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  1. Because when I started developing the mod ( Wayfinder ) I was relatively inexperienced, I worked at it piecemeal without ever hashing out whether the structure I was adopting was going to even be feasible. Now I'm in a position where the mod functions perfectly normally--but when I add an additional (formlist) property to its main script, it breaks the functionality. Rather than try to articulate how the mod functions, I was hoping someone could just take a look at its broad strokes to see what might be going on. It's primarily csbmagellanquest04locations quest that is involved here and that I think is the problem. All I have done since the last posted version is add the DLC as masters and attempt to add to that script a formlist property for a formlist containing Solstheim cave map markers. Upon doing this, the skse setname trick to add text entries to the book suddenly stops working. I verify with debugs that all is actually functioning normally, it's just that the text never shows up in the book. Replacing the script with the previous version doesn't return functionality--only replacing the esp, which presumably is storing the property information. I know it's a big ask, but I'm desperate !
  2. I wanted to come back to update the thread with my solution to the problem. First, let's recap the problem: 1) start enabled quest has dialogue that is assigned to vanilla npc - dialogue works beautifully. 2) change nothing about mod other than add dragonborn (or other dlc) as master to my mod 3) now 'dialogue bug' is present in mod. It manifests in this way: none of my added dialogue options appears for npc even after starting new game. 4) If the player saves, re-loads. Then the dialogue topics appear My solution to this problem was to: 1) make the quest associated with the added dialogue NOT start enabled 2) make a new 'helper' quest that is start-enabled. Have startup stage of this helper quest start() the quest associated with the dialogue. 3) boom - everything works beautifully.
  3. One more test done: renaming the .esp and .bsa of my bugged version results in a version without the dialogue bug. Of course, voice files get broken Of course I had to rename the voice folder to match the new .esp, but regardless, the dialogue worked immediately. What's up with that ? Is this a meta-data problem with LOOT or MO2 'remembering' something about my mod (re masters e.g.) by its esp name and then when a different version with the same esp name is loaded, Loot OR MO2 is erring somehow ?
  4. After some testing, here's what I find: with working version(v1), which only has Update as master, if I add one dlc as master => bug returns with v1, if I first remove update as master and add dragonborn, v2 works fine. But if I add dawnguard => bug returns with v1, if I remove update as master and add dawnguard, v2 works fine. But if I add dragonborn or hearthfires => bug returns. What this looks like is, if I maintain the same number of DLC masters, ie. 1, things are great. I can add any of them and it's fine. But if I have > 1 DLCs listed as masters, I get the dialogue bug.
  5. Yep - I don't know either. But the ID is the only thing that differs between the working version and the non-working one. Just to be clear, I start a new game for the comparisons. There's nothing baked into a save being loaded up.
  6. When you say "all these formid changes are fixed" do you mean 'corrected' or 'static' ? If you mean 'corrected' - yeah, that's what seems to be happening. Dialogue with quest formid starting with 02xxxxxx is now 05xxxxxx after adding DLC masters doesn't work even on new game. But if you save-reload, it 'fixes'. That's exactly my situation. I really want to say it's a seq problem that tells the game to look for 02xxxxxx quest (with dialogue) instead of 05xxxxxx, but surely it's only looking at the last 6 digits. And anyway, the seq works fine for the start-enabled quest because it's running.. fuh....
  7. I hadn't heard of it until you mentioned it. Looking at SSEEDIT, the order of masters loaded (dawn,hearth,dragonb) seems fine. But if that did get screwed up because of gremlins etc., why would that stop dialogue from my mod from starting up ? The dialogue isn't contingent on any aspect of the DLCs. The quest with the dialogue starts up fine, checked via sqv. It's only the dialogue that's affected.
  8. Sorry - yes, I should be more clear. The quest ID was 02xxxxxx and then all I did was add DLC as masters and now the quest ID is 05xxxxxx. This seems to be expected behavior. I suppose when we say 'quest ID' most people are only thinking of the last 6 digits..? But no--the pertinent portion (last 6) is indeed the same. Because it's the only change to the quest I see between versions (first is fine, second has bug), I'm speculating the 02 -> 05 change might be relevant to the bug. Note: the quest we're talking about is start game enabled and starts up NORMALLY. ONLY the dialogue is affected. Save - reload fixes it. But it's still a bug. I also want to add - I'm always starting a new game when testing.
  9. So I remembered that the FormIds of the quest would change when adding masters and thought re-generating the seq file would be the solution. But that doesn't seem to work.
  10. Thanks, Peter ! Yep - backups are in the cloud. Rolling back is fine. It's only the most recent (unpublished) iteration that has the bug. If it were a cosmic ray I could at least blame the gods and be done with it. But in this case, I'm kind of stuck and can't proceed because the next step of the mod requires adding DLC as masters. But adding DLC as masters introduces the bug ! So I'm not sure I can do anything other than proceed with the bug embedded. I know - how immersive to tell users to not worry when at first there is no dialogue - just reload ! - then you have dialogue. I believe a single reload sorts out the problem for the rest of the game, but who knows ?
  11. Okay - here's what I've found in testing. 1. in re-testing, replacing the esp with the older one DOES resolve the problem (but could still be fragment change called from .esp as well--not necessarily form change) 2. Running past version that works normally, I added DLC as masters to .esp to match one of the differences in the versions and saved .esp. Bug returns ! V1 works perfectly re: dialogue while V2 has added dragonborn, dawnguard, hearthfires as Masters as the only difference. edit: I also noticed: 3. removing all masters (DLC) fixed bug, but then adding them again (sseedit) re-introduced it.
  12. Today I noticed that dialogue I had previously added for vanilla npcs wasn't showing up in game. Thinking it was some weird form change I made since the last version or a script problem or a seq file that needed regeneration, I replaced each element one at a time looking for a change. Nothing. But then I remembered JaySerpa suggesting for his mercenary mod that a re-load (for such a bug) may resolve things. Bingo. It did. I saved, re-loaded and suddenly the dialogue was there. But why for versions 1-64 of my mod is that not a problem and for version 65 and presumably all subsequent versions it is a problem ? Have you seen this ?
  13. I thought that might be the case -- thanks for pointing out the distinction between regular and light esp re syntax. I know that it seems like I'm a moron here, but I struggle for time to learn this stuff and sometimes when I achieve something that works (compiles, functions well in-game) I just move on with other problems. The getformfromfile as I had it worked for me so I marched onward.. That will make about 2 hours of work to resolve, but I'll never make that error again ! Can you explain why this is ?
  14. Yep - that's what I did before posting OP. I confirmed radiant system is grabbing a different map marker for a modded location instead of the map marker for silent moons. But when you get the radiant quest it says it's sending you to silent moons. And when you clear SMC it satisfies the quest. It just fuuhhhgs with my scripting for these very oddball cases.
  15. I've been using getformfromfile a fair bit in the mod I created but am aware that having something working well on my system doesn't entail things working well on someone else's system. In my code, e.g., I have: If Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0490EC6D, "EasierRidersDungeonPackSSE.esp") != None ;create a bunch of string arrays here Endif The idea is that I only want to generate the string arrays if I'm using them - and they're only useful if that mod is installed. 0490EC6D happens to be the form id of a map marker originating in that mod. Is there something more I should be considering here ? Or is this fine ?
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