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Everything posted by maniacwolf

  1. well that was... seems it was a problem related to an animations mod... i uninstalled FNSI and pc exclusive anims with all anims included... it seems to be working well now now i must experiment a while until i can re-install them without causing the same conflict.. thanks Ripple and InfinityXenon
  2. Greetings. well this "glitch" started some time ago... when an npc engages combat, mostly all the times they don'w sheath their sword back, and wander around as usual with their sword in hand, but not in attack stance, just walking and when the combat begins they don'w use their sword (don't know why). This is also causing conflict with the Convenient horses mod, because companion npc's wont use the horn to call their horses when they are with their sword unsheathed... anu help on this? thanks.
  3. Just 2 let all people know... it seems the source of the problem is the oblivon.ini file... i downloaded a pre-optimized file and guess what?? the self shadows was looking as it was supposed to! (not that bad... only) and yup... hope people can read this and investigate more on this... roar!
  4. Just 2 let all people know... it seems the source of the problem is the oblivon.ini file... i downloaded a pre-optimized file and guess what?? the self shadows was looking as it was supposed to! (not that bad... only) and yup... hope people can read this and investigate more on this... roar!
  5. yo, sorry 4 the delay... thanks LFact, seems this one will be the one, but i cant try it at now, I'm experimenting with blender and I'll focus on it on a while. thanks you so much, really appreciated!!
  6. this... seems to be a dead end... last thing, i use Win 7, I've heard about some incompatibilities sith that OS, even i'm having a hard time wit running 3D's max and blender... guess something wrong with the .Net framework... seems i need to throw my pc through the window... I have no more to say, but if u discover more about this little issue, i'll be here, thanks a lot 4 the support!!
  7. mmm... seems complicated that way... also the randomize doesn't work, everything changes but not skin tone... i readed something in the official site, here, let me put it here so you can tell me what you think Notes The texture feature here is the same as the Tone selection on the Race Menu screen. *Unfortunately, changes in texture on the Face Advanced tab will neither display nor apply for NPCs whose facial texture has been Exported and saved into Oblivion.bsa. The reason is currently unknown. If you wish to alter facial texture for these NPCs, you must either ArchiveInvalidate or replace the texture file. (Oblivion\Data\Textures\Faces\Oblivion.esm\(8-digit_FormID)_0.dds) that is what it says... but no much idea what it means...
  8. mmm... not shure if this fit in your criteria, but i was testing the sliders by trying to make Martin (Uriel's son) more like prince charming, mooded the age, face shape, and attempted to do with skin tone, i moved the sliders but that was the only thing i couldn't change, even the hair changed... no crash or atomic explosion (i used to play fallout) UPDATE: i discovered than if i create a totally new npc, i can actually change any valor at wish, but no with pre-created (almos vanilla) NPC's... gives you an idea??
  9. hmmm... so you are suggesting the cosmetic mod may been causing problems?? well i have roberts male body and hgec body replacers, along with another one called CCC, and... there is no way to correct that problem from the cs?? i mean, i was about to re-make a lot of npc's and i can't use nifscope or similars due software problems on my pc... there is no way you know for fix the glitch??
  10. hi guyz!! i was attempting to make some of the ugly characters of oblivion to be not much ugly but, the skin shade control (or any texture control on cs) won't work!! any slide of that control do anything, and im kinda tired looking at answers... anyone have an idea BTW: i'm trying to use a cosmetic compilation mod (eyes, hair, etc...), but even without it anything happen (loading only the oblivion esm.) that dont seems to work neither
  11. hi, i just started to play oblivion and i remember i saw there was a spell than looks like fireworks, i haben't been able to find it, so i'm asking if there is no stand alone version of it, or a way to find it... ideas??
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