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About Lazysheepherd

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    There's No Spoon!
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    Dreaming Huge.

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  1. There's a Hacker character and skills inside you, but you do not know it yet! Don't believe so? Visit: http://hackertyper.com :D
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Yay! Hackertyping party! I believe I will pack all my toys and move to a place where coffee is the normal daily drink. I have heard the country Turkey has the best coffee! :- ) Now where did I put my thinking cap? It is a requirement for me to continue. Thinking, that is! ;- p
    3. Ithildin


      Love that link; great find! Almost makes me feel like I know what I'm doing. XD


      A world without social media (except Nexus) sounds good to me - bring on the kitty photos!

    4. Lazysheepherd


      LOL ith.

      Hmm. Good to see so much fellow non-socialMedia people.

      *hugs all*

      And yes dear 5746, we should definitely let Nexus running as it is! =)

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