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About VokunGrohiikDovah

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  1. As a games design student and proficient 3D modeller, that makes me want to puke. Even if that section of the model is all supposed to be using that same section of the texture, that's a disgusting way to do it. And Bethesda is supposed to hire professionals?
  2. Don't use 3DS max. Use Blender. Export to OBJ from Blender (3ds will change the object orientation). Open Outfit Studio. Import the OBJ. Scale the OBJ to 0.1. Load Reference shape from NIF (or CBBE default). Right-click on your shapes and copy bone weights. Delete the reference object (I usually have to do a rename of the reference before it will let me). Export to NIF. You now have a weight painted NIF from OBJ. Just don't use 3ds unless you have the NIF plugin and are familiar with using it. I tried, and it was complete rubbish. Blender is better - and it is free. As far as I know, Blender can't get the body model from the nif, but 3ds Max can. Though I've heard there's a plugin in beta that might be able to do it. If I could get body models into Blender, that would be sooo helpful since I prefer Blender anyway. And as for the parts about Outfit Studio, I've never used it before, but from what you say, it seems like I can skip Nifskope altogether, which eliminates the problems I was having with it completely. Thanks, and I'll give it a try. Also, for this post. I saw an image about a month ago on Nexus which was a WIP Big Sister suit. I think it was by the guy who done the Submersible Power Armour, so that's underway. Link to the latest images: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/56001/?
  3. I found this post because I wanted the very same mod. I'd start working on it right here and now if I could get 3dsMax to install, but I've had problems installing it every time I've tried. And then there's the problem of me being better at modelling weapons and objects, not organic shapes like bodies and clothes, and then there's actually getting it back into Fallout when I can't seem to get my models into nifskope... Seems there's no hope for this...
  4. As far as I can tell, Fallout 4's CBBE and Skyrim's CBBE textures almost perfectly overlap. I'd go so far as to say you could take the textures, put a skin-coloured background and just rename them appropriately and shove them into a unique player mod with CBBE meshes. But if you did that then it might look *slightly* weird, since Skyrim CBBE textures were ever so slightly smaller than Fallout 4's, which means you may need to use the distort or resize tool a little to get it to fit. Or, if it's something simple like a few tattoos, you could cut them from the Skyrim texture and paste them onto the Fallout 4 texture. And, if all else fails, find a way to make a body mod using your Skyrim body. But really, they fit over eachother really well, so a little tweaking should be just fine. And using bodyslide, you might be able to get something similar to the shape of your Skyrim Body. And don't loose hope, I've seen a post of a guy who managed to port his ARGONIAN into Fallout! Beast races were complicated enough in Skyrim, but he managed to put it into Fallout 4 as the player character, and he ported his usual armour from Skyrim too! What I'm saying is, if someone can do that, then this is absolutely 100% possible.
  5. I don't know if this has been said (Since I couldn't be bothered reading more than the first page and a half) but CBBE can be fully customised in Bodyslide to your preference. This means no "melons for breasts" (There's a slider for melon breasts, which actually uses the word "melon" and you can slide it to 0) and you can scale body parts to as "realistic" as you like. There is also a "Slim" option for CBBE which is to the benefit of those who do not want large breasts and/or butt. To my knowledge, UNP can also be changed in Bodyslide (Correct me if I'm wrong) so there's not really any difference in "realism" or "oversexualising" due to body scales. People claim UNP has better normal maps, but I haven't seen any noticeable difference in screenshots (I've never even used UNP), and it seems like an almost insignificant thing compared to the fact that there are more mods available for CBBE. That said, UNP armour mods seem to work fine even if you use CBBE - from my experience, anyway. This may hold true in reverse as well. The normal maps of CBBE can also be improved through retexture mods which may change the texture and the normal map. Yet again, the same could be said for UNP. In the end, neither is really better; it's just about personal preference. They're both equivalent and the only advantage of one over the other is that CBBE has more armour mods.
  6. Can someone make the PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate II? It's the gun that was used by Sinon in Sword Art Online (And yes I know it's a real gun too). Ever since watching SAO I've wanted the gun in fallout 4. It should just be a simple weapon mod, and I would make it myself were I familiar with fallout modding (putting a sword into skyrim is about the extent of my modding skills).
  7. I understand binary (I take computing and am pretty damn good at it if I do say so myself) but doesn't skyrim allocate esps and esms hexidecimal not binary? Hence it going 1-9 then switching to a-f when looking through IDs.
  8. I currently have 270 active mods on skyrim and in the NMM where it says the number of active mods, a warning triangle (yellow with a ! in it) is before the number, and the number is red. If I hover over the triangle, it says "Too many active plugins! Skyrim won't start!" but my game starts up fine, and runs fine. So is there actually a limit or is NMM just saying that as more of a recommendation? PS. If you think 270 is a lot of mods, I have lots of inactive ones as well.
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