Basically skyradio but without all the extra crap, and the ability to select the track that plays. (Even if this limits the number of tracks greatly.) There was one for morrowind (music box) and skyrim (mp3 player/ipod) but so far noone has successfully made it right for skyrim, the closest to date is skyradio, and it just lacks the most obvious feature immaginable. The ability to select the track. Not sure if this is either impossible to do with skyrim's limited engine. (Doubtful since it's been done in every single one of it's 3d predeccessors perfectly.) Or if people just didn't think of making a good one for skyrim yet. This is BADLY needed, if it can be done, please make this, if it has been done, tell me, then slap the guy who named it so poorly that no search result could find it over the past two years.