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Everything posted by Weeskind

  1. I second the transparency slider idea - that would be awesome. Plus moving the UI around. We had a mod like that in the original.
  2. Hi Guys. Any chance of anybody making a mod to change batteries before they run out? I like to fill up chargers and leave "fully charged". Also on this topic - Is there a way to change consumption rates on batteries? Not to go OP but some tools just swallow the battery whole! If I can't change the consumption, at least I can pop in a fresh battery before leaving. Thanks Modders - you guys rock! Ps. Just discovered the reload button... After 15 hours... Sorry lol
  3. Sorry guys....post got pushed up by the posted pictures. Still have not been able to find the mod that add those icons on the left. Thank you for helping. And apologies for bump... :smile: I do believe those are a part of the FPS Weapon Wheel mod. Yes!! That's the one... Thank you, Jojash. :))
  4. Sorry guys....post got pushed up by the posted pictures. Still have not been able to find the mod that add those icons on the left. Thank you for helping. And apologies for bump... :)
  5. Background Loader: Fatal: <Exception: FormID [010103B4] in file DeadMoney.esm refers to master file..... I had the same FormID problem as above and used the same solution as CrackedRecord. BOSS had dropped the DeadMoney.esm to a lower position among the esms and it caused said error. Thank you CR...years later your legacy still lives on :)
  6. http://static-5.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/36121-1-1352314001.jpg This picture is from the Underwater Hideout Mod http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36121/? Can someone please tell me about the icons on the left of the picture? They appear to be ammo counts plus quick action icons. I could find no mention of it or other pictures. Gopher's One HUD may have been used to organise the HUD but I have not come across those paticular icons. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
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