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Status Updates posted by Druuler

  1. I just noticed you dropped by my profile last month.  This is what I get for not paying attention around here.  I hope you are doing well!

  2. I cannot think of any changes to Nexus Mods from the passed 18 months or so that I actually like.  So far, everything has resulted in my spending less time here, and I have actually considered having my account deleted.  That would be a waste of the last almost 14 years though...  😕

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ithildin


      I hear that. 🫂 It was a lot of fun, one of the things I liked best about the Nexus. Some of the people on my friends list haven't been back here in years, probably since the last sweeping change to the way profile interactions worked. I hope you saved TPI + comments to your hard drive or a backup drive, in case things become even more difficult to track down.

    3. Druuler


      I still have all of the story images, both the original screenshots and the ones with the post-work for speech and thought bubbles.  I have never thought to copy the comments sections, but that is something that I should look into at some point.  Hmmm....

    4. Ithildin


      If it were me, I'd put it all in a Word document, save it to hard drive and backup drive so it'll never be permanently lost in spite of what changes are made to this site.

      The one time I participated in any online RP was here; I should see if I can still find that and practice what I'm preaching. 😬

  3. I don't know about you, but I think this new set up is useless.  I used to be on the site every day if I could manage it.  Now, I have to remember to bother...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ithildin


      I'm not sure how much space I have to reply, so please bear with me if I have to break this into pieces. I found the following info here last night:



      10 December 2023, 5:07AM
      I hope they find a way to bring back the friends lists, I and many others relied on it ...

          10 December 2023, 7:30AM
          For the moment, all you need to do is put ?tab=friends at the end of your mod-side profile link to access your list of friends.  Copy down the information ... because I am sure that will be going away soon. ...

      For example, I went to my mod-side profile page and added the text in green below:


      The number 2083934 is associated with my user account, so of course you'd want to replace it with yours. I was able to add everyone who used to be on my friends list to my "followed" list. To access yours, I believe this should work regardless of which user is looking at it, as long as you're logged in. In addition to typing everyone's user name in a Notepad doc, I bookmarked these links for my use in the future, unless/until the site deletes them. 🫤

    3. Druuler


      That worked!  Thanky!

    4. Ithildin


      You're welcome! 😀

  4. Three new renders posted on my DeviantArt account! https://www.deviantart.com/csbsinfiniteworlds/gallery
  5. I finally uploaded a mod for the first time in forever! Yay me! XD
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VisseNekku5746


      ...secrets that he shows. It was the reason my love for the game reignited and I came back here.

      Such a good game.

    3. Druuler


      WilliamSea recently updated his Nightmare Realm mod, then a number of people started asking for a TTW version. One person had commented that they had converted it and enjoyed playing through it, which resulted in someone asking for a link. I responded by telling them that it could not be shared unless WilliamSea have his permission. Right after that, WilliamSea gave me permission to do the conversion an post it.
    4. Druuler


      With that said, Nightmare Realm is a well done mod, and made even better if you are a fan of Doctor Who and/or Monty Python's Holy Grail. :)
  6. I saw you peeking on my profile earlier today, so I thought I would drop by and return the favour! I hope you continue to beat that diagnosis!
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Druuler


      Also, if you are curious about what I have been doing over the last while, other than lurking around here, and if you (still?) have a DeviantArt account, You can find out here: https://www.deviantart.com/csbsinfiniteworlds/gallery

      Enjoy your weekend! :)

    3. VisseNekku5746


      I follow your DA and have done for as long as I can remember. :D

      Delighted to hear you're in contact with them. They are real good beans. I was in contact with Ithil the longest, and a couple of messages with Ultrajet pretty recently.

      But I haven't heard of Odile for a very long while. If she's on Facebook, please say hi to her for me! Facebook is not my scene.


      I'm active on discord though, so it would be nice to connect with whoever is there.

    4. Druuler


      I am Druuler#8919 on Discord, and I will pass along the Hi to Odile for you! :)
  7. I am still repeating myself here, but New renders added to my Deviant Art account! https://www.deviantart.com/csbsinfiniteworlds
  8. I am repeating myself here, but New renders added to my Deviant Art account! https://www.deviantart.com/csbsinfiniteworlds
  9. New renders added to my Deviant Art account! https://www.deviantart.com/csbsinfiniteworlds
  10. Happy Birthday!!!!!!
  11. Been a while, so I thought I would drop by and see how you are doing. :)
  12. New reder of Cameron posted on my Deviant Art account!!! https://www.deviantart.com/druuler
    1. Druuler


      Okay, I cannot proofread my own stuff it seems. It is a new RENDER of Cameron....
  13. I finally did another update on my blog! http://druuscomic.blogspot.com/
  14. Happy Fourth of July! I hope it is a safe and enjoyable one! :)
  15. Happy Fourth of July! I hope it is a safe and enjoyable one! :)
    1. Ithildin


      Thank you kindly - so far, so good. :) I can hear some people setting off fireworks in our neighborhood, and think I'm also hearing a "pro" show out on the lake about a mile away, but we're staying home tonight rather than trying to find parking within walking distance of a display somewhere. If we weren't surrounded by very tall trees, we could likely watch the local show from a window.


      I hope you and yours are well and happy! Thanks again!

    2. Druuler


      You are most welcome! :)
  16. New render uploaded to my Deviant Art account: https://www.deviantart.com/druuler
  17. New post on my blog! http://druuscomic.blogspot.com/
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ithildin


      ... that name elsewhere - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultraviolet_(film) - she had nothing in common with my character other than name and gender, so CoH had no issue with me using the name. (They were known for being sticklers since Marvel and DC had threatened them over players' ability to create characters that shared power sets and appearances with copyrighted characters *and* were able to be named the same, assuming the name wasn't already in use by another player.) Long story...
    3. Ithildin


      ... longer, I'm curious to see what your legal source will have to say about your Echo.
    4. Druuler


      I am rather curious as well. To be honest, I am playing it safe with not just planning on going ahead and using the character as is, and not worrying about what DC has to say. If I intended the superhero story to be just something I was going to share with the world, I would not be worried at all, but, since it is one of my story ideas that I intend to generate income with, I need to cover all of my bases, so to speak.
  18. After almost a full 12 years, I have finally hit 9000 posts! Woohoo!
    1. Ithildin


      Wow, congratulations! That's quite an achievement, especially since you spend so much time posting to help people - mod troubleshooting, etc. You answered my own questions about utilities/mods to improve FO3 stability awhile ago. (Thanks again for that!)


      Does it seem like it's been 12 years to you? Feels more like 5 or so since I joined.

    2. Druuler


      No, I cannot say it actually feels like it has been that long at all. Most of my experience here has been an enjoyable one, although there has been a bit of "drama" between myself and a couple of other members in the past. As enjoyable as helping folks around here can be, the high point of my membership has been the interaction with other members when I was working on The Phoenix Imperative. Something I am hoping to replicate, once I get the story rebooted.


      Speaking of T...

    3. Druuler


      (Damned character limit) Speaking of TPI, I posted a couple of test renders on Deviant Art earlier in the week, and I might be posting a couple more before the weekend is over. No promises on that though.
  19. Five more posts, and I will finally hit the 9000 mark! I have only been at it for almost 12 years....
    1. Ithildin


      Very impressive! I have just 4300 in about that same time (you joined Nexus ~ two months before me). Happy almost-Nexus-anniversary btw. :)
    2. Druuler


      Thank-you! :)
    3. Druuler


      One more to go...
  20. Been too long again, so I thought I would drop by and see if you were still around. I hope you are doing well! :)
  21. Lurking again...
  22. Three new renders added to my Deviant Art account! https://www.deviantart.com/druuler
  23. And to mess with your head even more, I updated my blog again! XD http://druuscomic.blogspot.com/
  24. Just to mess with your head, I updated my blog for the first time in...wow, that long? https://druuscomic.blogspot.com/
    1. Ithildin


      Nine years? O_O Very cool! I hope to read some of the "tales moldering in [your] brain" and see your latest Daz renders soonish. ("Life happens" is an understatement nowadays, so I'll understand if soonish becomes not-so-soonish.)
    2. Druuler


      Well, unless I manage to finalize at least one render this weekend, I will not have anything new to post on either dA or Comicville. I am not sure when you were last on dA, but I think I uploaded at least one image since your last visit, and of Harley Quinn at that.
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