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  1. Guys, I am looking for a mod that changes the level up screen. I am looking for something like the one in Skyrim where if you still have levels to go up, you still get to choose the stat you want to increase. I am tired of having to go to sleep for each level up, and each time it is only 1 level. For example, if you worked really hard and successfully increased the value of 5 levels, you have to go to sleep, choose 3 attributes, then go to sleep again for another 4 times so that you can take advantage of those 5 levels. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance!
  2. Well, I spent the last few hours, as Steam was downloading both games, checking the mods and softwares. I want your opinions on my selection. For Fallout 3: -FOSE -FO3 3GB enabler -FO3 New Game Crash Fix for Windows 7 -Games for Windows Live Disabler -Pipboy Readius -Fellout and its DLCs support -FOOK2 v1-2 Open Beta. But I am also looking and reading for Fallout Remastered as M48A5 suggested. I am not too clear which one is superior. Or even FWE... Maybe more FWE since it appears to be the most extensive. For New Vegas: -NVSE -4GB Fallout New Vegas -Increase Performance pack -Pipboy Readius -Fellout -FOOK or Project Nevada. But after reading the info on both, I am leaning towards Project Nevada. So overall, what do you guys think? Do you think that should fix and prepare my games for me (it's been at least 1 year since I last played). I will add more mods as my whims dictate. But these ones would be the core. Anything else anybody can suggest?
  3. You bet! My laptop can handle this game at the highest resolution and highest framerate without flinching. Does these two games need something like SKSE for Skyrim? And I am talking about overall patches to correct game flaws and the likes. The mods I will try out as I go through the games.
  4. Guys, I have some free time soon and want to go back to Fallout 3 and to play New Vegas. But the things is that I have downloaded the Steam version of both games. So I wanted to know what I needed to do to get both my games ready for mods. I will use the Nexus Mod Manager and have already installed BOSS to help me with the load orders of the mods. They have been useful to no end for both Oblivion and Skyrim. So after I finished installing both games, what else should I install? Are there any unofficial patches that I MUST install to smooth out gameplay or to correct errors that escaped Bethesda's notice (something like OOO for Oblivion)? I have an Alienware M17X-R2 with 2 ATI 5870 a lot of RAM and HDD. So I think my computer can handle almost every thing you can throw at it. So please do not hesitate to suggest things... Thanks in advance!
  5. Thanks HoovesDerpy. At first I thought it was the iron armor. But it did not feel right.
  6. Guys, I am now strong enough to go without my super equipment. So I was wondering: what are the different armor the Dragonborn wears in the ads? I want to wear it just for fun's sake. Thanks in advance for the info!
  7. Crap, that explains a few things. I have started the basic install. So I will uninstall the whole lot and create a c:/Games. Thanks for the advice. Any other advice for more mods, guys?
  8. Hey guys, I am about to reinstall Oblivion. Skyrim has rekindled my attraction for Oblivion. But Since I bought the game I have changed my computer, and I heard Oblivion might not be completely compatible with Windows 7. So I just wanted your opinion on how to best reinstall Oblivion. I have an Alienware M17X with -Core i7 x920 @2.00GHZ -RAM 8Gig -Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1 -2 ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5800 series. -1TB of Hard drive I think this more than adequate to push the game to maximum beauty. Here is my install plan: 1. Oblivion 1 2. Official patch 1.1.511 3. Shivering Isle (which brings it to 1.2.201) 4. Official Shivering patch 1.2.0416 5. All the DLCs. 6. Unofficial Oblivion patch 3.2.0 7. Unoficial Shivering patch 1.4.0 8. Unofficial Oblivion Mod patch This is what I found on the net. It worked when I installed it on my Inspiron 3200 with Windows XP. After that I want to install mods that will push the game to better graphic heights. I will install them in this order: 1. Qarl's texture pack III 2. Better Cities Is there anything else I should install to improve the graphics? After that I want to install mods to change the game characters, also in descending order: 1. HG EyeCandy Body v.1.21 2. Ren Beauty pack v1.1 but I am wondering if I should install Moonshadow elves. 3. Colourwheels sexy Oblivion. Are those adequate mods to change the characters? Finally I want to add some mods for unique items: -Add map markers. -Adonnay's Elven Weaponry. -Assassins Creed 2 Ezio's Gear. -BloodBob's raised Spellmaking and enchanting limits. -Cyrodiil terrain map. -Divine touch. -Okari Weapons. -Tyrael Armor. They gave me great fun last time I installed the game! Do these mods make sense to you guys who are a lot more tech savy than I am? Does anybody have more recommendations?
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