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Everything posted by Apocrypher00

  1. ModPicker:00C57956
  2. I mean having multiple layers of navmesh on top of eachother. For example I have a mod that rebuilds a ruined tower. I would have part of the navmesh that is used when before rebuilding and another that covers the new floor (which is slightly higher), the stairs, and the roof. Thanks for the tip. I didn't know about Navjump either, so thanks for that as well.
  3. Thanks, that seems to be exactly what I need. It's a shame you can't disable them but this will do. I'm not sure how this will work with vertical layers of navmesh... but that's for me to figure out.
  4. In some of my mods I've been setting the enable parent of a navmesh to an XMarker that I could presumably disable/enable through script. I was looking through a mod in xEdit and I couldn't find the enable parent entry for navmeshes. Have I been wrong the whole time and you can't set a navmesh's enable parent? If so can you enable/disable navmesh some other way?
  5. That would work, but I want the original navmesh to be the same as it started, so I would still have to replace it in xedit after. All in all, it would be about the same amount of work as my workaround. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  6. Is there a way to hide the navmesh like you would hide other objects? I tried pressing 1 and nothing happens (although it still works on other objects). I am using a trick where the cell uses one navmesh until a certain part of a quest is reached, then it gets disabled and another one gets enabled. This is neccessary as new buildings are added with the second part of the quest. The tricky part is that there are two overlapping navmeshes while I am trying to edit. I am pretty sure this is possible as I have done this exact thing with another mod, but for some reason I can't figure out how it worked the first time. I think the reason this worked the first time is that I added a new navmesh from scratch and navmeshed the entire area in one sitting. This time I wanted to save some time and effort by copying the navmesh in zedit, which worked but left me with 2 visible navmeshes. Any insight would be apreciated. Thanks in advance. Edit: I found a workaround that isn't ideal but works well enough. I am copying the navmesh that the new one is based on and deleteing the old one. Once I'm done with the edits I just need to undelete it and when I need to edit it again I delete it again.
  7. Hello everyone! I want to make a patch for Stonecrest Reborn and Curse of Akavir - Phoe, specifically at the Docks of Istlod (2, 27). Just a simple patch to move the explorer’s ship to fit with the docks. However, everytime I try to load this cell, the ck crashes. I know that stonecrest is crashing it because I have loaded that mod by itself several times. I don’t know that it’s that cell in particular, but I think it happens anywhere around the cell. If someone can help me fix this ctd or point me in the right direction it would be appreciated. I get several warnings before it crashes, the last always says: “FACEGEN: Non-skinned facegen part ‘Stonecrest\apachii\male\hairline03.nif’. If that helps. Edit: Not sure why I never got any responses, but for anyone with a similar issue, here is how I fixed it. Make sure that the bsa for whatever mod you are editing is added to this line under [Archive] in SkyrimEditor.ini or CreationKit.ini SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa, Skyrim - Textures0.bsa, Skyrim - Textures1.bsa, ... For example SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa, Skyrim - Textures0.bsa, Skyrim - Textures1.bsa, ..., Stonecrest.bsa
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