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About Lazysheepherd

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  1. I wasn't around lately, come back with couple pics. And I'll be busy for couple days again. Link to album: https://picasaweb.google.com/116558049929270226801/EndOfTheDay
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. wolfsangeleyes


      Love the pics. My camera broke down years ago and i desperately want a new one. What type of camera do you use?
    3. Lazysheepherd



      I use "Nikon coolpix s2500".

      It's not such quality camera.

      I must say everything is really good about it except it's lenses power. Pictures easily gets blurry.

      And it's impossible to catch moving objects.


      For a single scene, I pick many pictures and select less blurry ones to keep. =)

    4. wolfsangeleyes


      He Lazy, thanks. My camera broke years ago and i really want to get a new one so any info will help. I read online that IS (image stabiliser) helps for the things you mentioned and now i'm getting a Canon 1100D with stabiliser in the lens. It will probably take me quite a while to figure out but that's ok.
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