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  1. create a sneak package that use greater distance from the player when the player is sneaking, then have it higher in the alias AI stack the default follow me package so its overrides it to make: duplicate the default follow me package and make the changes above, YES, you can have Global for dialogue.. like still to close close move further back.. for custom distances and multiple packages.. if it does not work, check everything, the package procedure might be OK, but the conditions or AI stack might be wrong or vice versa EDIT use AFT if above is challenging
  2. I love this thread.. so entertaining, but agreeing with @scorrp10 and @xkkmEl use a property and try these mods Add Menu Item Jaxonz Positioner they should cover your all needs regarding turning console cheats into objects
  3. Is this a console thingy? Yeah I clicked the link, are you using mfg console? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44596 Try using that to get the base ID or another equivalent type mod that does the same thing to enhance the console the base XX ID value is ofc dependant of item clicked, but in the console it will display as a hex number, there is no need to do any thing else.. you mis-understood the gist of the post you linked. see the images from that mod above to see how the base ID displays in the console
  4. try playing it, in my experience that is not required, it plays the xwm files just fine, just leave the wav in the record, btw dialogue works the same way, if you convert wav and lip to fuzz, you do not need to open xEdit and mess with it, it just works
  5. Create a while loop, but instead of using indices, use it like an list iterator: String function nextKey(Int object, String previousKey="", String endKey="") global native There more info in the source code, even an example on how to use it? EDIT some lite reading for you https://github.com/SilverIce/JContainers/wiki
  6. check these in the kit mouthhumanf.nif and mouthhumanf.tri for the follower's head parts , then check they actually exist has files in the data folder, would be step one if that not a wig? I do not remember Tania looking like that, most probably you have broken something, when making changes to her
  7. @Terenzz Yes absolutely, Github Pages is much better option than having dramas of webpages server, for your code/application website, plus it is free
  8. if your tired of steam updating games, remember you did give them permission, the best strategy is update with launching, then only only launch it offline... yeah it is extra inconvenient work, but that the cost of doing business, modding a game and version control but follow your reasoning, you launch it and it stated it need to update.. do the extra steps
  9. btw Campfire doe not require SkyUI as a master, unless the compiler spat the dummy.. you might wanna double check you downloaded the right PSC there too https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/wiki oops wait? I will fix it https://skyrimsurvival.com/home/campfire/mod-developers/
  10. easy ignore the download options on SkyUI Main page on GitHub, But look at the main page menu bar, see "wiki" click that, then download the SDK that matches the SkyUI version you are using
  11. then remember correlation doesn't imply causation don't waste to much time on those test.
  12. try this but a warning it will require Nifskope, and is similar to merging RaceMenu head with CK for facegen (sort of) learn to use Nifskope, my instruction suck, I am coder open two instance of Nifskope load the minimum weight 0 in one load the maximum weight 1 in the other NOTE this is not copy and paste, but paste over copy over the mesh data of nif 1 to 0 with paste over, where its branches match (it may not be in the same order or location) repeat until all branches are pasted over you now have two meshes of maximum weight save the 0 nif as the 1 nif overwriting it this leaves nif 0 in original state both nif are now identical except one is minimum weight and the other maximum weight bodyslide not a replacement for Nifskope, you generate the errors with it you create the mock-ups out of of sequential order with bodyslide
  13. the games have diverged, relatively speaking they are the same, absolutely they are not, you can upgrade any LE to SE, but it is not alway possible to downgrade any SE to LE.. so the development environment totally depends on the mod, it is not set in stone, and needs to be case by case consideration.
  14. depends what is quicker for you, fixing it or starting from scratch, only you can answer that. To fix it maybe remove the duplicates with xEdit first, and then set the Master with Wrye, it sometimes works.. no guarantees but what important here, is do you fully understand about flipping the bit the header, it is what what designates a plugin as a master, not the extension.. think of it as (sort of) a signed or unsigned integer, if ya know what that is?.. anywho it is very important the bit is flipped
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