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About Lazysheepherd

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    There's No Spoon!
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    Dreaming Huge.

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  1. Just echoing; Silent mode has promoted to Offline mode. Will not be around much for some time. Will miss you all, be well.
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      LOL not exactly.

      I echoed what is already seen but still untold. =)

      And, thank you!

    3. brokenergy


      Go to zen mode, and master the art young child
    4. Deleted54170User


      Your work is important, but the journey is your life story so always take a short pause in your adventures to look at the life in everything around you.

      Blackberries?! Where?! I don't see any blackberries. Oooh! You ate them already! How do I know?! You have blackberry juice tattooing you down your chin. You ate a kilo of them?! O.o Well! Now go wash your face you greedy blackberry eater. :- D LOL

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