabling them if not you may be able to use the console
  2. I don't get what you mean by special npcs but this might help Have you set it as a persistent reference by double clicking on the tick and have you made sure it isn't a static/must be in furniture section Got a recording of me doing it https://streamable.com/2cha45
  3. I don't believe there is any kind of function like that as why would ally or joining faction not work unless are you doing a companion or something this could also maybe help in some ways to set up an npcs opinions on a player just not really sure what you mean https://geckwiki.com/index.php/Reputation#:~:text=Reputation is the standing with,is controlled by faction relations
  4. Thanks for the help here are the screenshots from blender and nifskope https://ibb.co/XbZR402 https://ibb.co/qkF5JFv https://ibb.co/pn89t1r https://ibb.co/gjJ1Lrp https://ibb.co/ZgnNDq3 https://ibb.co/DRcc2TT https://ibb.co/Z18BmGx https://ibb.co/1Lc1Tpp https://ibb.co/SswH0tT
  5. Yes I think you will need a script I would probably just use set ally but I am not too familiar with factions and there best practice if you need more I think this goes into more detail Example KarenSchenzyREF.SetFactionRank ArefuFaction 1 Sets Karen to rank one in the ArefuFaction faction. Player.SetFactionRank ArefuFaction -1 This will remove the player from the ArefuFaction faction. https://geckwiki.com/index.php?title=Category:Faction_Functions https://geckwiki.com/index.php/Category:Factions According to https://forums.nexusmods.com/topic/267946-how-can-i-change-factions-with-the-geck/ You can add the player to other factions without removing it from playerfaction (which is something you don't want to do). player.addtofaction factionname Or if you just want to change the player's relationship to another faction you can use setally, setenenemy, etc
  6. hi i have been trying to create a edited mesh with collisions first tried with list shape unfortunately that didn't work so i followed this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD4uywa1-pE&list=PLW0Ztlglo0vFu-XYt-OSXjqCeiOBpUhlX&index=18&t=321s to create the collisions which show up in nifskope but unfortunately in game they appear but do not function if anyone has any advice on how to fix thanks image of nifskope https://ibb.co/CK1cB4g
  7. thanks for your help i turned on and off automatic archive invalidation mo2 but it didn't make a difference i also tried a different model i used before and there was no issue
  8. hi i have been attemting to import custom models into geck but recently i have been having the textures seemingly not loading correct in game and geck but appear perfect in blender and nifskope thanks for any help
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