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Posts posted by grannywils

  1. mizdarby, thank you so much for this thread. I was beginning to wonder where, well nevermind. Just thank you.


    I will not spend a great deal of time on my response, however. I will vote for Mr. Obama. I cannot possibly vote for Mr. Romney and big corporate America. And Any third party candidate would be a wasted vote in my opinion.


    I agree with HeyYou and many others who believe that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans seem to have our best interests at heart any longer. However, until we the people can figure out how to encourage viable candidates to run, or can gather enough votes for a realistic third party, I do not believe that I, as a liberal minded person who cares about what happens to the man in the street, have much choice in this upcoming election (other than to keep the Republicans out of the White House).

  2. I just happened to stop by today, as I occasionally do, to see if there was anything new on the debates forum. And I discovered that there was not... I did not actually check the date; but I don't think there have been any new threads started in a couple of weeks.


    I was just curious if anyone had any idea why that might be.


    There is a major hurricane happening on the southern coast of the United States. (I guess that isn't much of a debate topic, now that I think about it...) The Republican convention has just started. There was a somewhat controversial candidate recently selected by the Republican party to run for Vice President. Everything I read these days tells me that voter registration is going to Hades in a handbasket, but I don't see any mention of these issues.


    Anyway, I just wondered, if the "debate" thread had lost it's oomph or if we were all taking a siesta. I, for one have been remodeling my house, and it looks like I'd better get back to it... :blush:



  3. Great news for all WF fans and proof of the added value of the Nexus - thanks for taking the time to do this!



    ThingTheWiz: It is up on the mods site now, if you want to have a look at it! Thandal was kind enough to upload it for me. Hope you enjoy it. :turned:

  4. UPDATE: We've been working on this project diligently and I hope to have a PDF file that I will be able to share with you all very soon. It is basically the same manual as provided by Phaenan, but with the PDF you will be able to search it and you will be able to print what you need more easily.


    I hope this will be helpful everyone, as it has turned out to be quite a large project. I must give most of the credit to my husband Gary, as he did virtually all of the conversion work. And of course I must once again thank Phaenan for allowing us to do this.


    Anyway, I hope to have the PDF ready in the next day or two. We have been in the midst of some household reconstruction, and it is hard to get everything done at once. But I promise to get back to you all asap. :smile:


  5. Basically GTA would be a Tarantino movie, where as CoD is like watching Saving Private Ryan minus the story and just fast forwarding to the bits where people get shot. On repeat.





    Ghogiel, while I admit that you do have a point... Saving Private Ryan was sort of based on real life at the time, and the Tarantino movies are based on what is rapidly becoming real life (at least the gratitutous violence, etal)

  6. Thandal etal, I have contacted Phaenan at Bioware and asked him if he knew of a printed version or if he would be able to help me create one. I also asked if it would be ok to share it on Nexus in either event. He was really gracious, and has offered to help me once he knows what I need, and is happy to have it shared, as he believes that helping fellow players "is more than welcome" as far has he is concerned.


    So I will update you all once I make some progress... :thumbsup:

  7. Hi Thandal. Good idea!! IF I ever get it done I will do just that. It is turning out to be rather more difficult and confusing than I expected. But if I ever get it figured out and actually done, I will contact Phaenan and request his permission to share it with everyone. :thumbsup:
  8. Thanks for responding. I had thought of that but was hoping for an easier way :confused: . But I am doing it now and will eventually have it all. I very much appreciate your help. I love the Nexus. There are so many fellow Nexians out there to lend a helping hand!! :dance:
  9. Does anyone know of a printable or already printed manual for the Winter Forge. I have seen the excellent one on Bioware but cannot seem to print that one. My old eyes have a difficult time reading from the computer, and I woud like to be able to print the manual out if possible. I've looked around on the Internet but always come back to that one. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  10. Thandal, I just saw this post today, so sorry for the delayed response. You are the bomb!!! I cannot begin to describe my frustration trying to find the correct buttons to push to reach a live person at EA. I have not tried this yet, but have actually copied your post and will save it for the next time I need it. You have been right every time I have needed you, so I'm sure this is going to work for me too. I have just started playing DAO again, and have already had some issues with DLC.



    But, I still love this game!!! :dance:


    Thanks for the info pal!!

  11. @lv000 said: "Yeah. School, if done wrong like in my case, not only kills your creativity, but it kills your personality and your self confidence. I'll have to go through a lot to get to a reasonable social and self confident level. All of that because school and teachers taught me that I was wrong my entire life."


    May I say that I am totally in accord with what Naomis8329 has said to you. But I want to add the following regarding the statement from you that I quoted above. It really annoys me so much when students and/or adults are made to feel that they are "wrong". Even if you make a mistake or do something incorrectly, your behavior may be in error, but you as a human being can never be "wrong". Please never feel that way. I'm not sure if that is how you feel or what you meant, but you are a wonderful person, no better or worse than any other person, and you are absolutely not wrong ever. :)


  12. @Black Rampage said:

    "That said, I don't see what the big deal about fund-raising in foreign countries is all about. Especially since decisions made in the white house often don't just impact the US itself, but a large portion of the rest of the world too. And I think we all know how much Israel gets influenced by the white house. (though that does seems to have diminished somewhat in recent years)"



    Personally, I think that it is a pretty big deal, if the funds being raised are coming from foreign nationals. If they are Americans living overseas, fine. However, how does one establish whether quid pro quo is involved (such as we suspect with our large pacs)? If they are foreign nationals,where do we draw the line? Are Israelis ok? Well, how about Palestinians? How about the Iranian Revolutianary Guard or the Russian Federation?? What about Saudis or the Japanese? Are all big oil producing countries ok, or only the ones with whom the American government is currently on good terms, etc., etc.,


    It just seems to me that other citizens and their money need to stay out of our elections and we need to stay out of theirs.

  13. Thanks so much for your quick response. I will probably take you up on your kind offer of assistance when I am ready to try it. I was trying to add the mod "Realistic Look", because I wanted to change the appearance of all of my ready made characters (companions). I think that was the mod that called for the Toolkit. Btw, I have no idea what an mrh file is (duh...)


    As far as the Chargenmorph file, I am pretty clear on that one. So far all of the mods that I have used that need one have reminded me that I need one but should only have one running at a time. So I am careful about watching for that.


    I only partially understood that part about adding to your presets separately, but will definitely ask you when I am at a point where I need to do something that extravagent.


    Thanks again for responding, and I am afraid you will probably be hearing from me shortly...:confused:

  14. I started on Nexus as a DAO player with no knowledge of mods or even what they were. With wonderful support from people like DarkWolfe and Thandal and many others I learned at least how to put a mod into my game and had hours of fun playing the game over and over as all the different characters in all of the different roles.


    Then I went to Oblivion, had a very brief comeback and then went on to Skyrim. Well I have missed DAO so much that I am back again. However, I am still pretty much a noob when it comes to modding, etc. So I still need lots of help and patience from anyone willing to provide same.


    I have been looking at all of the new and wonderful mods that are out there since my first days, and I note that many of them make mention of the fact that one needs to use the "ToolKit". Ok, I am already lost. Is the toolkit hard to use? Does it take modding credentials to use it? Some of the mods that I have in mind are ones that will change the appearance of the original companion characters. Is this the reason for needing the ToolKit? Will it be worth my while to learn the ToolKit?


    I know these are a lot of questions, but I might as well start off properly. Right now I have the DA Mod Manager and the DA CharGenMorphCompiler installed, and they are both working fine. They are all the utilities that I have. I have a few hair and face mods, a couple of romance mods, game enhancements and I think one armor mod. I do not have very many mods installed yet. (at least not compared to my Skyrim game - LOL)


    Any help and/or advice will be greatfully accepted. Thanks in advance.

  15. I have already posted in this thread and have very little more to add. However, I have just reread the quote from General McChrystal wherein he states that if a nation goes to war it should not be solely represented by a professional force, etc.


    In my humble opinion juries should be comprised of ones peers (i.e. the entire population); elections should be comprised of the entire electorate (i.e. the entire population); opinion polls should include the entire population, etc., etc., etc.


    However, operations requiring a certain amount of expertise should be carried out by those possessing said expertise and ability. We do not draft engineers, plumbers, electricians, cooks, etc. We train those we believe to have the essential knowledge and innate ability to do the job.


    Many of you by now are fairly clear on my views on warfare, but if we must fight them, let's fight them with people who have a desire and willingness to learn their jobs and are then professional at said jobs when they are doing them.


    That is all I have to add.... Have a nice and peaceful day all. :smile:


  16. I must admit to having little knowledge of this particular suit and action. However, prior to coming on the thread to respond I did some reading on the subject; and based on what I have read I believe that the suit does have some validity. It sounds to me as though the drone attack was just a bit of overkill (poor phrasing under the circumstances). From what I read (In the International Herald Tribune, A), it seems as though there may have been opportunities to capture these people and lessen the possibility of the collateral damage to innocents.


    In addition I have some serious questions about the drones being let loose in our own country despite what some have said about their intended "legitimate" usage. I just don't buy that for a minute.

  17. The simple fact that many people seem to want to forget is that schools aren't truly meant for creativity but for the intellectual aspect. The creative aspect is for the parents and individual to work on themselves if they decide to. The schools can't do it all and raise these kids for the parents. They will get a productive and useful intellectual education in the schools, and it's up to the parents to work on the rest.


    Tell that to our government..... they don't want schools to be babysitters, but, they won't let parents actually BE parents either.

    Parents who do not take on their responsibilities have no one to blame but themselves. What a droll concept..parents who instill a value system, work ethic and a moral center...wonder if such a radically new idea such as that could catch on? :facepalm:





  18. MB, just curious. Whom were you addressing with the "so stop with the stupid congressperson" remark in your last post (#14)? And secondly, please respond to my question which was directed specifically to you in my post #9 vis a vis whether or not you had actually read the entire bill and whether you would be prepared to enlighten those unenlightened of us regarding its most salient points.


    I am currently out of town with limited computer access, and each time I check back I still do not find that answer...


  19. Seems like a mincing of terms to me, in an effort to make things appear worse than they really are...... Just depends on what picture you are trying to paint.



    HeyYou, seems as though Aurielius got lectured in an above post for attempting to help out. Sometimes one cannot win. Ah well. I will attempt to clarify what he was saying to you in agreement with that other person. (and I do not really agree with your thought that it is mincing of words here). If there is a law in place meant to protect someone's civil rights, you are right in that it is not "forcing" you to do anything. However, if you do violate that law, there are penalties attached to that violation. You must pay those penalties. In effect, you are "forced" to obey the law. Personally, I do not find anything wrong with that. We live (theoretically) in a democratic society, and that is our structure. I have no problem obeying the law most of the time. If I have a problem with a law I tend to speak out about it.

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