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About gritsmacbean

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  1. Yes I forgot to mention that I could not get my CPU uptime to reset by just shutting the system down so I used the hold down button method. After I learned that in Windows 10 if you have Fast Startup enabled in power settings The CPU uptime will not always reset when shutting down normally.
  2. 4 years late but to anyone who is having the stuttering issue I found the fix. After staring a new playthrough I played a few days and out of nowhere constant stuttering. I would completely restart a new playthrough and over and over again after a few days of playing the stuttering came back. The issue turns out to be the CPU operating time. Under processes in task manager my CPU would be operating for more than 48 hours and that is when it would start the stuttering. Hold the computer power button down until everything turns off and your screen goes completely black and then power back up. That will reset the CPU operating time and the stutter is gone for me 100 percent of the time.
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