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About Lazysheepherd

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    There's No Spoon!
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    Dreaming Huge.

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  1. Hello all! I won't be around for a while. Good luck to you all in your life!
    Me loves you all!
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    2. Deleted6317247User
    3. Lazysheepherd


      I'm ba... :O NO comments on the music!? Mh.. I still love that piece anyways. =D

      Thank you all, and *hugs all* =)

      I've been so much busy both day & night with business stuff. Now it's falling into routine for some time, so I'm glad to back!!

      Missed you guys all! ;)

    4. Deleted54170User


      I just got back from a roadster trip. I just took off the vampire repellent gear, the werewolf attraction gear, the pagan symbol, and am about to eat a bread delight called a bear claw with maple frosting on it. I'm just having fun getting old. :- ) Business? What kind of business, you young whipper snapper? ;- p
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