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About Lazysheepherd

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  1. Moving from countryside to big city... Awkward times waiting for me, I'd guess.
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    2. Deleted54170User


      Wow! The city is an adventure. For sure, Make it your own adventure. Plan! Plan! Focus on the height of your own conceit and aim for fortune and glory. When you get to the top of the heap, you will see where everyone elses left their mark and then you can slide back down so we can go get something to eat at one of the local restaurants. By the way, what city? I'll need to know that, so I can recommend a place to drink, dine, and talk about your days adventure. I'm thi...
    3. Deleted54170User


      ...nking of returning to university for a day or two, to see how it has evolved. If I could zip over in a plane we could meet for dinner and you could tell me about your adventures, otherwise tell here, post it, I'll just get a bottle of http://www.southernwines.com/bleasdale-the-red-brute-sparkling-shiraz-nv/wine-online.cfm properly chilled for while we sip and chat. Take your time, think, and make plans. Adventures are much better when you arrive a bit prepared. Plan to discover, become...
    4. Deleted54170User


      ... rich, and buy back the farm. :- )
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