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About 7Kemmotare

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  1. I have tried searching for this--it is a mod I got back when Oblivion was Beth's most recent game, but it's hard to describe it in a way that search engines get. Please bear with me (sorry for the length of this post). I don't know if it was classified as a city or something else (I doubt it was a home, maybe a vendor mod, but it was much closer to being a small city). Somewhere in the part of the Niben which circles the capital, one would find an unusual ship/barge. It looked--on the outside--like an NPC patched together bits of old scows, so it had a very 'poor-ish' look. It wasn't an open at all IIRC--just jumped on and entered it. The interior was the brilliant thing about this mod. In exploring the 'inside' it became clear that whomever (again, in in-world terms) had built it, had integrated the barge/ship with underground spaces; and the mod-maker had, in the most seamless and incredible way, incorporated different architectural styles (including Aylied). Walking around the interior make you think that someone who was a master of architectural design created this space. (Or you would think it was chaotic, or lore-breaking, etc.) The overall 'vibe' of the place was very underworldly--very suited to thieves and the like. I know there was at least one merchant, but there may have been more. There was a bar area inside, I think at the uppermost area, but I recall there being lots of small areas throughout, which made it feel vary multipurpose. Unfortunately, it's been so long since I have played Oblivion, so I no longer have the mods I once used, but I remember that for overall design this was one of my absolute favorites. Thank you so much for whatever assistance can be provided.
  2. I don't know if a mod like this exists, so I want to ask. For Morrowind, someone made a Chalk mod. If you had a piece of chalk in your inventory, you could either place predefined marks (like arrows) on the ground, or write, in a chalk-like font, on the ground. I've done a few searched in Nexus but can't come up with anything like this. Can someone let me know if a mod like this exists? I'd settle for someone that would just allow me to leave predefined marks on the ground. Helpful for getting around in some of those caverns,
  3. Mea culpa. Bothered to look at the instructions and figured it out. I'll keep going with the instructions given above and later report back in. EDIT: Followed all the directions from weiht68's post and everything is running well. I am ever so grateful for the help.
  4. So, I uninstalled everything, worked on reinstallingeverything until this point. Part two of the enginefix can only be installed manually. Now, if vortex is using this virtual filesystem/modfolder, then I'm not sure where to manually install this file. I presume I shouldn't just try experimenting by myself about this, so I need at least a good hint as to what to do about this step. I'll be checking back in from time to time today. Thanks for the help!
  5. I tried opening through the SKSE (on SKSE) and through the SKSE icon on my desktop. Pretty sure I installed SKSE first, but as I have done multiple re-installs and this was from a few days ago. If there is a 'best order' in which to install, I can do it all again. As for my OS, I now have Windows 11 Pro; I used to have Windows 10, so I expect that's why things are different. I hope that helps us figure out what to do. Thanks again for all responses.
  6. It does not crash. It starts up with none of the mods running, but works fine. What I realized I should mention is that Vortex says the mods are downloaded/installed/deployed, but MO does not show them at all. The thing is, even before I installed MO, I was having the same problem. I downloaded and tried using MO after I did what I had done on the other computer--fresh install of the game, update, SKSE, added Vortex, added mods--and the mods were non-functional. Then I did a whole new fresh install, with the same steps but added MO also. I still have to use Vortex to add mods as it doesn't seem to work with MO. Now, just to alleviate my sense of feeling like an idiot, I have been playing modded ES games since Morrowind, back before we had installers, so I could probably manually install mods; I've just been avoiding it since things seemed to get a lot more complicated with Skyrim and the need for Steam. And as I had no problems on the last computer I was using, I'm really baffled. I don't want to go back playing on that one, however--it's quite a few years older and the game runs better and is fantastically gorgeous on this one :) I'm really grateful for all responses/suggestions/etc.
  7. I'm hoping this is a simple issue. I have just reloaded Skyrim SE and SKSE onto a new computer. By itself, it runs fine. But when I add mods, they do not work. I have tried using both Vortex and Mod Organizer to load the mods on this new computer, to no avail. I used to always use Vortex on my old computer, and the mods worked without a hitch. I tried all kinds of uninstalling and re-installing, to no avail. If I need to provide more info, I'd be glad to. I did try to do a search of the forums for this kind of issue, but the results turned up a lot of items not related to my problem. I have to say, I feel really dumb asking about this, so my apologies if this seems like a stupid question.
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